3 Autumn Nail Favourites

Today I wanted to share a few of my favourite nail polish colours for Autumn! I’ve spoken on here many times about my love of the colder months, so I’m happy to be sharing some darker shades with you. I find these shades always look good with a high gloss overcoat- my favourite one is from Nails Inc.

Rimmel 60 Seconds Super Shine Nail Polish in ‘335 Gimme Some of That’, £2.99: I wrote about this nail polish a couple of weeks ago, as part of my 3 Recent Beauty Buys. This is a lovely deep pink shade, that looks really classy- which is something that I often struggle to find when it comes to pink nail polish! It’s not like any of the colours in my collection and it often looks different in different lights, sometimes it has brighter hints of red and others more plum.


Rimmel 60 Seconds Super Shine Nail Polish in ‘310 Double Decker Red’, £2.99: It’s clear to say that I have been LOVING Rimmel nail polish recently and I struggle to go into Boots without picking up a new shade right now! They’re such a great price and I love the formula, it often lasts for AT LEAST 5 days on me which makes it perfect to wear for the week. This is more of a true red, its a little deeper though which makes it the perfect transitional shade for these early Autumn days.

Barry M Hi Shine Gelly Nail Paint in ‘Ginger’, £3.99: I actually featured this one in my Autumn nail favourites from last year and it’s really stood the test of time! I really love this unique shade that has a rusty red, burnt orange kind of colour to it. It basically matches the Autumn leaves! This formula has long been a favourite of mine, with its built in glossy finish, this is definitely a winner.


3 Recent Beauty Buys

Today I just wanted to share a few of the latest beauty bits that I’ve picked up! I’ve kept it down to 3 for this post, so I can really talk about them. You’ll notice this is different to a ‘haul’ because I tend to have tried some of these bits already and gotten them started, so I can give a little bit of initial feedback on the product. Sometimes I just find a post like this is a good ‘one stop shop’ method, so it saves having a haul, try-on AND then a review. It’s just like an all-in-one post, enjoy these little Autumnal pick-me-ups!

Rimmel 60 Seconds Super Shine Nail Polish in ‘335 Gimme Some of That’, £2.99: I’ve been enjoying the Rimmel formula for a few months now and have been really enjoying it. I’ve found that sometimes the lasting power on it can be great, usually get about 5 days out of them at a time. This one, as you can see in the picture has gotten a few small chips within only 2 days though. The shade is really lovely though, its a deep sophisticated pink that almost looks red in some lights though. It’s a really good one for Autumn and I have a feeling I’ll be reaching for this one a lot!


Revolution Conceal and Define Supersize Concealer in ‘C2’, £7.00: I’ve been using my Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer for months non-stop, so I felt like I wanted a change. I have tried this concealer before, but then never got round to re-purchasing it. Unfortunately, I had to settle for the supersize one… which is MASSIVE! I don’t know if they’re still doing the regular sized one, but this one is almost like a foundation stick. I found it harder to shade match me this time, there are literally so so many to choose from even in the pale section- which is a good thing really. I’m looking forward to having a bit of a change up and using this one again.

OGX Purifying and Charcoal Detox Shampoo, £6.99: OGX is a brand that I’ve very recently begun dabbling in and I’m really impressed so far. I like to alternate with my shampoos, so this one and the coconut curls one are the ones I’m currently using. The charcoal one is set to give your head a real deep clean out of any product build up and general dirt. I love a good deep cleaning shampoo, especially as I use serums, so there can often get a build up if not cleansed properly. Love the packaging of these and they’re so big, it will take me a while to finish them off- I usually try and find them on offer too when I can!


