5 Reasons Why ‘Once Upon A Time’ Should be your Next Netflix Binge

‘Once Upon A Time’ (OUAT) is one of my ALL TIME favourite TV shows. I’ve never been one to overly re-watch series that I enjoy on Netflix but this one is the exception. It has 7 seasons, with the final one being released just last year. It really is quite a hefty commitment, but time really does fly when you’re watching it. I know it’s already a pretty popular show, especially in America, but I thought incase you hadn’t heard of it this would give you everything you need to know. I would say this is for Disney lovers, but also those that enjoy Riverdale or Pretty Little Liars like it has that mystery vibe to it, maybe if you enjoy fantasy shows you would like it too. So, if you need some convincing then this is why you need to get yourself watching my most favourite show on Netflix…

  1. HELLO, DISNEY CHARACTERS IN A REAL LIFE SETTING! Disney lovers this one is for YOU. Especially if you’re like a young adult, this is going to be your show of dreams. Sometimes it’s like they took the ideas out of my own mind. The premise of the show is essentially that fairy tale characters have had a curse put on them, forcing them into the real world into a land called ‘Storybrooke’. There are SO many Disney characters here from Gus in Cinderella, to Mulan to Geppetto to Elsa from Frozen- literally they’re all here!

2. SUCH CLEVER CONCEPTS AND CONSTANT ‘WORLD’ CHANGING: From my descriptions so far, you might be thinking about this show is for children but it really isn’t. It takes the fairy tale into the modern world, and although magic plays a large part, there is very much a strong dose of ‘reality’ in the show too. The show constantly changes between the different worlds, lands and realms- it does keep you on your toes- but they all entwine seamlessly.


3. THE SWEETEST RELATIONSHIPS: There are SO many relationships that you will want to ‘ship’ on this show. It’s a teenage fangirls dream. My personal favourite is probably Rumplestiltskin and Belle, you can just really see that she brings out the best in him. I won’t do too many spoilers but just know that the actress and actor playing Snow White and Prince Charming are TOGETHER IN REAL LIFE. That chemistry is LEGIT, next level magic right there.

4. PERFECTLY MAGICAL FOR COSY AUTUMN EVENINGS: The great thing about it being such a chunky show is that you can really commit and become completely immersed within it. Although it’s complex, it isn’t difficult to understand and enjoy so it’s really one that you can end up watching lots of episodes after each other, feeling like no time has passed at all. Enjoyed best with a Disney mug filled with tea, or your hot beverage of choice!

5. THE DISNEY IS IN THE DETAIL! I started with a Disney reason, so I’ll finish with one. Although this series is not technically a Disney production, it does carry many of its same values. The little Disney details really make this show, for me as a Disney fan, because it gives it even more magic and cosiness. The way that the little details in the opening sequence give a clue to the upcoming show and the fact that there is a Main Street in Storybrooke! I just think the precision of the plot, the way that everything always comes together, with a touch of magic, makes this show really, really special.


Summer Favourites 2019

I know I’m all about that Autumn (and CHRISTMAS!) life, but I did just want to do one little post sharing some of my favourites from July and August. I didn’t get the chance to share them monthly, which is something I love doing! I didn’t want to completely just leave those months out, so I thought I would mash them together and share them now!

Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer, $15: This product has been my absolute fave all summer long. I’ve literally just been wearing this with some concealer and that’s it for most days. It’s a really great bronzer for pale skin and gives just enough bronzing to make me feel more confident. I tend to dust it pretty much all over my face to be honest, it’s not too pigmented, but mainly around the outline of my face and on the nose. It’s pretty matte but I think it has a slight sheen to it- making it look very natural.

Sanctuary Spa White Lily and Damask Rose Body Scrub, £6.50: Throughout the summer I experimented with ‘proper’ fake tan, it was an experience that you can read about in my 3 Fake Tanning Lessons. This was my exfoliator of choice, turns out that’s a pretty big part of at-home tan. I really enjoyed using this one, it really feels like it is working without being too harsh or abrasive on your skin. The scent is lovely, fresh and floral- I just love how clean this makes you feel!


