5 Things to be Grateful for in Lockdown

I wasn’t going to mention the global pandemic on here because I really am using my blog to escape, like I imagine many other people are too. I also don’t want to seem like I am trivialising it or not taking it seriously – please know that I am. Ultimately, there is no right way to behave in a global pandemic. So I’m going to share some of the things that I am grateful for, as even when things look dark there is always light.

Sometimes I find at the end of the day just taking the time to reflect and write down just 3 things that I am grateful for from that day, it helps me go to sleep with a clearer head. I also want to make clear that this doesn’t include health, family and friends which are obviously the most important things I am always the most grateful for them.

1. Spring Sunshine: Got to kickstart this list with the classic cliche but this year I really feel like it’s true. I’ve always been such a winter girl – exhibit a –  but I think this has to be one of the first times I have really appreciated spring. Whether it’s the pretty flowers on my daily permitted walk or it being warm enough to sit outside and read. Opening the curtains in the morning to see a blue sky has really been such a blessing during this scary time.

2. Books: I’ve always wanted to be a little bookworm and I’ve gone through phases in my life when I am. Since starting full-time work though, I really put reading on the back burner and it’s only now with this extra time that I have delved into quite a few. I’ll be sharing some of the books I’ve read in a post soon!


3. Technology: Wow. Technology is really out there bringing us all together isn’t it. We are now reaping the benefits of social media, FaceTime, Zoom and even just have a good old fashioned phone call. I love being able to speak to my Grandad so regularly and having our family quiz nights. Obviously Twitter and the news outlets are still really overwhelming and I try to limit by time on those but overall I think we are seeing the best bits of technology at the moment.

4. Easter Eggs: I’ve been pacing myself with these, which takes a considerable amount of self control. Cadbury’s Easter Eggs are one my most favourite foods on the planet and take up a considerable amount of my diet from March – May … if they make it to May. I just love them. You can’t have enough of these, seriously THANK YOU CADBURYS. ALWAYS.

5. Disney+: They got the timing just perfect with this one didn’t they? Having a whole new streaming service to get really stuck does help the hours really pass by. You can see what I am most looking forward to here, a list that I am already making my way through! Getting lost in those Disney movies have really been soothing for the soul.

Take care,


The Pressures of Blogging

Happy Monday!

Today is a kind of motivation Monday and honest chat, that I haven’t done for AGES but just thought I would have a little share today. Something that has surprised me since starting my blog is the surprising pressure you feel, from no one but yourself! My intentions have always been clear- I love writing about things I love. I’m not in this with the aim of making money whatsoever and people in my real life don’t actually know about my blog… yet recently I’ve felt pressure to keep up with my schedule or feeling bad for not hitting my blogging goals. It’s all come from myself though and it has opened my eyes to a side of social media that I hadn’t really understood before.

Like most people, I have enjoyed watching YouTubers and finding favourite Insta-accounts and they’re often filled with people apologising for missing an upload or ‘not talking enough on stories’. I always used to think ‘so?’ or ‘and what?’. I used to think that these people just believed that we were all sat waiting for their videos or Insta. Then I experienced it a little bit for myself when I missed an upload in April, before then I had kept a pretty much perfect schedule since 2019!

Be proud of yourself for trying quote! www.helensjourney.com #quote #keeptrying #tryagain
Photo Credit: Helen’s Journey on Pinterest

When I’m thinking rationally or long-term I can see that realistically these things don’t matter and that it is better to upload quality content rather than lots of rubbish… even if it is always on time haha! I think that being disappointed when you don’t hit your goals is always a little annoying, with everything in life, but one of my favourite quotes is ‘Just because you took longer than everyone else, it doesn’t mean you failed’. Finding the balance between wanting to achieve your goals but also enjoying what you’re doing and remembering why you started is clearly something that has been a little off centre with me recently. 