5 Reasons Why ‘Once Upon A Time’ Should be your Next Netflix Binge

‘Once Upon A Time’ (OUAT) is one of my ALL TIME favourite TV shows. I’ve never been one to overly re-watch series that I enjoy on Netflix but this one is the exception. It has 7 seasons, with the final one being released just last year. It really is quite a hefty commitment, but time really does fly when you’re watching it. I know it’s already a pretty popular show, especially in America, but I thought incase you hadn’t heard of it this would give you everything you need to know. I would say this is for Disney lovers, but also those that enjoy Riverdale or Pretty Little Liars like it has that mystery vibe to it, maybe if you enjoy fantasy shows you would like it too. So, if you need some convincing then this is why you need to get yourself watching my most favourite show on Netflix…

  1. HELLO, DISNEY CHARACTERS IN A REAL LIFE SETTING! Disney lovers this one is for YOU. Especially if you’re like a young adult, this is going to be your show of dreams. Sometimes it’s like they took the ideas out of my own mind. The premise of the show is essentially that fairy tale characters have had a curse put on them, forcing them into the real world into a land called ‘Storybrooke’. There are SO many Disney characters here from Gus in Cinderella, to Mulan to Geppetto to Elsa from Frozen- literally they’re all here!

2. SUCH CLEVER CONCEPTS AND CONSTANT ‘WORLD’ CHANGING: From my descriptions so far, you might be thinking about this show is for children but it really isn’t. It takes the fairy tale into the modern world, and although magic plays a large part, there is very much a strong dose of ‘reality’ in the show too. The show constantly changes between the different worlds, lands and realms- it does keep you on your toes- but they all entwine seamlessly.


3. THE SWEETEST RELATIONSHIPS: There are SO many relationships that you will want to ‘ship’ on this show. It’s a teenage fangirls dream. My personal favourite is probably Rumplestiltskin and Belle, you can just really see that she brings out the best in him. I won’t do too many spoilers but just know that the actress and actor playing Snow White and Prince Charming are TOGETHER IN REAL LIFE. That chemistry is LEGIT, next level magic right there.

4. PERFECTLY MAGICAL FOR COSY AUTUMN EVENINGS: The great thing about it being such a chunky show is that you can really commit and become completely immersed within it. Although it’s complex, it isn’t difficult to understand and enjoy so it’s really one that you can end up watching lots of episodes after each other, feeling like no time has passed at all. Enjoyed best with a Disney mug filled with tea, or your hot beverage of choice!

5. THE DISNEY IS IN THE DETAIL! I started with a Disney reason, so I’ll finish with one. Although this series is not technically a Disney production, it does carry many of its same values. The little Disney details really make this show, for me as a Disney fan, because it gives it even more magic and cosiness. The way that the little details in the opening sequence give a clue to the upcoming show and the fact that there is a Main Street in Storybrooke! I just think the precision of the plot, the way that everything always comes together, with a touch of magic, makes this show really, really special.


Favourite Autumn Nail Additions

I absolutely LOVE it when brands make seasonal additions to their collections and this one from Barry M is definitely a BIG hit with me. For Autumn, they have added four shades to their Gelly Hi Shine range. There is 4 in total and I’ve picked up 3 of them. Basically, I am completely in love with them and I have never painted my nails so regularly. I felt like they were so gorgeous they deserved their own little ‘shoutout’ review post. This isn’t something I typically do, but when I was planning a ‘Favourite Autumn Nail Polishes’ post I realised I was just naming this range!

The three I have purchased are pictured below, there is also a shade called ‘Spearmint’ that is like a blue-toned green. On the left we have ‘Rhubarb’ that I featured in my recent monthly favourites because it is the PER-FECT Autumn plum and it was the first one I picked up. The middle one is called ‘Ginger’ and despite the bright lighting in the photo, it  appears slightly more burnt orange in real life rather than poppy red. The final one I have is called ‘Nutmeg’, a lovely classy nude shade that isn’t actually too brown or too transparent- something I typically struggle with nude shades.


In terms of the formula, the Gelly range has to be one of my favourites out there. I love a high-shine finish and these do not disappoint. I’ll be honest though I do use a top coat, just to lock in the colour, but these would be perfectly fine without one because the gloss comes from within the colour. I find that because the Gelly formula doesn’t really require a base coat because it is slightly thicker than a typical polish, so it has the power to smooth your nail as you paint- the brush with this also helps for a professional application. As I mentioned in my October Favourites 2018 with the ‘Rhubarb’ shade, they actually seem slightly longer lasting than some of the older shades I have. They are very strong shades, even the paler ‘Almond’ one, as you can get a vivid colour easily within two coats.

