5 Things to be Grateful for in Lockdown

I wasn’t going to mention the global pandemic on here because I really am using my blog to escape, like I imagine many other people are too. I also don’t want to seem like I am trivialising it or not taking it seriously – please know that I am. Ultimately, there is no right way to behave in a global pandemic. So I’m going to share some of the things that I am grateful for, as even when things look dark there is always light.

Sometimes I find at the end of the day just taking the time to reflect and write down just 3 things that I am grateful for from that day, it helps me go to sleep with a clearer head. I also want to make clear that this doesn’t include health, family and friends which are obviously the most important things I am always the most grateful for them.

1. Spring Sunshine: Got to kickstart this list with the classic cliche but this year I really feel like it’s true. I’ve always been such a winter girl – exhibit a –  but I think this has to be one of the first times I have really appreciated spring. Whether it’s the pretty flowers on my daily permitted walk or it being warm enough to sit outside and read. Opening the curtains in the morning to see a blue sky has really been such a blessing during this scary time.

2. Books: I’ve always wanted to be a little bookworm and I’ve gone through phases in my life when I am. Since starting full-time work though, I really put reading on the back burner and it’s only now with this extra time that I have delved into quite a few. I’ll be sharing some of the books I’ve read in a post soon!


3. Technology: Wow. Technology is really out there bringing us all together isn’t it. We are now reaping the benefits of social media, FaceTime, Zoom and even just have a good old fashioned phone call. I love being able to speak to my Grandad so regularly and having our family quiz nights. Obviously Twitter and the news outlets are still really overwhelming and I try to limit by time on those but overall I think we are seeing the best bits of technology at the moment.

4. Easter Eggs: I’ve been pacing myself with these, which takes a considerable amount of self control. Cadbury’s Easter Eggs are one my most favourite foods on the planet and take up a considerable amount of my diet from March – May … if they make it to May. I just love them. You can’t have enough of these, seriously THANK YOU CADBURYS. ALWAYS.

5. Disney+: They got the timing just perfect with this one didn’t they? Having a whole new streaming service to get really stuck does help the hours really pass by. You can see what I am most looking forward to here, a list that I am already making my way through! Getting lost in those Disney movies have really been soothing for the soul.

Take care,


Blogging: Favourites VS Popularity

I just wanted to have a little chat today- nothing major. I wanted to share my thoughts on one of the age old questions that seems to come up on social media all the time- should you make content you enjoy or that is going to get you views? It is probably one of the biggest dilemmas that creators face. Obviously I am a simple writer, I just write a few posts a week to about 100 followers- clearly not the same scale of problem as the actual ‘YouTubers’ or proper legit bloggers. Don’t get me wrong there doesn’t have to be a distinct difference between the two and many of my posts fit both of these- like make-up videos or favourites! It’s just that recently I faced this dilemma as I decided to change a blog post which made me delve deeper into this question- should we post our favourites posts or what is going to be popular?

It is still something I have thought about and, at times it has honestly stopped me from writing certain posts. Just because I enjoy writing about something that doesn’t mean that everyone is going to enjoy it. The answer to the problem- like most things- is to find a balance. You need to be writing things that you love and that probably should take the priority, especially for small writers like myself. Then sometimes it can be disheartening if you LOVE a post that receives the smallest interaction- it does make you question, what is the point in sharing it? I could have just written that down in a notebook.


It is probably linked quite closely to, why do you blog or create? Is it to enjoy yourself and delve into your passions or simply to gain a following and make money? For me it has always been the first one, but since I recently decided to change one of my post ideas because I knew it wouldn’t get the same reactions I started to question my own motives. I know that hitting 100 followers is not a big deal and is tiny compared to many people but for me I was buzzing! Have the numbers gone to my head? Is this what social media does to us, constantly forcing us to strive for more and more numbers? In a way that probably is true to a certain extent it just depends how much you allow that to drive your content.

