3 Thoughtful Ways to Stay in Touch

Now more than ever, staying in touch with your friends and family is a really massive thing and something that we are having to put a little more thought into. Especially those friends we would usually see daily that we haven’t seen for months – definitely missing them all! It’s really important for everyone’s wellbeing that we put a bit of effort into checking in on our friends at this time. These are a couple ideas other than just picking up the phone and giving them a call, which is just as lovely!

Write them a letter: Ever wanted a pen pal? Now is the perfect time! Get out an actual pen and paper and just chat as if your friend was sat opposite you. You might think you haven’t been up to much (like everyone else!) but tell them about the latest series you binged watched, book you read or dinner you ate. It’s nice just to share some of the simple daily details of life with your bestie and to hear about what they’ve enjoyed too! You can even go out and post it on your daily walk too – win, win!

Send them a meme, gif or Tiktok: One of the simplest forms of letting someone know you are thinking of them. I don’t know about you but when I get a notification that a friend has tagged me in something funny it really gives me a boost! I always think it’s so sweet to know that someone has thought of you, you know? Just whilst scrolling I suddenly popped into their head! That means a lot in 2020! They’re usually really funny and scarily accurate, so definitely worth giving your friends a simple tag in something online to brighten their day.

Post them a special gift: If you want to send something special then now is a perfect time, whether it be something you have homemade or order it online. If they live locally you can always take it to their door and then stand down the driveway! There are lots of different things that you can send online whether it be a recent book find on Amazon or a letterbox brownie from a local bakery business. You can find lots of food delivery companies online or trying Instagram, Facebook groups or Etsy to find some local places to support. Getting post at this time is literally SUCH A THRILL, so it’s nice to pass on that joy!

Take care,


3 Disney+ Recommendations

Disney Plus is basically one of my favourite things. Ever. If you asked me ‘What has your lockdown been sponsored by?’ I would say Disney+. With Animal Crossing and Cadbury’s Creme Eggs thrown in there too.

I’ve barely been on Netflix since it’s come out and I just have to say that, with everything going on right now, it came at the best time. A time when magic is so needed. I have made my way through a fair amount of my To Be Watched List: Disney+ and thought I would share 3 of my recommendations – SO FAR. There is still a lot more I have to watch, which is the beauty of having a whole new streaming service. Obviously I’m going to have A LOT more recommendations eventually, but this is ‘as of May 2020’.

Disney’s Fairytale Weddings: Hear me out on this one. I know you’re thinking that this programme is going to appeal to a specific type of audience but give it a chance. There is a lot of heart in this show, it is real escapism. You get to meet couples and hear their stories, it can really tug on your heartstrings this one! There are some episodes more exciting than others but just seeing the destinations and the little details – it got me EXCITED.

The Imagineering Story: WOW. So this lived up to the high expectations. If anything it left me wanting MORE episodes. I loved learning so much about Walt, the parks and the journey that the company has gone on. It was such an honest account of what has happened over the years, it didn’t try and cover up any mistakes, instead it highlighted them and showed the audience how they fixed them. One of the overriding things that came out of it for me, was just how special and unique Disney is – in so many ways from the business side, to the detail within the parks and the innovative storytelling in every single movie they have ever released. Walt was so ahead of his time and I love learning more about his incredible life. The whole series is now available and you are really in for a treat if you haven’t watched it yet.

Cars 2: I spoke a little bit in my initial post about how I was looking forward to watching the films that I hadn’t seen before – Cars being one of them. I’ve picked out Cars 2 as a favourite, but they were all great! Cars 2 just had me LAUGHING so much. It’s the tow truck, Mater, who has very quickly become one of new favourite Disney characters. He was just hilarious!!! I was surprised how much I enjoyed this, as I generally have very different tastes to a 5 year old boy, yet here I am saying that this is a GREAT film. I really want to go to Radiator Springs… like now.