Hopefully you have enjoyed this little ‘bonus’ post. This release was so spontaneous I couldn’t wait until a break in my blogging schedule to share it with you! I was so surprised when I found these shades from Barry M because they usually are great for the very bright, classic colours like in summer when you want a bright pink, red or blue. I tend to look elsewhere when I’m looking for slightly more sophisticated, unique and mature shades, which is exactly what these are- the types of shade I usually only find when I’m getting gel nails done professionally.

After that big ramble, TO SUMMARISE: LOVE THESE, perfect for the season and I will effectively be alternating between these until Spring. I’m sure you’ll want to do the same!


Disney Villains Park Tag

Happy Halloween!

I’ve written before about how personally I don’t really celebrate Halloween, much more a Christmas girl. Although, this year I had this idea for a post and thought this was the perfect time to share it. SO, I’ve basically created a bit of a ‘tag’… well I say ‘created’ I couldn’t find one like this but I’m sure I’ve heard people discuss this general idea before so I’m not taking the credit! Basically, through this tag I will be ‘making up’ my own ‘Disney Villain’s Kingdom’- think of it as another Park at Walt Disney World. I’ve split it into the following sections and they’ll all have a villains theme, I’ve gone for two ideas in each but I could probably have gone on! I’m hoping it will just make sense as I go along:


  • Doctor Facilier Rollercoaster: Wouldn’t this be great?! Obviously the name needs work! I’m thinking a really psychedelic theme as he takes you ‘to the other side’. He is a really creepy character so I think an inside, dark thrilling rollercoaster would fit in with his story perfectly.
  • Maleficent Boat Ride: This would be a great way to show off Maleficent’s back story and that she was doing it all for revenge for what Aurora’s dad did to her. I think a boat ride would work and wouldn’t be what you would expect from Maleficent- it could just brush over the whole ‘dragon’ bit.


  • Queen of Hearts Jam Tarts would be SO yummy! They could even be sold at the Cheshire Cafe in Magic Kingdom- I’ve really thought about this one. Each one could be topped with a crown or heart pastry design… they would be wonderful!
  • Hades Smoking Cake Pops would be great, as they could just be of his head with that fiery hair! The bright blue colour would make them stand out, if they wanted to really stay on theme they could be Chocolate and Chilli flavoured.



  • There are already a couple of restaurants in WDW where you can meet villains. I’m thinking of a Disney Evil Queen’s Afternoon Tea- wouldn’t that be great! All the treats would be spooky and dark. It could be the Evil Queen and a selection of her female villain friends like Mother Gothel and Lady Tremaine. It would be a great way to see them all interact together and put a twist on the classic afternoon tea.
  • Ursula’s would have the walls COVERED in shelved with the projections of lots of ‘souls’ in them that she had captured over the years. It would be navy and dark purple themed as if you were under the sea in her cave. I think it would be a real hit… not sure on the food though maybe some seafood although that seems already very popular in WDW.

Added Extras: Right so I would actually like a stage musical for the villains, like the ones they have over in Animal Kingdom or Hollywood Studios. I think one where they all get together to plot over something would be really cool or maybe showing more of their backstories! Just more meet and greets too I think would be a nice idea, as they look so fun to interact with!

Let me know if you complete this tag, I would LOVE to read it, or have anything you want to add to my plans just put it in the comments!


4 Autumn Reads

This is kind of a ‘books I’ve bought recently’/ TBR list post. I’m basically going to be sharing a few of the books that I am hoping to read throughout Autumn and they might give you some inspiration if you’re looking to get back into some good books. Obviously I can’t say if these books are good, but I have looked into them a little bit and I’m hoping that I will be able to recommend them in the future. These are mainly YA but there is a mix of romance, thriller and fantasy so I’m sure one of these will take your fancy. Autumn is a great time to get into reading, as the nights draw in and the weather gets cosier- there is no better way to get lost in a story.

Glass Sword, Victoria Aveyard: This is the second instalment of the ‘Red Queen’ series. It is a fantasy, Hunger Games-esque series and there are four in total. I am quite far into this book already but it has taken a while. It’s very complex with lots of different characters so I often have to re-read bits if I’ve missed it for a couple of days. I do like the series once I get into it, but it does take some time.