Hamilton: This month I was lucky enough to see Hamilton on the West End stage. WOW. What a show. I know it has a lot of hype around it, but it is worth it. I find it a difficult show to describe because ‘hip hop American history’ doesn’t sound appealing to me, I’m very much pop music and rom-com. I really, really enjoyed it though and even if you think like I did, that it isn’t for you, I would highly suggest you give it a try. It does have a bit of romance and comedy, it has something for everyone.

Taylor Swift ‘Speak Now’ Album: I know this is a really old school album and we’re all moving onto Lover, but I have been LOVING IT. I literally listened to it throughout the entire summer and it’s just wonderful. I never listened to it the first time round, so it’s been like a new album completely to me. My favourite songs are ‘Speak Now’, ‘Dear John’, ‘Never Grow Up’ and ‘Mine’. Each song tells its own story and I just cannot recommend it enough, just have a listen.




Happy Autumn


I am SOOO relieved to have finally made it into Autumn. I am ready for cosy evenings, buckets of tea and all the great TV shows to return!

Today I just wanted to do a really simply chatty post. I rarely posted throughout August and although I’m sure you didn’t notice, I’m looking forward to getting back into a routine. One of the reasons that I struggled to keep up with posting throughout the last month was that WordPress wasn’t saving my drafts and kept having problems with publishing posts- has anyone else experience this problem?Where is September at?

There are a few other reasons too that stopped me from getting writing and regularly posting, but I think overall it was good for me to have a break from the constant scheduling. It’s also been a bit of a weird time post-graduating from University and I think I will write a whole blog post about it, but it’s such a strange ‘transitioning’ period in so many ways. It’s good to take some time and re-stock… although I really do feel like my mind is fried, no matter how many bubble baths and Netflix evenings I do, I just feel a bit all over the place. I’m trying to shift that, into the new season, by getting back into a proper routine.

With all that being said, I am hoping to get back into blogging more regularly again because I have missed simply writing. That’s why I love blogging because it gives me a place to put my writing and share it. For now, I think it’s more realistic and beneficial for me to go back down to 2 posts a week. It’s likely to be Mondays and Thursdays at 10am, but if you want to ‘follow’ then you’ll get updated via email when a new post is published.

I think that’s all I wanted to say for this little re-introduction.

If in doubt, just remember: CHRISTMAS IS COMING!



3 Fake Tanning Lessons

Every summer I attempt fake tan. I’ve been trying it for years and I’ve never been confident with it. Due to my general inexperience and inability to do beauty ‘stuff’ well- I feel like it’s impressive to be as bad, yet enthusiastic, as I am! I tend to go for a tinted body moisturiser that will gradually develop a tan with each application. This year I thought I’d give a ‘proper’ tan a try… and lets just say I LEARNT SOME STUFF. That stuff is what I’ll be sharing today, so that you might be able to save yourself from the embarrassment of being tangoed.

RESEARCH: The fake tanning world, it’s a mess. I feel like I was FOOLED by pretty instagram posts and ‘online influencer’ reviews. I went for Isle of Paradise and I was left MAJORLY disappointed, I have contacted their customer services twice but with no response. Anyway I think that doing yourself some proper research is a great idea. Look at numerous reviews, tutorials on YouTube and discuss with your fake tanning friends to see what their favourite products are! The more information you have, the better informed you can be to get yourself a great product… that won’t leave you the same shade as Tangy Cheese Doritos.

Exfoliate: Oh exfoliation is KEY. It’s probably the golden rule in terms of fake tanning as it will allow you to create an even tan and will help it to come off in a natural way. I really like this one from Sanctuary Spa, but Soap and Glory is another good brand to check out! It will just help rid any dead skin, making your skin silky smooth and ready to be bronzed up. I think I’ll try and keep up with the exfoliation into the winter months, especially as its a nice extra step in my shower routine. I love a good exfoliation followed by some moisturiser to make me feel v fancy.

Make sure the BASE is READY: This is one step that I really should have listened to myself. I basically fake tanned on top of my peeling skin- always wear suncream. Incase you were wondering, the fake tan just clings to the peeling skin, creating a line around the new skin- which remains pale. Turns out that is not a good look. Another good way to make sure your base skin is ready is to moisturise areas where tan builds up. This tends to be areas like the wrists, elbows, ankles and sometimes the knees… It’s all a learning experience!


