November Favourites 2017


I can’t believe my absolute FAVOURITE time of the year is here… at last! I know this year has gone quickly but for me its ALL about Christmas so I couldn’t be more thrilled. I’ve tried not to do go full Christmas on here yet because I want December to be special and SO festive- like wait for this people. Anyway, these are the things I’ve been enjoying throughout November with a few Christmassy bits but mainly trying to stick to ‘normal stuff’ too haha! Here they are:

  • Tanya Burr’s Chasing the Sun Peonies Illuminating Powder, £7.49: I’ve definitely mentioned this before and it features in my Top 5 Favourite Blushes post if you want to hear more about it. This month I have been reaching for it CONSTANTLY to enhance my cold, rosy cheeks. I absolutely love it, although I wish it had a little less glitter. It’s a blush-highlighter product and in the morning before uni I just put some of this on my cheeks and I look 10 times more awake.
  • A Bad Mom’s Christmas: I’m trying not to overload my November favourites with Christmas pieces but I saw this in the cinema last week and LOVED it. It had the perfect amount of Christmas to plot ratio. It’s the sequel to ‘Bad Moms’ but if you haven’t seen it I still think you will really enjoy it. It focuses on the mum’s relationship with their mum’s which I though was super cute and made it really special. It is hilarious too and I can’t wait to get it on DVD to watch it again next Christmas- 10/10 recommend.
  • I’m a Celebrity Get me out of Here: This is my ALL TIME favourite TV show! All year I look forward to the jungle returning with Ant and Dec- it’s the best! This year I am LOVING it as always! My favourites when I’m writing this are Amir and Toff who I think are endearing and hilarious. Sitting down to watch this with all the fam is the highlight of every evening- I hope you’re all loving it too!
  • Niall Horan’s album ‘Flicker’: I absolutely LOVE this album- I feel like a proud parent listening to this. I love listening to this just to chill out and it’s very Ed Sheeran/ Adele vibes. There are lots of songs I love on this album and there isn’t any I skip- which is the sign of a good album.
  • Cadbury Chocolate Mousse Snowman: I LOVE THESE SO MUCH. They are little snowmen filled with bubbley chocolate mousse. I pick these up constantly because they’re only around for Christmas so it’s fine to go crazy- right?! I would recommend picking these up throughout Christmas if you love Wispa’s or just Dairy Milk in general- you’ll LOVE these.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post- let me know what you’re loving in the comments! Throughout December I’m going to be posting VERY regularly with FULL Christmassy posts- I cannot wait! I’m aiming for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 11am so if you’re festive crazy like myself then stick around- I would really appreciate it! If not then I hope you have the loveliest festive season, don’t forget to treasure every moment and spread kindness this Christmastime.

Happy November,


One thought on “November Favourites 2017

  1. justmemillymay December 1, 2017 / 12:13 pm

    I love Christmas time, couldn’t wait for December to start. I do like I’m a celeb, but i have to get into it fully before I can watch 24/7 but I do like it this year. Great post and for the advert Callander, I just buy myself one now and act like a child. 🙂


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