There’s Someone Inside your House, Stephanie Perkins: This book looks quite different to the normal  books I pick up as I am not usually into the thriller genre. I mean it is YA, so I’m hoping it can’t be too scary. This has been on my TBR list for ages so I’m really pleased to have finally picked it up!


It Only Happens in the Movies, Holly Bourne: I’ve heard quite a lot about this author as I think she is quite popular in the YA world. The cover of this book really sold me and the plot seems like the perfect rom-com, easy read. This is the type of thing I want to pick  up on the train and just get lost in for a while. I’m really looking forward to giving this a read!

Under Rose-tinted Skies, Louise Gornall: I hadn’t really seen much about this book but when I picked it up in Waterstones- I know I went to an actual bookshop, I hadn’t done that for AGES but I loved it. The pretty pink cover really drew me in- classic. When reading the blurb it reminded me of one of my favourite books- Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon. If it is half as good as that then I’m in for a treat!

I know this post is a bit of an mixture of ‘book’ things but I’m hoping that it gave you some inspiration for your own TBR lists! The best way I’ll share my thoughts on these books is probably in my monthly favourite posts on the last Thursday of each month. So be sure to check them out to see my thoughts on them!



October Favourites 2018

This months favourites are coming a little bit early, although it is still the last Thursday of the month! I’ve still had time to enjoy some different products throughout the month and they definitely have a real Autumn-feel to them, compared to September. I am absolutely loving all this fall right now and am beginning Christmas preparations- HOW EXCITING! As always there is a mix of everything this month, so enjoy!

Max Factor Creme Puff Blush in ‘Gorgeous Berries’, £8.99: I’ve been eyeing up this blush for AGES and now I’ve got it, I have been loving it. I went for this deeper berry shade, that isn’t typically what I would choose for my pale complexion. For this autumnal weather though I think it is perfect, I just make sure I use a light-hand and a bigger fluffy brush… it’s taken some time to perfect the application with this one. I find it gives a lovely flush of colour and has a slight sheen/ healthy glow look to it. A berry blush is perfect for the season and is a must-have in  my Autumn Essentials.

Barry M Gelly Nail Polish in Rhubarb, £3.99: The new Autumn shades added to this collection are SO wonderful. I’ve decided to put this one in the favourites though because I have worn it the most. It has to be one of the most perfect Autumn/ Winter shades, ever. Look how pretty it is- below! It lasts pretty well too, so not sure if they have improved the formula slightly as it is still as glossy as ever. Can’t go wrong with this one!


A Star is Born: Technically I did see an early screening of this at the end of September BUT it has continued to be a favourite throughout this month too. I absolutely LOVE the soundtrack. I’ve never really been that into Lady Gaga or overly recognised her work but the performance from herself and Bradley Cooper in this film is mesmerising. It was such an emotional film that really stayed with me for a few days afterwards and although it wasn’t my typical kind of film I would definitely recommend it- you might surprise yourself too.

Gossip Girl: Obviously this favourite is not ‘new’ to the world, but it is relatively ‘new’ to me. I started it in September and got into it IMMEDIATELY. Literally, I have spent more time on the Upper East Side this month that I have at my actual university and quite simply: I have no regrets.

Hopefully you have enjoyed reading about some of the different things I have been loving throughout October! It’s always a lovely month, busy, but generally a good one especially as I love the colder weather. I am not crazy into Halloween though, as I am extremely loyal to Christmas… and I scare pretty easy. I am going to be sharing a Halloween themed post on Wednesday and I’d love to know what you think about it and maybe you might want to join in with it! Be sure to follow if you want to make you sure you don’t miss them!


Autumn Essentials

Autumn is a proper popular season online, isn’t it? Who knew it had so many fans! I’m class myself as a proper winter girl, but Autumn is like winter’s very close cousin… so I do obviously enjoy this time of the year too! The burgundy jumpers are out, black boots and we are now permitted to wear our hair down again without the back of your neck dripping in sweat- thank goodness. With these things in mind, I have decided to share some of my favourite Autumn essentials and some of the key things that I associate with this lovely, cosy season. Enjoy!