3 Recent Beauty Buys

Today I just wanted to go straight in and show you a few of the recent beauty purchases that I’ve made. I have bought a couple of new things recently but instead of doing a larger haul I thought I would just take the time to share 3 of the ones that I’m most excited about!

Glossier Bubblewrap, £23.00: I love Glossier as a brand and I’m always interested in their new releases, but I can’t always commit to buying them straight away due to the price! I felt like now was a good time to treat myself and my lips have been super dry recently. It says its an ‘eye and lip plumping cream’… which seems like a weird hybrid, I know! I mainly bought this for the ‘lip’ side of things but I will probably have a little experiment with the eye cream side of things. I think it will be something different and I will probably use it as the final step of my nighttime skincare routine, almost like a night lip repair.


Glossier Balm Dotcom in Rose, £10.00: That really annoying thing happened where I had to spend £7 more to get free delivery so I was really suckered into buying this! I really want to love these but when I tried them a couple of years ago I found they started to smell funny and they changed consistency really fast. The rose one is my favourite out of the 3 I’ve tried, although I did consider trying the cherry and mango ones!

OGX Quenching Coconut Curls Shampoo, £6.99: This was actually on sale when I picked this up in Boots for £4.66 which I thought was a pretty good price! I’ve dabbled in OGX before but never purchased a full size product, so I wanted to give them a go. I don’t usually go for a ‘curly’ shampoo because I find they can make my roots a little greasy but I’m looking forward to seeing how this one matches up to the others I’ve tried. The brand in general has lots of options and I think I’m going to pick up another type whilst they’re on offer- as they didn’t have it in stock before. The packaging is lovely and I’m looking forward to giving some new haircare a try!


Guide to Meeting Characters at Disneyland Paris

I’ve recently been to Disneyland Paris- incase I hadn’t mentioned it!

Incase you’re new here (welcome!) then I have been to Disneyland for one day about 5ish years ago, but this was like my first official proper trip. I stayed 3 sleeps at Sequoia Lodge for my 21st Birthday and just had the most magical time. Anyway this was the first trip where I got to meet characters and honestly it is just SOOO fun. I had my reservations obviously, I know I’m 21 (luckily I look about 16!) but honestly I didn’t feel out of place and the characters were really wonderful. If anything I enjoyed having an actual conversation with them and savouring the moment, I really appreciated how into it they were and the costumes… I loved it. Today I just wanted to share some specific tips and tricks that we used to meet characters at Disneyland Paris- hopefully some of these will help you meet your favourite next time you’re in the parks!

  • You can meet Mickey Mouse at his theatre and a Princess at the Pavilion– both inside Fantasyland. Usually there is a different princess in the morning and the afternoon, there is a sign outside to tell you who is meeting. The queues can get pretty big for these though, so I would suggest trying the other methods or rope-dropping the Princesses but I’ve heard even that can get a little crazy!
  • Turn on the notifications for ‘@ED92live’ on Twitter to find out spontaneous meet and greets around the park which will change DAILY! This was honestly one of the best tips for DLP because it allows you to just join queues for more random meets across both parks. The places where the meet and greets happen tend to follow a bit of a pattern so it might be worth keeping an eye on it for a couple of weeks before your trip. For example, a Prince and Princess tend to meet near the Old Mill in Fantasyland but the twitter account will confirm who specifically it is each day. These aren’t advertised on the map or on signs, so its best to just keep an eye on the twitter and just as you are walking around the park. Usually these happen from about midday and can finish anytime between 4, with characters often stopping for breaks during the summer months.