Take care,


3 Recent Reads

Reading is something that I have really been trying to get into recently. I always view reading a book as something far superior to scrolling on my phone – it doesn’t feel like wasted time. For some reason though I have always found the scrolling way more tempting, so I’m really trying to turn that habit around. I even wrote a whole article about this before, as creating a reading habit is something I have always wanted to do – in my Basic Girls Guide to: Getting into Reading. Here are a few of the books that have really helped distract me from my phoneI have been reading recently:

One of Us is Lying by Karen McManus: You might have already read this one as it’s been pretty popular for a few years and I think it was recently picked for Zoe Sugg’s book club. It’s a YA thriller, mystery style book set in an American High School – all fairly typical – with a ‘Breakfast Club’ style comparison. I really liked the way the perspective was constantly changing, although it was a bit confusing at the beginning. It gave you the chance to see things from each character’s view and have the ability to see how the incident impacted them all individually. I did find this a real page-turner and if you like that very specific and popular YA genre then I’m sure you’ll enjoy this!

Our Stop by Laura Jane Williams: If you like Paige Toon, ‘The Flatshare’ or most of Giovanna’s Fletcher’s books then I think you will really enjoy this one! It has that classic romance, chick lit style to it but there is also some difficult themes in there too. It’s a book that really has some heart and that is one of the best qualities that a book can have. These are the perfect books for escapism and although sometimes it was a bit predictable, on the whole this was a really great read to transport you to happier and more romantic times.

A Good Girls Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson: I really liked the style of this book as it follows a teenagers EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) as she investigates the suspected-murder of local girl Andie Bell. There are lots of twists and turns within the book and the ‘scrapbook’ style made it a real page-turner. One of the things that I found difficult was that it was set in the UK, when the whole thing just felt really American. I don’t know exactly why this is, but it didn’t feel like it fitted within a usual British secondary school or society at all. There was something that didn’t click with the plot, characters and location which made it a bit hard to believe and disjointed. Overall, if a YA thriller is your thing then I think you will find this story really engaging and the unique writing style will make you want to find out the truth, just as much as the narrator does.

Take care,


5 Things to be Grateful for in Lockdown

I wasn’t going to mention the global pandemic on here because I really am using my blog to escape, like I imagine many other people are too. I also don’t want to seem like I am trivialising it or not taking it seriously – please know that I am. Ultimately, there is no right way to behave in a global pandemic. So I’m going to share some of the things that I am grateful for, as even when things look dark there is always light.

Sometimes I find at the end of the day just taking the time to reflect and write down just 3 things that I am grateful for from that day, it helps me go to sleep with a clearer head. I also want to make clear that this doesn’t include health, family and friends which are obviously the most important things I am always the most grateful for them.

1. Spring Sunshine: Got to kickstart this list with the classic cliche but this year I really feel like it’s true. I’ve always been such a winter girl – exhibit a –  but I think this has to be one of the first times I have really appreciated spring. Whether it’s the pretty flowers on my daily permitted walk or it being warm enough to sit outside and read. Opening the curtains in the morning to see a blue sky has really been such a blessing during this scary time.

2. Books: I’ve always wanted to be a little bookworm and I’ve gone through phases in my life when I am. Since starting full-time work though, I really put reading on the back burner and it’s only now with this extra time that I have delved into quite a few. I’ll be sharing some of the books I’ve read in a post soon!


3. Technology: Wow. Technology is really out there bringing us all together isn’t it. We are now reaping the benefits of social media, FaceTime, Zoom and even just have a good old fashioned phone call. I love being able to speak to my Grandad so regularly and having our family quiz nights. Obviously Twitter and the news outlets are still really overwhelming and I try to limit by time on those but overall I think we are seeing the best bits of technology at the moment.

4. Easter Eggs: I’ve been pacing myself with these, which takes a considerable amount of self control. Cadbury’s Easter Eggs are one my most favourite foods on the planet and take up a considerable amount of my diet from March – May … if they make it to May. I just love them. You can’t have enough of these, seriously THANK YOU CADBURYS. ALWAYS.

5. Disney+: They got the timing just perfect with this one didn’t they? Having a whole new streaming service to get really stuck does help the hours really pass by. You can see what I am most looking forward to here, a list that I am already making my way through! Getting lost in those Disney movies have really been soothing for the soul.

Take care,


Joining the World of Full-Time Work

Getting a ‘proper’ job is something that I really put off and it wasn’t until I graduated from university at the age of 21 I realised I had dodged it long enough… The time had come.

I did start to feel a bit ‘ready’ which is weird and something that I didn’t expect but after all those years in education, I just wanted to start doing. I just wanted to share some of the things I learnt from starting a 9-5 job – queue Dolly Parton.

