May Favourites 2017


I am so happy May is done, it’s always a bit of a dreary month for me because of exams and revision… two of my least favourite things. These are the main reasons that I haven’t tried many new products or been shopping much! Hopefully that will change from June and I can now shop like crazy in the summer… or just browse online haha! Anyways, here are a few of the different things I have been enjoying throughout May:

  • Seventeen Instant Glow Shimmer Brick in Gold Bronze: I wasn’t completely sure whether to include this because I think it has been discontinued 😦 I bought a while ago, so I probably shouldn’t be using it for much longer haha! This bronzer shapes your face and gives you a natural sunkissed glow- which is what I am after. Looking online I have tried to look for similar bronzers to try and apparently Bobbi Brown does a similar product and so does Revlon, but I haven’t used them myself.
  • Bourjois’ Radiance Reveal Concealer, £7.99: I think this concealer does have some hype surrounding it, so I wanted to give it a go. I actually bought it a couple of months ago but haven’t used it much until this month. For me, this concealer works best under the eyes to disguise those bags… which have been particularly large throughout May! I would definitely recommend this if you want an under eye-concealer, I think it is a bit too brightening on blemishes on my skin though.
  • Soap and Glory’s Peaches and Clean Deep Cleansing Milk, £8: This cleanser is one of my favourite skincare products EVER. I am still using my usual skincare routine but use this either when I am feeling lazy, with just moisturiser afterwards, or to cleanse before I start the routine when I have worn make-up. It has quite an immediate effect on the appearance of the skin and really gets cleans out my pores.
  • Louise Pentland’s story times: Obviously Louise doesn’t need any promo or anything, I just wanted to add this because I have really enjoyed her LP story times that she has been posting on her main channel throughout May. These stories actually make me laugh and feel better about my own embarrassing life haha! If you don’t usually enjoy Louise’s content then give these a try, they were a lovely distraction from revision!
  • One Direction’s solo music: These boys are ALWAYS a favourite, whatever the month. BUT this month everything has changed as a lot of them have released more solo material this month. Some highlights are Harry’s album (favourite songs are ‘Kiwi’ and ‘Two Ghosts’), Niall’s new single ‘Slow Hands’ is very catchy and even Liam’s ‘Strip that Down’, which is a different sound to 1D’s usual, has been playing on repeat! I really love all their music and it is very diverse I’m sure you’ll find at least one song you will enjoy!

I hope you have enjoyed reading through my favourites and will consider giving some of them a go! Feel free to comment any of you favourites below or any bronzer recommendations- as my favourite has been discontinued!

Hope you have a lovely June,


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