Jumpers: ALL THE JUMPERS. I’m talking EVERY type of jumper. Chunky, cable, striped, patterned, sparkly, turtle-necked, cropped, baggy- ALL of the above. Autumn is the time when the jumper takes centre stage in your wardrobe and resides there until about May. It’s one of my absolute favourite pieces of clothing and I are one of the main reasons I love the colder months. The main ones I have been loving this year are from H&M, although be warned they can sometimes come up a little short, but with some black jeans they usually look just fine. TBH, any jumper will do- especially if it’s burgundy or millennial pink, my particular favourites this year.

Deep Rosy Blusher: Now this is probably the only make-up product that I really associate with Autumn. It isn’t the typical berry lip or smoky eye but it is my little Autumn addition. You might have seen in my recent haul that this year I’ve tried something a little different with the Max Factor Creme Puff Blush in Gorgeous Berries but usually I turn to Benefit’s Rockateur. Both of these products are a different shade of blush than I usually turn to, they are deeper and more mauve than my standard baby pink. I’m looking forward to seeing how the Max Factor one compares to Benefit’s, I’m sure there are more out there to try though! I find that even on my pale skin tone, this deeper berry shade can give your cheeks that Autumn blush instead and is a great addition to any make-up look in the colder months- they can look scary in the pan, but I would definitely suggest giving them a try!


Velvet Scrunchies: Alright, bear with me with this one. No you haven’t stepped back in time to the nineties. I’ve tried to show how cute they are in the picture above but not sure if that’s really doing them justice! I don’t know if this ‘essential’ is the same for everyone… maybe it’s just me, but I LOVE a scrunchie in Autumn. Yep, it’s that teenage girl mentality that I’m stuck in- it can’t be helped. I think with the academic year starting and spending more time at a desk, I really love putting my hair back to get me in that ‘focused’ mindset… by ‘focused’ I mean being distracted by Josh Dylan clips on YouTube every 0.4seconds. My favourites are from H&M, I especially love the burgundy and pink ones- can you sense a theme? I think with big messy curls a scrunchie is a great addition to any autumn look!

Big Mugs and Chick-Flicks: These two make for the perfect Autumn night in. From September to November you will find me with a mug in my hand watching some kind of teenage rom-com on Netflix… it’s just the way it is. I recommend you do the same- seriously, you won’t regret it. My current favourites are ‘To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before’ (original right?) and ‘The Kissing Booth’. I have already watched these both more times than I would care to admit but honestly- I’m not guilty about it! I have been consuming tea by the bucket-load too out of cute Minnie Mouse mugs- it is the Autumn DREAM.

I really hope you have enjoyed reading about some of my Autumn essentials. Everyone has their own favourite things that prepare them for this season like deep berry lipstick- that look just doesn’t work for me though! I love this time of year because it is all building up to the most wonderful time of the year where all these lovely Autumn essentials become festive and glittery- I. Cannot. Wait.


Gift Ideas: Autumn Edition

If Autumn is a busy time for birthdays with your friends and family then hopefully this post will help you out! I absolutely LOVE buying presents and gifts for people so I thought it would be a nice idea to do some ‘Autumn themed’ ideas for the upcoming months. I might start doing these seasonally because each one kind of offers different ideas in the whole gifting front- like everything cosy for Autumn! Obviously you know the recipient’s tastes best, so their favourite things and your budget are going to be big influencers in deciding what present to opt for. Keep these two things in mind when having a look through my ideas, you can always add to or change them to fit the person’s tastes to make it more personal!

First up, I wanted to talk about a couple of gift ideas for people you know that are starting university! You don’t have to get them a present but sometimes gifting someone a little something is a nice way to let them know you’re thinking of them. A lovely Letter Writing Set is a great idea and encourages them to keep in contact. It’s always fun to add in a couple of stamps and a little note with your own address on- hint, hint. I would recommend looking Paperchase or, if you wanted personalised or Disney ones, then Papier is a great website. Also wall hangings, photographs and chocolate will all go down well with new students as it will help keep their rooms comfy and their bellies full- two crucial features of student life.


