3 Virtual Quiz Round Ideas

Virtual quizzes are one of my favourite things to do at the moment! When human contact is very much limited and the evenings are much quieter, I’ve found that getting together to do a good ol’ quiz really brightens things up. It really tests your creativity though, especially as this has been happening for quite a few weeks now. So I thought I would share a few quiz round ideas to help out!

Higher or Lower: I have really LOVED Stephen Mulhern’s show ‘In For A Penny’ and this round is basically taken inspiration from that. In the show, incase you haven’t seen it, he basically scans items through a supermarket checkout and then you have to guess whether the item was priced higher or lower than the item before. Basically if you go and get 5 items from the kitchen, check their prices on a supermarket website and then you can go from there! I feel like this is a really cute one, lets you use some props and is really easy to put together!

Themes: If you’ve got a group of friend’s who all like a similar thing then a themed quiz night is PERFECT! Whether you want to go for boy bands, Shrek, Disney Princesses, Star Wars, superheroes or Tiger King – the choice is endless! Having something to theme the night around also lets you go for fancy dress too, giving people the chance to be extra creative.

Scavenger Hunt: This is one that I am yet to try but I think it looks really fun, especially if you’re doing this with a group of friends. It’s pretty simple but basically the host will have to name something and then everyone has to run and grab that item, the first person to bring it back wins the most points, then descending from them. You just need a list of items that everyone has like a TV Remote, phone, socks, shoes or a plate! The more random, the better!!

Take care,


Happy Autumn


I am SOOO relieved to have finally made it into Autumn. I am ready for cosy evenings, buckets of tea and all the great TV shows to return!

Today I just wanted to do a really simply chatty post. I rarely posted throughout August and although I’m sure you didn’t notice, I’m looking forward to getting back into a routine. One of the reasons that I struggled to keep up with posting throughout the last month was that WordPress wasn’t saving my drafts and kept having problems with publishing posts- has anyone else experience this problem?Where is September at?

There are a few other reasons too that stopped me from getting writing and regularly posting, but I think overall it was good for me to have a break from the constant scheduling. It’s also been a bit of a weird time post-graduating from University and I think I will write a whole blog post about it, but it’s such a strange ‘transitioning’ period in so many ways. It’s good to take some time and re-stock… although I really do feel like my mind is fried, no matter how many bubble baths and Netflix evenings I do, I just feel a bit all over the place. I’m trying to shift that, into the new season, by getting back into a proper routine.

With all that being said, I am hoping to get back into blogging more regularly again because I have missed simply writing. That’s why I love blogging because it gives me a place to put my writing and share it. For now, I think it’s more realistic and beneficial for me to go back down to 2 posts a week. It’s likely to be Mondays and Thursdays at 10am, but if you want to ‘follow’ then you’ll get updated via email when a new post is published.

I think that’s all I wanted to say for this little re-introduction.

If in doubt, just remember: CHRISTMAS IS COMING!



Flight Essentials

It’s the time of the year when you’re probably thinking about jetting off on your summer holidays. If you’re going on a flight then these are some of the bits I use to make them more comfy and enjoyable. Luckily, I really love flying- I prefer it to driving! I think that’s important to share because if you’ve got a serious fear of flying your essentials are probably going to be very different- like doing a face mask is not really top on your list.

Listening Material: Now I know this a pretty broad term because everything has their favourite things to listen to, for some its audio books and others it is music. I’m mainly into music on planes. Some of my favourite things to listen to right now are the Mamma Mia 2 Soundtrack, Shawn Mende’s album and tbh, I still love Taylor Swift’s Reputation album. They are my three go-to’s at the moment and they make any journey go quickly. If I fancy a podcast I usually opt for the Love Island one throughout this summer and I am still catching up on a few episodes. My other favourite podcast is any one on Disney World, if you search that on the podcast app you’ll usually find some good ones to listen to. Whatever you choose to listen to, it can typically make journeys fly by… literally.

