3 Virtual Quiz Round Ideas

Virtual quizzes are one of my favourite things to do at the moment! When human contact is very much limited and the evenings are much quieter, I’ve found that getting together to do a good ol’ quiz really brightens things up. It really tests your creativity though, especially as this has been happening for quite a few weeks now. So I thought I would share a few quiz round ideas to help out!

Higher or Lower: I have really LOVED Stephen Mulhern’s show ‘In For A Penny’ and this round is basically taken inspiration from that. In the show, incase you haven’t seen it, he basically scans items through a supermarket checkout and then you have to guess whether the item was priced higher or lower than the item before. Basically if you go and get 5 items from the kitchen, check their prices on a supermarket website and then you can go from there! I feel like this is a really cute one, lets you use some props and is really easy to put together!

Themes: If you’ve got a group of friend’s who all like a similar thing then a themed quiz night is PERFECT! Whether you want to go for boy bands, Shrek, Disney Princesses, Star Wars, superheroes or Tiger King – the choice is endless! Having something to theme the night around also lets you go for fancy dress too, giving people the chance to be extra creative.

Scavenger Hunt: This is one that I am yet to try but I think it looks really fun, especially if you’re doing this with a group of friends. It’s pretty simple but basically the host will have to name something and then everyone has to run and grab that item, the first person to bring it back wins the most points, then descending from them. You just need a list of items that everyone has like a TV Remote, phone, socks, shoes or a plate! The more random, the better!!

Take care,


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