3 Thoughtful Ways to Stay in Touch

Now more than ever, staying in touch with your friends and family is a really massive thing and something that we are having to put a little more thought into. Especially those friends we would usually see daily that we haven’t seen for months – definitely missing them all! It’s really important for everyone’s wellbeing that we put a bit of effort into checking in on our friends at this time. These are a couple ideas other than just picking up the phone and giving them a call, which is just as lovely!

Write them a letter: Ever wanted a pen pal? Now is the perfect time! Get out an actual pen and paper and just chat as if your friend was sat opposite you. You might think you haven’t been up to much (like everyone else!) but tell them about the latest series you binged watched, book you read or dinner you ate. It’s nice just to share some of the simple daily details of life with your bestie and to hear about what they’ve enjoyed too! You can even go out and post it on your daily walk too – win, win!

Send them a meme, gif or Tiktok: One of the simplest forms of letting someone know you are thinking of them. I don’t know about you but when I get a notification that a friend has tagged me in something funny it really gives me a boost! I always think it’s so sweet to know that someone has thought of you, you know? Just whilst scrolling I suddenly popped into their head! That means a lot in 2020! They’re usually really funny and scarily accurate, so definitely worth giving your friends a simple tag in something online to brighten their day.

Post them a special gift: If you want to send something special then now is a perfect time, whether it be something you have homemade or order it online. If they live locally you can always take it to their door and then stand down the driveway! There are lots of different things that you can send online whether it be a recent book find on Amazon or a letterbox brownie from a local bakery business. You can find lots of food delivery companies online or trying Instagram, Facebook groups or Etsy to find some local places to support. Getting post at this time is literally SUCH A THRILL, so it’s nice to pass on that joy!

Take care,


3 Disneyland Paris Non-Ride Favourites

I am LOVING sharing these Disneyland Paris posts- I hope you are loving them too! i would love you to add you favourites in the comments as I LOVE talking all things DLP since returning from my trip. I wanted to share some ‘non-ride’ favourites today so this includes some more experiences that I LOVED doing. I haven’t including meeting characters on this one because I am going to do a whole post on that- coming soon! I do want to do a little disclaimer just to say that I LOVED everything that we did. There were SOOO many things I could have added to this list but right now, this is my top 3.

Illuminations: The fireworks are just my FAVOURITE thing ever. I want to finish every day by watching them. The projections on the castle, the music, the colours, the lights and the fountains. It’s just EVERYTHING. I’ve heard a few people who don’t seem that fussed about the fireworks at DLP, and maybe its because I cannot compare it with WDW, but I just really love the fireworks. I also wasn’t that bothered about some of the songs being in French, I’ve heard lots of people moan about it, but Disney is universal AND we are in France! It’s just the right length to keep everyone engaged, it has a great mixture of films and was simply gorgeous. I think I saw Disney Dreams when I visited a few years ago but honestly I loved both… I’m just a  real Disney fireworks girl and they are probably one of the things I miss the most now I’m home. They are simply the most magical end to the day.


Taking a Trip on the Molly Brown: Now I wasn’t sure if this counted as a ride because technically it has a wait time on the apps? I see it as more of an experience and a REALLY wonderful one at that. It’s in Frontierland and is the PERFECT thing to do in the summer, when it’s really hot and you need a little break. You can take some gorgeous photos of Frontierland and have a little sit down. Even the area to wait to get on the boat is covered and has seats- it’s the dream! The boat trip lasts a good amount of time and takes you around the lake in a circle. Check the times for this though, as it doesn’t open as long as other rides in the park. I just LOVED this. It was just magical and a lovely relaxing activity that gave beautiful views of the park.

Mickey and the Magician: I would definitely suggest checking what shows are available when you go on your trip- seeing this was definitely a highlight for me! I also loved the Superheroes United show, but that is only a seasonal offering. This show was just wonderful. It included many characters and songs that you can’t see just around the park- like Frozen and the Fairy Godmother! It’s a very simple plot line, perfect for all the family, and the use of the different Disney characters is seamless. It has the Genie and the Lion King in too- it really has a West End vibe! I would suggest getting there early- around 30minutes roughly depending on crowd levels- but you can always check with a Cast Member before you go in. It’s worth the wait and you can usually just sit on the floor undercover before going into the theatre. This was in the Walt Disney Studios Park and I didn’t see lots of adverts for it when I was there, but I would REALLY try not to miss this award winning show!



Easter Treats

Easter is almost upon us… at the end of the week! I really enjoy this Spring celebration, although if you’ve been around for a few months you’ll know Christmas is my number one gal. ANYWAY, before I lose myself down a tinsel and fairy light infested rabbit-hole… this post is all about EASTER. I’m just going to chat about a few of cute ways you can celebrate it and make it a special time with your family.

Baking: Easter is one of my ULTIMATE fave times for baking with chocolate being everywhere. The possibilities are endless from Creme Egg brownies, cookies or even goo-ey cupcakes. If you’re more a Mini Egg person then Rocky Roads, Cheesecakes and Easter bark are definitely worth a bake! There are LOADS of Easter recipes online and remember you can’t go wrong with some cute nest cakes. I love getting my recipes from Jane’s Patisserie, but there are LOADS online you’ll definitely find something you long to bake. If you’re new to the baking game then check out my Basic Girls Guide to: Baking.

Cute Decor: Okay, so decor is not often associated with Easter… it’s more of a Christmas thing BUT there are lots of ways to make your space a little more Easter-inspired. You can go really simple with some Tulips or Daffodils or maybe buy a little wicket basket to fill with chocolate eggs on your coffee table. Even just changing some colour schemes in your house, by adding some pastel cushions or candles then could change the whole room’s look. If you go online then you’ll be able to find some bunting or if you’re feeling creative then you could try going homemade…


Craft: That brings me nicely onto homemade Easter crafts. From knitting a teapot cosy, making bunting or decorating boiled eggs. A little Easter Crafternoon can be really fun with friends or family. Lots of people leave their creativity as they get older, why not try and get it back this Easter?

Family Time: It’s nice to take sometime over Easter for your family and friends- quality, non-digital time like at Christmas! It doesn’t have to be baking or crafts, maybe something simple like a family games night or a lovely walk in the fresh outdoors. Maybe just give an elderly relative a phone call, send them an Easter card or do an Easter Egg Hunt! Whatever floats your family’s boat… you’ll be grateful for this time when life gets busy again.

Don’t forget the religious foundations of this season, although they can get lost in all this loveliness, it might be nice to simply share thanks to Him. Have a wonderfully, creative Easter filled with lots of Chocolate-y goodness!

See you on Thursday at 10am for March Favourites,
