5 Things I Learnt from Commuting

My second year of university is pretty much done… except for the final essays! Anyway the regular lectures are over with, which means the end of my commuting days for another year. I only had a 45minute train journey, but sometimes I would change to get closer to home on the way back. It isn’t the most complex journey but it’s still commuting more than living a 5minute walk away on campus. I love all the commuters who are dead serious with their headphones, but also the random ones who give you a smile or ask a question- commuting can also be cute when you recognise the same people! So I thought I’d share a few things I learnt, incase you’re thinking of commuting to uni or work.

1. Be Prepared: Literally, be ready for anything… it can be chaos out there on your own as well! I’m talking delays, cancellations, trains randomly not completing their journeys, the snow, rain or surprising tummy aches that strike from NOWHERE! Suddenly I found myself packing a spare pair of socks, a scarf, paracetamol, plasters and SO many tissues… turns out not necessary. Taking a little first aid kit is actually very practical, especially when the trains can get really hot and busy- I use to feel ROUGH. I probably went over-board but in summary, just be sensible and ready for anything that you might be faced with on your commute.

2. SNACKS are ESSENTIAL: I was surprised how hungry I got when I was a little bored on the train. The mind drifts so easily to Caramel Hot Chocolate, Bacon sandwiches or a Roast Dinner! So either stock up at home or the station, you’re rumbling tummy in the ‘silent’ carriage will thank you for it later!

3. Headphones and FULL BATTERY: I’ve already mentioned that boredom can strike at anytime… usually in the form of hunger. I mean I personally rarely got bored enough to catch-up with Uni work… but that is definitely an option! Headphones and my Apple Music subscription were my commuting ESSENTIALS. For this, I needed my phone so investing in a portable charger was a smart move. It is surprising how quickly the battery goes when you’re listening to music, scrolling instagram and playing on games…

4. Don’t Panic: So you get to the train station and see all the trains are delayed… then it starts raining… UGH. Now don’t worry you will get where you need to be eventually, all will be fine. Wait patiently, look into ALL other options. Check the TrainLine app, Twitter and other platforms for the reason behind the delays and how long they will take. If complete panic sets in then call a parent or someone and they’ll come and get you… hopefully! Just stay calm, you’ll get home.

5. People Watching is ALWAYS fun: I’ve always been VERY nosey, probably why I love reading blogs, so it is not a new lesson to me. I just LOVE people watching. Especially commuters in the morning with ALL kinds of people. You have the business people you’ll begin to recognise, the London day-trippers and the couples going on holiday with their suitcases. One thing I didn’t love about uni was just seeing people my age, the classic students, so I something I loved with commuting was seeing such a range of people. Basically, I’m SO nosey and the commutes really gave my imagination A LOT of stories to go with.. due to my love of people-watching.

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this post about commuting, maybe you’ve learnt something! There are lots of commuters who have been doing it for years, the real pros… hopefully this one little year will help me on this journey to becoming the expert London commuter. I actually really enjoyed it because you just get some alone time with complete peace to simply stare out the window whilst blaring One Direction… bliss! Living so close to London, it is something that will likely be in my future- so it’s probably a good thing that I enjoy it.

What’s your top commuting tip?


2 thoughts on “5 Things I Learnt from Commuting

  1. justmemillymay April 17, 2018 / 8:33 pm

    Congratulations on another year at uni, I hope you have liked it. I don’t commute to uni but I totally agree on the things about commuting 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • alwaysblushingblog April 18, 2018 / 12:47 pm

      Thank you- yeah it was a lovely year! Thanks for reading 🙂


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