  1. Kindness is EVERYTHING: I suppose this comes with everything in life but at work, especially at the beginning, it is so important to be kind to everyone. Even those you think are a little bit dodgy or annoying, just be nice. Ask lots of questions and remember the answers – try not to switch off when a random woman starts telling you the story about their grandchild learning to rollover for the 3rd time in 2 days. Just nod along. They really appreciate it and it helps you feel really included into the office when you can ask some more personal questions when waiting for the kettle to boil.
  2. Work on those Waitress Skills: Hot drinks are EVERYTHING in an office. Seriously I have made more hot drinks in the last 6 months that my whole 21 years previously. It’s just what gets people through the long hours, those cold mornings and just breaks up the day. You’ll eventually get into a little routine with it all and you will be able to just start holding up mugs at people on the phone soon! I’m very shaky just generally, so don’t worry about having to do multiple trips to the kitchen – it’s better than spilling it everywhere.
  3. Don’t be scared to ask: It might feel like you’re holding a Q&A with every single person you meet, but it’s worth it. Write everything down. You might feel a bit silly for a week or two but it’s a good idea to get them all out the way early. It will help you with your confidence later on.

I’m going to leave it with 3 for this post, but there might be a follow up one in the future – can you barely contain your excitement? Thought so haha!

Take care,


5 Reasons Why ‘Once Upon A Time’ Should be your Next Netflix Binge

‘Once Upon A Time’ (OUAT) is one of my ALL TIME favourite TV shows. I’ve never been one to overly re-watch series that I enjoy on Netflix but this one is the exception. It has 7 seasons, with the final one being released just last year. It really is quite a hefty commitment, but time really does fly when you’re watching it. I know it’s already a pretty popular show, especially in America, but I thought incase you hadn’t heard of it this would give you everything you need to know. I would say this is for Disney lovers, but also those that enjoy Riverdale or Pretty Little Liars like it has that mystery vibe to it, maybe if you enjoy fantasy shows you would like it too. So, if you need some convincing then this is why you need to get yourself watching my most favourite show on Netflix…

  1. HELLO, DISNEY CHARACTERS IN A REAL LIFE SETTING! Disney lovers this one is for YOU. Especially if you’re like a young adult, this is going to be your show of dreams. Sometimes it’s like they took the ideas out of my own mind. The premise of the show is essentially that fairy tale characters have had a curse put on them, forcing them into the real world into a land called ‘Storybrooke’. There are SO many Disney characters here from Gus in Cinderella, to Mulan to Geppetto to Elsa from Frozen- literally they’re all here!

2. SUCH CLEVER CONCEPTS AND CONSTANT ‘WORLD’ CHANGING: From my descriptions so far, you might be thinking about this show is for children but it really isn’t. It takes the fairy tale into the modern world, and although magic plays a large part, there is very much a strong dose of ‘reality’ in the show too. The show constantly changes between the different worlds, lands and realms- it does keep you on your toes- but they all entwine seamlessly.


3. THE SWEETEST RELATIONSHIPS: There are SO many relationships that you will want to ‘ship’ on this show. It’s a teenage fangirls dream. My personal favourite is probably Rumplestiltskin and Belle, you can just really see that she brings out the best in him. I won’t do too many spoilers but just know that the actress and actor playing Snow White and Prince Charming are TOGETHER IN REAL LIFE. That chemistry is LEGIT, next level magic right there.

4. PERFECTLY MAGICAL FOR COSY AUTUMN EVENINGS: The great thing about it being such a chunky show is that you can really commit and become completely immersed within it. Although it’s complex, it isn’t difficult to understand and enjoy so it’s really one that you can end up watching lots of episodes after each other, feeling like no time has passed at all. Enjoyed best with a Disney mug filled with tea, or your hot beverage of choice!

5. THE DISNEY IS IN THE DETAIL! I started with a Disney reason, so I’ll finish with one. Although this series is not technically a Disney production, it does carry many of its same values. The little Disney details really make this show, for me as a Disney fan, because it gives it even more magic and cosiness. The way that the little details in the opening sequence give a clue to the upcoming show and the fact that there is a Main Street in Storybrooke! I just think the precision of the plot, the way that everything always comes together, with a touch of magic, makes this show really, really special.