I am in no way saying this is a big problem but I just thought I would share my thoughts on it, because once you are aware of it yourself you begin to see it in other peoples content. You can start to question- do these people actually love this or are they driven by money? The bottom line is that balance is key and I think that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be successful! Just try your best and don’t post anything you don’t believe in is probs what I’m sticking with for now. Let me know your thoughts on this!


Finding Joy

In my A Year of Blogging post I spoke about wanting to do some simple, chatty posts. That’s the vibe I’m going for today: just write as if no one is reading… if you are though HELLO, hope you’re well.

ANYWAYS. Today I’m talking about the simple topic of finding joy in the little things. It’s something that lots of people have begun to overlook, as people strive to be the best and have the best. Of course, there can be happiness found in the lavish cars, fancy houses, 5-5-star holidays and designer handbags. BUT, there is so so so much more. With Spring approaching (supposedly!) I think it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate your outlook on life and just appreciate the little things. Seeing this quote on Pinterest reminded me of that.


Life can change instantly or slowly, you might not even realise the changes around you before it’s too late. This spontaneity in life is what makes cherishing our blessings so important, even when we don’t see them as blessings. Tiny weeny things that like having a cuppa tea with your Mum, watching a football game with your Dad or arguing with your sibling for no other reason than they are simply irritating.

Someone out there would absolutely LOVE to have the little problems we have. Like an only child who dreams of having someone to argue with… I’m sure there must be. The world is so diverse, we shouldn’t take anything for granted even our annoying pesky problems. As a MASSIVE worrier myself, I know it is difficult to find happiness when faced with a problem… but it can be done. In the words of the legends that are Take That: ‘Some day this will all be someone else’s dream’.

What better way to finish a motivational post than Take That. So remember to watch out for some of the little blessings coming your way this Springtime. Don’t worry about the little things and cherish life in its entirety…. if only I would take my own advice!


Maintaining the Christmas Magic

Happy New Year!

Today is just a reflective chatty post to bring in the new year. I hope you’ve had the most wonderful Christmas… it’s just the best isn’t it? All the lovely sides of humanity come to light in the festive period and I think it is SO important to keep these qualities throughout the rest of the year. I’ve already shared a couple of posts on this topic such as Ways to Spread the Spirit of Christmas and Spreading Kindness. These posts can give you an insight into beings a friendlier person all year, it’s a great new years resolution! I wanted to just share 3 ways to maintain the magic of Christmas in your everyday life, until the festive period comes round again.

  1. Friends and Family: Keep making time for these important people in your life, it is THE most important thing. Over Christmas the mobiles go away and your loved ones are at the forefront! So make time to give someone a phone call, send a letter or even visit them, especially any elderly relatives. We take these wonderful people for granted so it is important to look out for them all year, not just Christmas.
  2. Be Charitable: This is looking a little further afield, try helping someone outside your circle. Obviously this doesn’t need to be financial aid, but if that’s something you want to start then you could consider setting up a direct debit. Try researching some local and national charity campaigns that you can raise awareness for even from your home.
  3. Random Acts of Kindness: These can come in endless forms. They can be as extravagant or as simple as you wish. Once you start adding these little things into your life then they’ll become a habit, a really lovely habit! Simply paying forward at a cafe, complimenting a stranger or holding a door open… literally ANYTHING goes. It’s easier than you think to be kind and you’ll probably surprise yourself with how effortless it can be.

Obviously, I am not the kindest person ever and there are times when you’re feeling a bit ‘done’. I just want to make it clear I am SO far from perfect but I just want to try and add this kinder element into my everyday life in 2018. I think its an important new years resolution and if the whole world did it, then it would be lovelier place. Another important thing to note is BE KIND TO YOURSELF, treat yourself like you do your best friend and give yourself a break.

Finally, I just wanted to say that throughout January I will be having a ‘Throwback Thursday’ month. So every Thursday at 10am I will be posting my ‘Top 5’ of different topics from 2017- if that sounds like something you’ll be into then I’d appreciate if you gave this blog a little follow!

Wishing you lots of happiness for 2018,