Right, so onto birthdays this Autumn. One great option is the ‘perfect night-in box‘, I LOVE this one and it always goes down a hit. You can tailor this towards their favourite films, so with Halloween you might want to go for Horror, then some of their favourite snacks. You could add in some of their favourite snacks, hot chocolate and a lovely mug or go for facials, bubble bath and fluffy socks. This is a great option for going as big or small as you want! Instead you might want to go for some Autumn fashion accessories, which I know can be risky as a gift, but a big-knit scarf, plum lipstick or a cute bobble hat usually always gets used as the weather gets colder. Autumn is a great time to take up some new hobbies so you could encourage your friend with some books on a specific topic, like knitting, or if they are a Great British Bake-Off enthusiast you might find something in my 5 Gifts for Star Bakers.

Hopefully this has given you some inspiration for gifting throughout Autumn! It can be a tough time to buy because Christmas is so close, but obviously these can be used for then too. I LOVE writing these gift ideas and will definitely have a couple more coming up in the lead up to Christmas- so give this blog a follow if you’re usually the one who opts for socks and gift vouchers… EVERY year.


Beauty and Skincare Haul

I absolutely LOVE a haul! Throughout September that urge to shop just gets unbearable and I definitely caved throughout the last couple of weeks. I’ve tried to limit myself to a few little bits and thought I would share them in this little post. The make-up bits are from Boots and the skincare is from The Body Shop- both have got some great bits in at the moment! I’m sure I’ll be picking more bits up throughout Autumn, it’s a great time for shopping!

When looking for make-up I did that classic thing, going in for one thing and realising there is a 3 for 2 on… I’m sure they make you spend more than save! The main thing I went in to buy was a new blusher, the Max Factor Creme Puff Blush in Gorgeous Berries, £8.99. It is a product I have had my eye on for AGES but I was always a bit sceptical about the product for the price- I could have spent a bit more money for a higher end blush. Anyway it is a really pretty, deeper shade and I am hoping to get a lot of wear out of it throughout Autumn. I also picked up the Barry M Gelly Nail Paint in Rhubarb, £3.99… another nail polish, what a surprise! I hadn’t seen this shade before but it was almost like a muted plum- looks better than it sounds! I love the Gelly range and am always on the eye out for new additions that take my fancy. The last make-up product I picked up was my trusty Collection Lasting Perfection in Fair, £4.19. There isn’t much I can say about this one but you can never have enough of them- it’s a classic.


All of the skincare bits are from The Body Shop as they have had some great offers on recently, I bought these with 35% off. I had to re-purchase a Vitamin E Night Cream, £14.00 as it recently found its way into my Beauty Products: Empties. I couldn’t be without it for long, it is a really lovely moisturiser and I find my skin a lot plumper in the morning. I did pick up something new too, the Tea Tree Squeaky-Clean Scrub £7.50. I felt like my skincare routine was missing out on a proper exfoliant that really, really worked. I wanted one that I could really massage into my face and feel like it was cleaning my clogged pores- so I thought I would give this a try! The last thing I got was the Wild Argan Solid Oil Lips, £4.50. I aren’t tried this before but I was looking for a more ‘heavy duty’ lip cream to put on as a night treatment. I’m hoping this is as good as my KIKO night lip treatment as they’ve discontinued it!

One little extra thing I did pick up was the KIKO Lip Scrub Stick, £5.90. I recently talked about how I didn’t like the ‘pot’ lip scrubs from LUSH in my Beauty Products I Regret Buying post. Since then I have been on the hunt for one in stick form, it just saves the mess and I was hoping for a nicer scent. I found this one in KIKO, a really great beauty store, and am looking forward to seeing how this one works out!

Hopefully you enjoyed reading about some of the bits I have picked up recently- there was quite a mix. I am on such a shopping-hype at the moment, it’s kind of annoying because I tried my best to have some self-control throughout summer! Anyway, I’m sure these products will be worth it and I will definitely share my thoughts on them. The best way to see how these products work out is through my monthly favourites or sometimes I’ll do specific reviews- so give the blog a follow if you want to read some follow-up posts!