Little Extras and Prep: This is kind of a mixture of extras and prep that I think are essential before boarding a flight. By little extras I mean tissues, wet wipes and hair scrunchies. They don’t take up much room in  your bag but you’ll be surprised the emergency situations that can arise when on a flight. A hair scrunchie is always something I am looking for on a flight because as soon as I get on a plane I just find my hair SO irritating. Another ‘little extra’ include some obvious things like headphones, preferably noise cancelling, but it depends on the size of your luggage bag. For prep, I like to think of check what you’ll be wearing- could you take a jacket and use it as a pillow? If the air conditioning breaks or is too strong will you be wearing the right clothes to get comfortable? Another ‘prep’ thing is relating to what you’re going to be listening to- check it is all downloaded. Maybe download some games or movies for your phone or iPad- these little things you can do before you go will make the whole flying experience more enjoyable.


Book: Right, so you’re on a flight and you’ve exhausted all your music selection, you don’t want to look at screens anymore and you can’t sleep because a baby is crying on the row behind. This is when the classic book comes in. I know, it is old school but when I’m heading off on holiday I love a good book. I am looking for some for my upcoming holiday- so leave any recommendations below I love romance and chick-lit. If you want some inspo then check out my 5 Books on my TBR List and YA Summer Reading Recommendations from last year. You can’t beat a good book to help you relax on the plane journey.

Lip Balm: I’m one of those people that stresses about the liquid allowance thing on flights. I begin to question the material of EVERYTHING- I’ve got it from my mum. So to make the security experience less worrying I only opt for taking my Nivea Lip Balm because I know it is not a liquid and is the only ‘beauty’ item I take in my hand luggage. It saves the stress of finding a ziplock bag and spending the entire trip to the airport questions whether my pen will be confiscated! It’s also great to have as airplanes can dry out your skin and the Nivea one is my go-to.

I hope this has given you some ideas for what to include in your hand luggage on any upcoming flights! Obviously you’ll need the important bits like passport, boarding passes etc. but this is the ‘fun’ stuff. I would definitely go minimal because we all know how stressful airports can be when rummaging through your big backpack, which is ultimately full of all the bits you forgot in your actual suitcase… it happens to the best of us. Safe travels!


Summer Beauty Essentials

If you’ve read my blog before you’ll know summer is not my favourite season, but these essentials definitely make it a lot more bearable. Summer is probably the time when I feel like we need the most essentials because we are constantly faced with having to deal with this relentlessly hot weather. Everything just becomes a bit more difficult when contending with the heat, especially in the UK where we aren’t used to it. These are a few of the bits that I’ve noticed I have been needing and the ones I’m sure I’ll need to get me through the rest of summer. I’ve got a mixture of all kinds of ‘beauty’, here they are:

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in Fair, £4.19: Technically, this is an all-year round essential- if you’re being picky. BUT, I find that in summer I just use this before going out and it works as an ‘all-in-one’ base product. I find that the coverage is great and it is so easy to blend that it isn’t noticeable that you haven’t got product all over your face. It works well with other products on top too and I honestly, for the price, cannot fault this one. It definitely helps me feel a bit better in the summer and allows my skin to breathe without feeling the need for loads of products!

Glossier Haloscope in Quartz, £18.00: Compared to the other items on this essentials list I know it is not as reasonably priced. Yet, I really feel like it is worth it. I am not one for big spending on beauty, but this is one item that I would constantly repurchase. It is my perfect highlighter. This is a great highlighter for the people who don’t wear highlighter. A bit of this on and I feel GREAT, it gives you a lovely healthy glow which is the ultimate summer essential after all! I love this shade quartz because it’s pearly sheen matches my pinky, pale skin tone perfectly and is definitely not a striking difference- as you can see in the picture below, it even makes my hand look perfectly glowy! I cannot recommend this product enough, even more so for summer. It has completely changed my perception on highlighter and now it is a complete must-have in my make-up bag!