Anyway, not sure what I’m trying to achieve with this post tbh- justification maybe? Or just hoping other people can maybe relate a little bit? I just thought I would have a chat about this little revelation and my new-found understanding for those that are always apologising- I get you now. I’ve chatted a bit about my views on blogging things like my Scheduling: Helpful or Hinderance and Blogging Goals: 2019. I hope you enjoyed these, especially if you’re a fellow blogger, I would genuinely love to read some of your posts on blogging to see what you’re thinking!


3 Productivity Tips

Today’s post follows on from Monday’s on coping with deadline season- in relation to essays and exams. I feel like this one can be used more generally though too because productivity is always needed throughout the years. To me, being productive just means using your time wisely and staying focused. It’s something that becomes increasingly difficult when you don’t want to do something or have the attention span that is roughly the equivalent to Dory’s short term memory loss. These are a few things that I like think help get the most out of your time and help you stay productive.

Make the most of Mornings: I find that how well mornings go really reflect on my productivity levels for the rest of the day. If I’ve snoozed 10 times before 9am then chances are I’m going to have moved onto Netflix by 3pm at least. I’ve learnt the hard way how to make this work and I’ve written this post that might help you- Basic Girls Guide to: Mornings. I find that getting rid of the ‘pre-wee scroll’ on your social media is a great way to get me out of bed and get the day going. It might seem unbearable getting up early- especially a student like myself- but it really helps get you going. This also ties into having a good night sleep, as getting into that dull but proper routine really helps you maintain your productivity.


Taking proper Breaks: I know this kind of seems counter-productive BUT stay with me here. Thinking that you are going to revise for 12 hours straight is unrealistic and you’ll end up only doing about 5 hours of actual work. Instead, giving yourself hour long breaks where you walk out of the room and do something completely unrelated really does help in the long term. Having a couple of days a week where you do half-days or none at all can actually make you more productive than just stuck at  your desk for the next 2 months.

Organisation is key: This might be an easy one but it is broad. By organisation I mean to-do lists that are realistic and manageable, make deadlines and stick to them and always prioritise your mental wellbeing. Productivity, as with everything, is about balance and you need to find out what works best for you. If you find that you’re not working well right now, find the cause and change it. That really is the bottom line. If Instagram is your downfall, then put your phone in the other room or if you hate working in the morning be prepared to work up until you go to sleep. Once you’ve found the cause of the problem, you can allow your inner-productivity to shine… it might just be hidden really, really far down.


3 Ways to Get Through Deadline Season

For those of you not in education, you will have the privilege of looking forward to the Springtime. When the sun begins to shine again, the flowers are blossoming and summer is almost here… For us stuck at school, college or university it means DEADLINE SEASON. I’m talking essays, coursework, revision and exams. This time of the year can be really draining for many students and I thought I would share my 3 ways to try and get through this tough time.

  1. Keep things FRESH: The most boring thing about revision and writing essays is the monotony, everything feels the same. It can be unbearably DULL. So I recommend changing things up regularly, whether that be what you are studying or the way you are studying. I find that studying where I study or sometimes doing it with other people a helpful way of trying new things. Sometimes I like to go to the library or a cafe with a friend but other days I want to sit in my bed and revise with a cup of tea and silence. It just depends on how I feel and I think giving yourself a bit more freedom can make it all a bit less draining.

    Don't be so hard in yourself, you're doing your best
    Photo Credit: Greta Hollar’s Pinterest

2. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others: This is one I’ve learnt as I’ve got older but comparing your work ethic to other peoples is NEVER helpful. When you’re scrolling Instagram and other people seem like they are out all the time, or your friend brings out a colour coded revision time table- both at the different ends of the scale, but its important to just focus on your own thing. Don’t feel guilty or left out and remember that this is a temporary situation- it’s just for now. Just give it your best go, in the way that you see best for your studies and don’t focus on anyone else.

3. Plan Nice Things For Afterwards: Circle that final deadline or exam in red and get ready to do lots of lovely things from then on. Plan in a couple of days out with your family, decide on a restaurant you want to go to with your friends and save a new series of Netflix ready to go once you are done. Having all of these exciting things to look forward to really helps you when you get caught up in a slump of work.

Best of luck, you got this!


