Guess who’s back?

You might not have noticed that I haven’t written a blog post since last September… you will be forgiven for not realising!

There is a lot going on in the world right now and I don’t think we need reminding of what unprecedented times we live in. I think it goes without saying online, but just letting you know that although I am writing about very unimportant things on the grand scale of the world right now. This doesn’t mean that I’m not taking this pandemic seriously but I just need some relief and I’m hoping writing will provide that.

So I will be attempting to share some of my writing again, in a way to distract both myself and potentially the odd reader along the way – whilst staying home, of course!

I’ve done the classic change of blog theme to make it seem like a clean slate. What do you think? I’ve also change the name slightly, as I felt like ‘Amy Always Blogs’ was untrue since this is my first post in about 6 months… Does the use of Always make it sound like this is in partnership with the sanitary pads company? THIS IS NOT AN AD – just to avoid confusion.

ANYWAY, so this is just a little refresh post to let you know that I’m back and will be getting into posting again from now really! I’m going in with no schedule for the time being, I just want to write and share when I want basically.

I have deleted my Instagram that went alongside this blog so I won’t be promoting this anywhere for the time being. I just want this space to be somewhere that I can simply write again because as cheesy as it sounds – I just wanted a creative outlet right now and I missed this!

Take care,


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