Summer Favourites 2019

I know I’m all about that Autumn (and CHRISTMAS!) life, but I did just want to do one little post sharing some of my favourites from July and August. I didn’t get the chance to share them monthly, which is something I love doing! I didn’t want to completely just leave those months out, so I thought I would mash them together and share them now!

Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer, $15: This product has been my absolute fave all summer long. I’ve literally just been wearing this with some concealer and that’s it for most days. It’s a really great bronzer for pale skin and gives just enough bronzing to make me feel more confident. I tend to dust it pretty much all over my face to be honest, it’s not too pigmented, but mainly around the outline of my face and on the nose. It’s pretty matte but I think it has a slight sheen to it- making it look very natural.

Sanctuary Spa White Lily and Damask Rose Body Scrub, £6.50: Throughout the summer I experimented with ‘proper’ fake tan, it was an experience that you can read about in my 3 Fake Tanning Lessons. This was my exfoliator of choice, turns out that’s a pretty big part of at-home tan. I really enjoyed using this one, it really feels like it is working without being too harsh or abrasive on your skin. The scent is lovely, fresh and floral- I just love how clean this makes you feel!


Hamilton: This month I was lucky enough to see Hamilton on the West End stage. WOW. What a show. I know it has a lot of hype around it, but it is worth it. I find it a difficult show to describe because ‘hip hop American history’ doesn’t sound appealing to me, I’m very much pop music and rom-com. I really, really enjoyed it though and even if you think like I did, that it isn’t for you, I would highly suggest you give it a try. It does have a bit of romance and comedy, it has something for everyone.

Taylor Swift ‘Speak Now’ Album: I know this is a really old school album and we’re all moving onto Lover, but I have been LOVING IT. I literally listened to it throughout the entire summer and it’s just wonderful. I never listened to it the first time round, so it’s been like a new album completely to me. My favourite songs are ‘Speak Now’, ‘Dear John’, ‘Never Grow Up’ and ‘Mine’. Each song tells its own story and I just cannot recommend it enough, just have a listen.




3 Fake Tanning Lessons

Every summer I attempt fake tan. I’ve been trying it for years and I’ve never been confident with it. Due to my general inexperience and inability to do beauty ‘stuff’ well- I feel like it’s impressive to be as bad, yet enthusiastic, as I am! I tend to go for a tinted body moisturiser that will gradually develop a tan with each application. This year I thought I’d give a ‘proper’ tan a try… and lets just say I LEARNT SOME STUFF. That stuff is what I’ll be sharing today, so that you might be able to save yourself from the embarrassment of being tangoed.

RESEARCH: The fake tanning world, it’s a mess. I feel like I was FOOLED by pretty instagram posts and ‘online influencer’ reviews. I went for Isle of Paradise and I was left MAJORLY disappointed, I have contacted their customer services twice but with no response. Anyway I think that doing yourself some proper research is a great idea. Look at numerous reviews, tutorials on YouTube and discuss with your fake tanning friends to see what their favourite products are! The more information you have, the better informed you can be to get yourself a great product… that won’t leave you the same shade as Tangy Cheese Doritos.

Exfoliate: Oh exfoliation is KEY. It’s probably the golden rule in terms of fake tanning as it will allow you to create an even tan and will help it to come off in a natural way. I really like this one from Sanctuary Spa, but Soap and Glory is another good brand to check out! It will just help rid any dead skin, making your skin silky smooth and ready to be bronzed up. I think I’ll try and keep up with the exfoliation into the winter months, especially as its a nice extra step in my shower routine. I love a good exfoliation followed by some moisturiser to make me feel v fancy.

Make sure the BASE is READY: This is one step that I really should have listened to myself. I basically fake tanned on top of my peeling skin- always wear suncream. Incase you were wondering, the fake tan just clings to the peeling skin, creating a line around the new skin- which remains pale. Turns out that is not a good look. Another good way to make sure your base skin is ready is to moisturise areas where tan builds up. This tends to be areas like the wrists, elbows, ankles and sometimes the knees… It’s all a learning experience!