Spring Refresh

Isn’t SO satisfying that April starts on a Monday this year?

It’s really made me feel more energised for the upcoming season and starting a fresh page on the diary. I know technically I think March is classed as Spring but it’s not been particularly warm, there have been days when you sense it’s coming, but April is where it really feels more Spring-like… after the April showers of course! I’ve written one of these posts before, for my Autumn Refresh and I just like having a little reflection and goal-making session at the start of a new month, season or even week! Where I just see how I’m getting on with things, where I want to go and how I’m going to get there.

Basically, I just like having a Spring clean at this time of year. Getting rid of all the junk that I have accumulated and going all Marie Kondo. I love just having a clean, tidy space and I really need it when I am getting so busy with university deadlines. I just feel like I need no clutter around me, in order to really get into things without distraction. Simply taking things to the charity shop and changing your wardrobe over are all great ways to get you refreshed for Spring!

Free hello spring svg file for cutting machines such as silhouette and cricut. Use this spring svg file to decorate for spring in your home and make som cute DIY projects. #spring #svg #flower
Photo Credit: ‘Designs by Winther’ on Pinterest

I also like to take the time to look at my goals and New Year’s Resolutions… kind of like a taking stock. Honestly, I’m not doing very well- I know you’ll all be gobsmacked. So I’m going to try and have a try again in April. I just want to finish one book this month, is that really SO hard? I used to be a little bookworm but Netflix and phone scrolling takes over. Using my phone less is another thing that I want to improve on throughout April and is really going to be key if I want to get my work done. Lastly, just getting back on it with my skincare and keeping my routine more regularly again. I have stuck with cleansing, by I’ve been neglecting the other steps and you can tell. I have bought a couple new products that I will be sharing on Friday to try and get me into it again.

Hopefully we are all feeling a little more motivated to get stuck into Spring 2019 feeling fresh and energised to get our goals! …I’m hoping the more I write that, the more I’ll feel it haha! Blogging-wise I think I’m going to stick with the 3 uploads a week as I feel like I’m sticking to it pretty well. I thought I would find it a bit overwhelming, having done it since January, and with the new name etc. I feel like it’s a lot more ‘together’ and I’m really enjoying writing for fun and I hope you’ve enjoyed having a read of these rambles!




The Art of Editing

Editing can be applied to a variety of aspects in our lives. It is something that is becoming more and more prevalent through social media, as we aim to edit our days into the perfect Instagram pic or the wittiest tweet. In the hope that the number of likes and retweets will give us validation in an endlessly critical world. There is an art to this form of editing and it is something that we are all having to learn together. We are all constantly striving to achieve this perfectly edited life, something that didn’t even cross the previous generation’s minds.

This is a new challenge for people in 2018: to finesse the art of editing. To make the perfect healthy breakfast, to wear the most expensive co-ordinated outfit and to share the most greenest of green smoothies…. seriously the greener the better for the ‘gram. It’s something we are all surrounded by on social media, yet it is something we constantly choose to give into. Something that we allow ourselves to be susceptible to and traps we allow ourselves to fall into. Scrolling through Instagram on the train home and realising that no-one on my feed looks like anyone on the carriage. Like not even remotely. It’s because the people on there have mastered this art of editing to the extent where it doesn’t even seem like editing anymore, it just seems like reality.  It seems like they do really lead the perfect life 24/7…


This post is simply a reminder to you, and me, that it is not. Who defines ‘perfect’ anyway? Perfect to me is not drinking a green smoothie after a run at 6am on a Saturday… of course that would be pretty impressive for me, but really is that my ‘perfect’ is that all I’m striving for? No and honestly, I don’t think many of us really are. I am striving for true happiness, laughter and memories. I want REAL life, unedited and un-perfect, because when you’re old and grey do you really think you’ll want to be discussing how good your nutri-bullet was… not at all.