  • Find out about scheduled meet and greets through the park programme and signs around the park. These meet and greets do not always guarantee a set character, it might say ‘Alice and Friends’ near Mad Hatter’s Tea Cups which basically means it could be anyone from Alice in Wonderland- sometimes 2 characters! There are sometimes patterns to the characters, like when the sign says ‘Pluto’ you’re going to get Pluto… just making that clear, but others it might be worth checking the character before joining the line. These set meets are easier to plan for and to add into your daily schedule. I also love how perfectly the characters match the settings for these- its really well set out and I just love walking around seeing all the characters out!
  • LineBerty App for set meets in the Walt Studios Park! I didn’t end up actually using this on my trip- I do have it all downloaded though but honestly it was so busy when you’re there I didn’t end up doing it, so I cannot give any pearls of wisdom really. What I would say is that you can still meet characters in the Studio park without this- we met Sulley!- just join a queue like normal. It’s just a more time efficient way of meeting set characters mainly the Toy Story ones, but it was the Play Days when we were there so lots of them were out anyway- you can meet Woody over in Frontierland too so there are usually other methods for meeting your favourite character!
  • Character Dining- I wanted to add this as its a great way to meet more characters in a short amount of time.  Paris has some great character dining options for a range of tastes and favourites, it is more than expensive than a usual meal but the interactions are great! We did the Plaza Gardens Breakfast, which I think I’ll do a whole post on soon so keep your eyes peeled for that!

I really hope you’ve enjoyed this little bumper-post, I know A LOT was covered but hopefully it will really help if you’re planning on going soon! Let me know your favourite character meet below and who you would LOVE to meet in the future!


Summer 3 Product Face

I love a good ‘3 product face’ post because honestly thats what I’m all about when it comes to beauty right now. I don’t want to have to endure 10-steps just to do my eyebrows which also means waking up earlier in the morning… that is not really what I am looking for. I would rather have 3 products that I can rely on to give me that summer glow in mere seconds and help me feel put-together for the day. That is basically what I’m planning sharing with you today- these are the staples that I use- but using your own versions of these products is a great way to create a no-make-up make-up look perfect for summer days!

Collection Lasting Perfection CONCEALER, £4.19: A fuller coverage concealer, that blends well, is key for creating a one-stop base for the summer. I basically just put this over any blemishes and give it a good blend and that’s all I do to achieve a base for any further products. I trust that this product will conceal the blemish for the day and it won’t go cakey or slide off immediately. There are a lot of options in terms of a lighter base like the alphabet creams or a tinted moisturiser but a little bit of this can be just as effective, especially if you have acne in specific areas like me- a bit on the chin and I feel good to go!


Physicians Formula Butter BRONZER, $15.00: Bronzer has got to be a key product when it comes to summer, I barely use it throughout the winter! I just love it to feel all summery and glowy when the  warmer months come around. There aren’t too many in the drugstore that I have tried, but there are lots to choose from. My preferences when it comes to bronzer is a slight sheen, not sparkly not matte, and it has to be a good shade for pale skin- not too grey or orange! I feel like this kind of ticks those boxes, I would like a little more shimmer but it’s such a fine line!

Pinky-toned HIGHLIGHTER- ‘Twinkle’ in Benefits Cheekleader Palette (£26.00) OR the discontinued Tanya Burr Cosmetics Illuminating Powder in Peonies Please (£7.99): So not the catchiest intro for this one BUT I love a pinky-toned blush highlighter hybrid. These are the two that I have found and loved using, so they are the only ones I can recommend! I just think this is SO summer. Once you’ve concealed and bronzed it up then going in with a highlighter is the perfect way to finish off the look. I go under the eyebrows and above the cheekbone really, but just go crazy if you want! The pink-tone works for me because I am naturally very pinky, but don’t be scared of it- it can really give a healthy glow even if it looks a little bright in the pan!


3 Favourite Summer Nail Polishes

Summer is a GREAT time to treat yourself to a mani-pedi. If you’re looking at your nail polish stash and feeling a bit uninspired then let me be of assistance! I wanted to share 3 of my favourite summer nail polishes- including a top coat that will CHANGE your nail painting game. I’ve gone with a couple of classic summer shades that I think are some of the best out there in terms of formula and durability!

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Super Shine Nail Polish in ‘Lovey Dovey’, £2.99: It’s been a while since I’ve tried a new nail brand but its a colour that I couldn’t find with my usual brands. It’s a lovely true purple. I’ve found it difficult to find a real purple, they can usually be too berry, lilac or blue. This colour goes perfectly with the Purple Potion ears at Disney- if you LOVE Disney too definitely check out my DLP posts! I wore this nail colour the entire trip and it wore really well- about 5 days in total. I was really impressed, especially for a great price, and I have already tried more from this collection!