3 Feel Good Instagram Accounts

Today is a little bit of a continuation from my Curating a Social Media Feed for YOU post, where I talked about making the content you consume more positive, inspirational and realistic. It’s something that I have been thinking about for a few months and along the way I have discovered some accounts that have really given my feed a ‘lift’. Turns out there are actually LOADS of body positive, up-lifting accounts out there and I had just been filling my feed with all the wrong people… turns out you don’t need to follow people from X Factor in 2015 or those models that were on Made in Chelsea once years ago! I thought I would share just 3 today, they kind of stand for ‘types’ of the new accounts that I am loving and have changed my feed for the better!

@bodyposipanda: Now this GORGEOUS lady actually has over a million followers and a book out, so I know I’m very late to this party. Megan was the first real body positive account I found and has lead to me finding lots more. It is SO refreshing seeing someone happy in their skin and she just glows. She shares lots of body positive posts, holiday snaps and insta-stories. I really like her style (regularly achieving HAIR COLOUR GOALS) and she definitely encourages me to wear what I want, not for my body shape. What a lady- definitely check out her page!


@lucysheridan: I’m pretty sure Lucy used to be known as the ‘comparison coach’! I  feel like she summarises her account perfectly in her bio, she writes ‘Daily expert advice to help you find inner peace and go after your own success’. She is a professional, so I really trust her advice and she is really good for keeping it real and grounded. I love the quotes she shares and the little nuggets of wisdom, that often play over in my mind. She lives in the lovely countryside and I love her insta-stories of taking her lovely dog for a walk!

Disney Accounts: I know I’ve cheated a little here… BUT it’s no secret that I LOVE all things Disney. I have absolutely loved adding some of that magic to my Instagram feed! I love how many like-minded people there are out there who are just young adults who have grown up with Disney and continue to visit the parks. I just think it’s wonderful. I follow a fair few but my current favourites are @disneyfind, for all the latest Disney Primark merch and @bethanyfrancesca_, LOVE her feed and that Disney style! I LOVE Disney Instagrams so if you have one, or some favourites, please leave them below!

I’d love it if you followed my Instagram- its simply @amyalwaysblogs– or you can just click the little icon on the right of the page! I’m currently sharing Disneyland Paris pictures, motivational quotes and pictures of Tom Holland on my Insta-stories… what a dreamy combination!


Curating a Social Media Feed for YOU

Summer can be a difficult time of the year in terms of self-esteem and confidence. These pressures can be intensified by programmes like Love Island or social media platforms like Instagram. It can often feel like everyone else is spending every second of their summer in their tiny bikinis looking perfect with a massive group of friends on boats in Ibiza… so that can not make you feel great about the fact that you’ve spent the last 2 days watching Jane the Virgin in your Spirit Jersey! Anyway this has made me look at the way that I consume social media and have been making some changes in terms of the accounts I follow and just making my social media feed a better, happier place that makes me feel good.

One of the best places to start to curate a more positive social media feed is to look at who you’re following and just have a think about the impact their posts have on you. Realistically, you don’t need to have every single one of your primary school classmates on your feed as it just aids the need for comparison. Just going through that list and having a little cleanse is honestly SO refreshing. We often take time to clean our bedrooms or houses, but we should take the time to clean-up our social media feeds. You can always mute and then come back to it another time, remember you don’t owe anyone a follow.The Art of Homemaking: Be Kind To Yourself - Simple Simon and Company

It’s also a good time to find some new accounts and follow people that make you feel good about yourself. I’ve recently found some new accounts, that I think I’ll talk about in more detail in its own post. Just looking for accounts of people that have similar body shapes is a good place to start. I think I had spent too long seeing photos of girls who look nothing like me, constantly not seeing yourself being represented can actually have a much bigger impact than I expected. I LOVE having a more realistic and positive feed, when I can look at peoples fashion and it looks achievable- rather than making me feel insecure or inadequate.

Lastly, I think the best thing you can do is be kinder to yourself. Just take everything you see on social media with a pinch of salt and not too seriously, remember that you’re simply seeing the best bits of peoples lives. What you see is just part of the illusion, something that I previously spoke about in my The Art of Editing discussion. If you’re having this re-consider when it comes to social media then also have a think about what you’re putting out there and the impact that can have. Social media is supposed to be all about communication and just having fun- it has a lot of positives, we just need to find them again.

Remember to make your feed for YOU and no-one else.