Barry M Gelly Hi Shine Nail Paint in Passionfruit, £3.99: I recently posted my 5 Favourite Summer Nail Polishes but if I had to pick just one essential- it would definitely be this one. A bright, shiny pop of coral on your toes with a pair of sandals just screams summer to me! I absolutely love this paint for the colour and formula, as it can stay put for days without the shine dulling. It really pops a tan too, so it is perfect for going on holiday and I am always reaching for this in summer to make you look put together.

The Body Shop’s Almond Milk & Honey Body Lotion, £8.50: This comes in extremely handy over the summer months, when we’re revealing a bit more skin and my legs sometimes do actually get to see daylight. This lotion aims to soothe and restore, which is exactly what it does. I mainly use this after I have shaved my legs then I put this straight on and my legs feel GREAT. It’s wonderful. I then keep using this afterwards to keep that feeling for as long as possible. I find that because it is aimed at sensitive skin and isn’t as heavy as a body butter, it is actually quite pleasant to apply. Usually I hate using body moisturisers because everything gets all slide-y and sticky and I just cannot deal with it. That’s what makes this product an absolute must-have during the summer.

Hopefully you have enjoyed reading about a few of my summer beauty essentials, I feel like there is so much to say but I wanted to keep it down to 4, before you all get bored! I usually share my essentials seasonly, so if it’s something you enjoy then definitely stick around. Let me know your summer beauty essentials below, I’m always looking for something I’ve missed!


Favourite Places: Brighton

Brighton is a massively loved seaside town city and is definitely worth a visit, especially during this gorgeous weather! Thanks to Zoella and Alfie, it is pretty big on the internet, so it is probably somewhere you’ll want to visit if you love a certain vlogger! I wanted to share a couple of my favourite things to do when visiting, I’ve done it in the style of like the ‘perfect tourist’ day. There are lots of hidden gems and it is a city that is lovely to explore at your own pace, you’ll almost always find a new little treasure. There are always different things going on as it is a very lively city so I’m sure you will see lots of unique entertainment when you go!

Once you get to Brighton I would start by heading to Bill’s for breakfast! It is a chain restaurant in the UK and one that I absolutely LOVE for brunch. It originated in Brighton so it is lovely to go to the original restaurant and enjoy some of your favourite food. This is within the centre so I would then look around some of the shops. If you are after the classic chain shops like Primark, Topshop and Urban Outfitters then head towards Churchill Square which is the shopping centre. If you’re after unique, cute little shops I would go through the Laines! They are SOOO lovely and there are lots of different places to explore. I would recommend just getting lost in those for a while.


After you’re all shopped out you can easily walk to the sea front where you could grab lunch at Harry Ramsden’s for the BEST fish and chips. They have a little sit-in restaurant there or you can grab you food and eat it on the pebbles- be wary of the seagulls though! Once you’ve eaten then head for a walk in the opposite direction of the pier, down the promenade so that you can see the beach huts! They are super pretty and are perfect for those insta-snaps. It is so lovely to walk along the sea and breathe in that salty air! Enjoy a leisurely walk back along the sea front to the pier– MY FAVOURITE! Get some change and go crazy on the amusements- it the best bit about the seaside. Win as many tickets as you can and then exchange them for prizes! If you’re wanting some thrills then they have a fun fair on the pier, but I’m always a little nervous about those kinds of rides… I prefer ones that are completely stuck down haha! To round up this ‘perfect’ day grab one of the unique flavours of ice-cream sold at Boho Gelato or one of the classic seaside doughnuts from the pier! This is a lovely way to finish the day, as you can eat it whilst watching the sunset on the beach!

Hopefully you have enjoyed hearing about my recommendations for visiting Brighton! There is SO much to do there, like I haven’t include the Pavilion or the Sea Life centre but you can definitely enjoy those as well. It is definitely a nice place to visit as it is one of the few seaside towns in England that is still thriving and buzzing! If you’ve enjoyed this post then check out my Favourite Places: The Cotswolds and Favourite Places: Windsor two of the other posts from this mini series!