Ultimately, the art of editing is becoming increasing distorted to make us believe that there was no editing in the first place and that can make you feel not good enough. I’m not saying ‘let’s post pics when things are awful’, I’m just saying LOADS of  moments make up someones day not just one picture, snap story or tweet. Don’t get me wrong I still enjoy using social media but it is nice to take a step back and really just see things for what they are, rather than what they seem. It’s a reminder that we all need every now and again, to just say that you do you and what you’re doing is great.


Blogging: Just Go For It!

You know that I love a chatty blog post, so here is another one! Today I wanted to chat about my favourite things about blogging and why you should just go for it when it comes to blogging! I’ve always loved writing but it took me AGES to build up the courage to actually make a blog. Once I made a blog it took me even longerrrr until I decided to post… and then even longer to get it together and post regularly. It’s been a long process to get to this point and now I have my blog I would definitely recommend literally just going for it!

One of the best things about blogging is the freedom. Like it is YOUR blog. All yours. I kind of didn’t really think about the freedom a blog would bring. It is so lovely to have your own platform, filled with your own thoughts and favourite things. I like seeing it as what my younger self would have loved and that is something I definitely keep in mind when writing certain posts. When you can’t be bothered to explain your feelings or people in real life don’t really want to hear you rambling about my 5 Disney Characters I would LOVE to meet seriously my parents don’t care about that… but that is where the blog comes in. I finally have a place for all those little thoughts and conversations that I can share!


There are lots of little positives about writing a blog and many that I haven’t really taken advantage of- like the social media, brands and friendships! It is a gradual process and those things are not the reason for my blog right now! So if I was starting a blog  I would say just go for it and don’t think about it so much. Before I started I was so focused on the little details like what should my name be? Does anyone care? Will anyone read it? What if everyone hates it? These are such pointless questions that are insignificant once you actually get the strength to start.

Basically, in a ramble-y way I am trying to say if you want to start a blog just go for it! In fact, it goes for lots of things in life- it tends to never be as bad as you think and you’ll often wish you had started earlier! If you enjoy writing then simply think about it from your own perspective and not about anything else- this kind of mindset will definitely help you enjoy it! If only I could take my own advice… hopefully writing it down will help remind myself to JUST GO FOR IT!



Basic Girls Guide to: Mornings


These are a few of the questions I have for those early risers who have already done yoga, gone for a run and had an insta-perfect acai bowl before I’ve even pressed snooze for the first time. They’re little miracles. Wonders of the world. I have wanted to be be them for SO long. There is no quick fix and I’ve been trying for agessss, every new year I say this is it… and all of a sudden its 3pm 1st January and I wait another 365 days to try again. It’s an on-going struggle, but these are a couple tricks I’ve learnt along the way.

The Night before is KEY: It sounds a bit much, but the night before is when you really set yourself up for a preppy, early morning. You want to lay out EVERYTHING: clothes, shoes, coat, food, make-up, skincare etc. When everything is ready to go you just automatically can get everything done with minimal amounts of thinking.

Get QUALITY sleep: When I find myself snoozing until the early afternoon I remember I stayed awake watching Netflix until the early hours of the morning… duh. So instead of scrolling instagram for hours before bed, I try and leave my phone on the side and get some quality shut-eye. There is no point getting up early if you’re going to want to get back into bed by 12.


ALL the Alarms: It might be nice to wake up naturally by leaving your curtains slightly open, or relying on the sound of seagulls to wake you up BUT being realistic you’re going to need alarmS. I mean having one for 15mins before you want to wake up, then one for when you really need to leave bed. Just go for as many as you think it’s going to take. Maybe go for some upbeat music and not an annoying ringtone that you’re going to dread.

Be REALISTIC: It’s unlikely that you’re going to be able to get up at 6am EVERYday. My goal is like 3-5 days I need to get up at 8:30, it is just something that I go for… it is realistic but it is still really difficult. It does get easier once you get into the routine, but starting is tough. Don’t be too hard on yourself, we’re not all morning people and that is ABSOLUTELY fine.

Good luck with those early mornings, it will get easier… I’m sure of it. I hope some of these tips are helpful, they’re just what I’ve learnt but I’m definitely still trying. You’ll get there eventually!