Nails Inc London Kensington Cavier Gel Top Coat, £15.00: I would actually recommend checking Amazon for this one as when I re-purchased it I found it was discounted to £12! Yes, I actually RE-PURCHASED a nail polish. I feel like that is quite rare, especially with a top coat as usually I would just pick a new one up when I needed it. This is different though and I LOVE it, it’s by far the best top coat I’ve found. It is super forgiving, it evens out messy nails and gives the glossiest and most-professional looking finish. I have had a few people think that I have paid for shellac and I’m sure that is all down to this gorgeous polish! I have been used my first one since Christmas and I am only just having to re-purchase which I think is pretty impressive considering the amount I am using it. It’s obviously pricer than most of my nail options but if you are serious about wanting professional looking manicures from home then I would consider this a must-have.

Maybelline 7 Day Superstay Gel Nail Polish in ‘Magenta Surge’, £4.49: This is a real summer shade and one that I reach for as soon as the sun is out. It’s a bright pinky coral shade and is basically on my toes from June- August. I really like this formula from Maybelline but I do feel like the shade range is a little limited. This specific shade is a good one though and paired up with the Nails Inc top coat, has real staying power.


3 Favourite Disneyland Paris Rides

IT’S DISNEYLAND PARIS WEDNESDAYS… need to think of a catchier name for that. Anyway today is all about rides at Disneyland Paris and my favourite ones from my recent trip. A little catch-up incase you’re new: I went to DLP for one day back in 2014, loved it and wanted to go back pretty much every day. This June I FINALLY got to return and did a 3 night/4day trip to stay at Sequoia Lodge for my 21st birthday! It was such a magical and wonderful trip, I am loving re-living it through my writing as each Wednesday for a few weeks I have been sharing some different things from my trips including essentials, favourites, tips and hauls. I obviously love rides and Disney does them so wonderfully. Considering there is SO much to do there, I understand why rides can often get pushed to the back of your mind- with characters, parades, shows, fireworks, snacks and taking a photo of every section of the park- but these are some of the ones that I definitely think you should make time for- especially if you love a good thrill!

Big Thunder Mountain: WOW. What a ride. This one really is as good as everyone says it is. This is the ride we waited the longest for (still under an hour though!) initially and it’s one of the few that I felt okay about doing it for! I would definitely suggest fast passes for this though- we did that too and ended up getting on it multiple times. It’s really long for a rollercoaster and I feel like you actually have time to enjoy it. There are parts when its really dark and then you are out in the sunshine, with stunning views, and its just wonderful. It doesn’t go upside down but I kind of like that- although I do love a loop every now and again! It was just wonderful, I wish we got a little wetter- but that was just because it was boiling! I really miss this ride and I cannot wait to go on it again. It really is the wildest ride in the wilderness!!!


RC Racer: This was my absolute favourite in the Walt Studios Park- although there are some great rides to choose from over there! We often went there during Extra Magic Time and that allowed us to get on most rides easily, especially in Toy Story Playland. We walked on this each time and really enjoyed it. It’s essentially a banana boat/pirate ship style swing ride but on a track. The only negative I would say is the amount of ride time is relatively short, which we found with a few rides, I could have done a few more swings on this one! I would love to go on this each morning to wake me up- it’s great and shouldn’t be overlooked on your next trip!

Hyperspace Mountain: I was actually blown away by this. I rode this once before it went all ‘hyper’ and it didn’t really have a big impact on me. This one though, I LOVED it. I was surprised how much, considering I haven’t seen any Star Wars! What a ride though. Definitely more for the thrill seekers among us- a couple of loops, darkness and it really speeds off at the beginning. I just thought it was wonderful and the queues we found were surprisingly low- usually waited about 15mins sometimes less! This was probably the best real ‘thrill’ ride for me, across the two parks, I felt like it was pretty smooth, great theming with the lights and music, and just really, really enjoyable. I would love to go on this right now- I cannot wait to ride this again one day!


