Uni: Unusual Essentials

Happy June!

Today’s post is about some of the less traditional essentials that I have found very useful during my first year of university. These are five things that are not the typical pots, pans etc. There are lots of other more official lists online and usually your chosen university will send a list that is specifically tailored to your accommodation. Here they are:

  • Loungewear: This is pretty much the uniform of uni life. You want something a little more socially acceptable than pyjamas but not quite everyday attire. There is A LOT of lounging around at uni with Netflix pretty much being part of the curriculum. I would look in New Look, Primark or on ASOS for baggy jumpers and then either joggers or leggings- then you are good to go!
  • Notecards and Stamps: If you’re into stationery then shopping for this step is dreamy. I loved picking up different writing sets and cards then I would write to people whilst I was at uni. Not only did it give me something to do but it kept me connected with friends at other uni’s too. Another thing to remember under this category is some wrapping paper, you never know when your new friends birthdays will be and sometimes it’s good to have some on-hand just in case they’re soon after you move in.
  • Door stop: I had to borrow one off another flatmate because other people already bought them- it broke the ice! They’re handy at the beginning to make you seem welcoming and inviting- even if you’re not don’t worry by October-ish you can start shutting the door again.
  • Medical supplies: In the weeks before you leave for uni think of the medicinal things you usually ask your mum for and then put them in a little bag! This is the best way of ensuring that you will not be stranded at uni feeling ill. We’re talking things like paracetamol, plasters, flu tablets and tissues etc. just all the little things! Even if you don’t need them its likely other people at uni would have forgotten, so then you can pass them on and break the ice.
  • Your own washer upper: I’m not entirely sure what they’re called but you need your own utensil for your washing up to maximise hygiene. You can share other stuff in the kitchen like washing up liquid but I think having your own ‘cleaning wand/brush’ or something just makes it easier and less gross.

Hopefully these helped you remember some things that you might of forgotten when packing for university! This time of the year you’re just starting to think about it, once exams are out of the way, so hopefully these posts will help get you thinking/ excited!

Best wishes,


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