Winter Girl’s Guide to: The Heatwave

This is a slightly different post to normal, but with another week of this never-ending heatwave here in the UK I thought it would be a great time to share some ways to deal with these sky-high (for us!) temperatures! I can’t believe it’s only the start of August, which is usually the hottest month- UGH. All those years of moaning about those ‘one day summer’s’… well turns out that was a great time. Anyway, it’s great for body-confident, tanned, sporty girls who thrive of this weather… but what about the rest of us. Especially for the winter lovers amongst us- me. The people who are simply longing to be wearing a jumper, coat and scarf whilst watching ‘The Holiday’…. yep, those girls having to face this gruelling time whilst longing for the COLD, cold days of winter. If that sounds like you then this post will be perfect for you! I’m just going to talk about the different ways I deal with the heat, as someone who is a sweaty betty and loves winter- just to make that clear.

One of the few things I do genuinely love about summer is the ice-cream. My number one top tip for dealing with this heat is eat as much ice-cream as you can. I’m talking ice lollies, frozen frubes, Ben&Jerry’s, mar’s bars, magnums, cornettos, WHATEVER you can get your hands on. Just eat as many as you can to get the temperature down. Drink lots of cold water too, to replenish the water lost through sweat- disgusting, but necessary.


Like most of the nation right now, the heat is disturbing something we all love: sleep. You basically want to make your room as cool as possible but I cannot be dealing with the noise of fans. Instead, a couple of hours before I go to bed I open the windows and shut the curtains to make it a shady haven. Next step is wear the coolest pyjamas, I know what you’re thinking ‘what if there is an emergency? I cannot leave this room looking like this!’ BUT it’s too hot for that thinking right now. I’ve crossed that line now and don’t care. I have thick, curly hair as well so putting that in an unattractive bun on my head is a must- to even attempt to sleep right now. If things are really bad then put a wet flannel on your forehead and behind your knees. Follow all of these things to even attempt to sleep in this heat.

If you are forced to leave the house into this dreaded house then hunt down as much air conditioning as humanly possible. I’m talking the car, shops, cinema ANYTHING. The most joy I have had recently is in the cinema where I actually had a second when I remembered what feeling ‘cold’ felt like- bliss. In-between hunting down air-con, if things are feeling pretty bad like if you’re on the Tube. 1. I’m sorry, 2. THINK COLD THOUGHTS. I know, you’ve got to be desperate to use this technique. It kind of works, but you have to really get into the mindset. I just keep thinking to myself ‘I’m cold, do I need a jacket, I wish it wasn’t so cold’- short statements that I just really wish were true. Keep repeating them in your head. It’s just an idea, not scientifically proven but it’s a good one if everything else has failed. There are some cooling mists and sprays out there, but I find that long-term they just make me hotter.

Right, I think I’ve covered everything. To summarise: put everything in the freezer, drink water and remember WINTER IS COMING- one day. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this post and maybe it has given you some ideas of how to cool down, or just showed you that you’re not alone. I’m thinking of sharing some similar posts soon, so hopefully you enjoy them. Obviously, I’ll still have lots of classic summer content too which I do actually enjoy writing, it’s just not my favourite time of year!

Simply, do your best and think of winter.


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