Travel Make-up Bag 2019

Summer holidays are almost here and whether you are jet setting abroad, living the Disney dream or having a cosy stay-cation, then I got your travel make-up bag covered! This is basically all the make-up that I’ll be taking with me on my summer holiday this year- I’ve tried to keep it minimal but also given myself room to create different looks. There are some noticeable things that I leave out such as eyeshadow palettes, fancy lipsticks or mascara, just because I don’t often wear these in real life (sometimes mascara I do!) so I don’t see the point in taking them with me. For summer I love to keep things really light and easy on the face, just due to sweat issues and sunburn- can’t wait for Christmas haha… anyway, enjoy!


Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in Fair, £4.19: Shall I say anymore? My go-to concealer that is pretty heavy coverage and good for covering blemishes and redness. It doesn’t go cakey and blends well, but I don’t use it under my eyes so cannot really recommend it for that. Great price, re-purchase it regularly and it hasn’t let me down yet.

Bare Minerals BareSkin Perfecting Veil in Light/Medium, £23.00: I haven’t really spoken about this much on here yet but its a product that I am enjoying trying since I bought it around a month ago. It is a slightly fuller coverage setting powder that works well with my concealer to create a lighter base for summer. I haven’t completely trialled it in warm weather yet so I can’t say how much it works in terms of preventing shine and excess oil but so far using it at home I’ve felt like it calms the redness and evens skin tone. I love Bare Minerals and it’s always exciting to try more of their products!


Benefit Cheekleader Pink Squad Palette, £26.00: Last week I shared a full review here about this lovely new purchase of mine, so give that read if you want some more details! I find this PERFECT for summer travel because it is compact, has a mirror and has a good mixture of shades that means you can create different looks constantly. If you want something light for the daytime then a little bit of Dandelion blush is good, then go in slightly heavier with the Galifornia shade for the evening. I think that ‘Twinkle’ is an exclusive to this palette so its nice to have that pinky-highlighter option that gives you a lovely summer, healthy glow.


Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer in Light, $15: I always feel like this seems very random just having an American product in here! I used my Seventeen bronzer for YEARS, sadly it was time to move on. This is quite different as it is all one shade, a light brown but isn’t too orange. It has a LOVELY summery scent to it and I just lightly dust it all over my face, mainly the top of the forehead into the hairline, to give myself a bronze boost. I’m really enjoying using it so far!

Glossier Haloscope Highlighter in Quartz, £18.00: Alright, I know I’ve talked about this one a LOT. Sorry not sorry! I have written more about this classic product in my My ULTIMATE Favourite Highlighter post, so you can read a more detailed review there. To summarise, this gives a natural healthy glow in one easy step, and I use my fingers to blend it, so it is perfect for summer holidays!



Glossier Boy Brow in Clear, £14.00: This is a staple for me that I have been using for a quite a while now and have talked about on here a lot. It’s a really good one for the heat because it keeps your eyebrows in place instead of going all over the place. It’s also super small and a compact product that is easy to travel with.

Real Techniques Make-up Brushes: It’s been a while since I’ve talked about make-up brushes on here but that’s because my Real Technique ones are still going strong! I’m obviously not taking all of these, but any excuse to show you my Kim K mug- I love it! The ones I’m taking are the Powder Brush, Blush Brush, Setting Brush and Buffing Brush- these are very versatile brushes and can be used for different products from powder to liquid. I love the way these buff the make-up into the skin and they’ve really maintained their softness and shape after years of use!


Lip Balm: Now I’ve gone very non-brand specific here because I don’t currently have a favourite lip balm. I’ve always enjoyed the Nivea Essentials range but according to the reviews on Boots, they have gone dramatically downhill since they were re-formulated. This has caused me to try Carmex, which makes your lips tingle like crazy! I don’t like the scent- I picked up original but it seems very minty, is that normal? A lip balm is key for me during the summer but I don’t have a good one to recommend and I’ll probably end up taking my old Nivea one with me. If you have any recommendations for a drugstore trusty lip balm, preferably with no colour but with SPF in, then please leave them below!