Holiday Essentials


Today I am continuing with the holiday theme, following on from my Travel Make-Up Bag which went up earlier this week, with 5 of the essential things for going on holiday! Sometimes when you’re getting ready to go away it can be a bit overwhelming trying to remember EVERYTHING you’ll need, so these are just a few products that you might have forgotten about and are real staples for me on my own trips. I haven’t included any make-up bits but have gone for a couple of general beauty essentials and some miscellaneous bits… I don’t know if I’ve ever used that word before! ANYWAY, here they are:

  • Lee Stafford Dehumidifier Spray, £5.99: Now I haven’t given this a proper go yet because I go on holiday later in August BUT I have been using in the English ‘summer’ weather which I don’t think counts as a true test. BUT, if it does what it says it does… which is essentially prevent your hair doubling in size due to humidity then it will not just become a holiday essential but a LIFE essential. I have high hopes and will report back, but worth looking into for holiday’s if you are prone to frizzy and uncontrollable hair in the heat.
  • Nail Polish, the one you’re wearing: I decided not to write about nail polish in my travel make-up bag but I do think it’s a holiday essential! Even if you get a gel polish I would definitely suggest taking a polish that is similar to the one you’re wearing incase you get any chips. I hate it when my nails chip on holiday and it makes me want to peel it all off, BUT if I have the original colour I can fix it which always looks 10x prettier than having it all over the place. For holiday nails I would say to go for something with a high shine and staying power such as Barry M’s Gelly Collection or their Coconut Infusion range. I would go for a bright pop of colour, definitely on your toes, like Barry M’s Gelly Polishes in ‘Pink Punch’ or ‘Passionfruit’.
  • Shaving Foam and Body Butter: Lots of people tend to remember their shower gel, shampoo and conditioner but sometimes on holiday our bodies need a bit more care. The constant shaving is a bit inconvenient on holiday but if you can use the right products then it can be done a bit less frequently. I would recommend Lush’s D’Fluff Shaving Soap for £5.95 to get a smooth shave that I think lasts a bit longer… I have no idea why? I just have found that, especially under my arms, since using this I have a smoother shave for longer so it is PERFECT for holidays. My favourite body butter is The Body Shop’s Almond Milk and Honey for £6 because it is designed for sensitive skin so it really moisturises after shaving, but if you have another favourite I’m sure they all provide similar results. These little extras definitely work well together to help maintain a lovely smooth finish and are now holiday essentials for me!
  • First Aid: This is such an easy one to forget, but can be one of the most crucial things when you’re out there! Obviously you know what kind of tablets or anything you need BUT there is so much more you might need. I’m thinking blister plasters, bite spray and aftersun. ALL the aftersun will be needed if you’re as sunburnt-prone as me. I would say that ‘First Aid’ covers some cleanliness bits too like tissues and hand sanitiser… ALL of these are definitely ESSENTIAL when you’re going on holiday because who know what you’ll encounter!
  • Books: Now depending on your trip, books might not be absolutely crucial like if you’re backpacking or interrailing. If you’re having one of my favourite kinds of holiday though which is very focused on relaxing then you’ll need a book. One of the best things about holidays is the time you have to do the things  you wish you did at home like spending time with your family, walking and reading ACTUAL books not just BuzzFeed articles about the latest bestsellers… which I’m guilty of doing from September through to May. I’ve already posted some YA Summer Reading Recommendations but will be posting a couple more book related posts throughout the month.

I hope you enjoyed reading about a few of my holiday essentials and that you will hopefully remember to include some of these bits in your suitcases! Comment below your number one essential for going on holiday, I’d love to see if you think I’ve missed something important… other than like passports and boarding passes obviously! There will be another holiday related post going live Friday at 10am, so see you then.
