3 Autumn Nail Favourites

Today I wanted to share a few of my favourite nail polish colours for Autumn! I’ve spoken on here many times about my love of the colder months, so I’m happy to be sharing some darker shades with you. I find these shades always look good with a high gloss overcoat- my favourite one is from Nails Inc.

Rimmel 60 Seconds Super Shine Nail Polish in ‘335 Gimme Some of That’, £2.99: I wrote about this nail polish a couple of weeks ago, as part of my 3 Recent Beauty Buys. This is a lovely deep pink shade, that looks really classy- which is something that I often struggle to find when it comes to pink nail polish! It’s not like any of the colours in my collection and it often looks different in different lights, sometimes it has brighter hints of red and others more plum.


Rimmel 60 Seconds Super Shine Nail Polish in ‘310 Double Decker Red’, £2.99: It’s clear to say that I have been LOVING Rimmel nail polish recently and I struggle to go into Boots without picking up a new shade right now! They’re such a great price and I love the formula, it often lasts for AT LEAST 5 days on me which makes it perfect to wear for the week. This is more of a true red, its a little deeper though which makes it the perfect transitional shade for these early Autumn days.

Barry M Hi Shine Gelly Nail Paint in ‘Ginger’, £3.99: I actually featured this one in my Autumn nail favourites from last year and it’s really stood the test of time! I really love this unique shade that has a rusty red, burnt orange kind of colour to it. It basically matches the Autumn leaves! This formula has long been a favourite of mine, with its built in glossy finish, this is definitely a winner.


3 Recent Beauty Buys

Today I just wanted to share a few of the latest beauty bits that I’ve picked up! I’ve kept it down to 3 for this post, so I can really talk about them. You’ll notice this is different to a ‘haul’ because I tend to have tried some of these bits already and gotten them started, so I can give a little bit of initial feedback on the product. Sometimes I just find a post like this is a good ‘one stop shop’ method, so it saves having a haul, try-on AND then a review. It’s just like an all-in-one post, enjoy these little Autumnal pick-me-ups!

Rimmel 60 Seconds Super Shine Nail Polish in ‘335 Gimme Some of That’, £2.99: I’ve been enjoying the Rimmel formula for a few months now and have been really enjoying it. I’ve found that sometimes the lasting power on it can be great, usually get about 5 days out of them at a time. This one, as you can see in the picture has gotten a few small chips within only 2 days though. The shade is really lovely though, its a deep sophisticated pink that almost looks red in some lights though. It’s a really good one for Autumn and I have a feeling I’ll be reaching for this one a lot!


Revolution Conceal and Define Supersize Concealer in ‘C2’, £7.00: I’ve been using my Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer for months non-stop, so I felt like I wanted a change. I have tried this concealer before, but then never got round to re-purchasing it. Unfortunately, I had to settle for the supersize one… which is MASSIVE! I don’t know if they’re still doing the regular sized one, but this one is almost like a foundation stick. I found it harder to shade match me this time, there are literally so so many to choose from even in the pale section- which is a good thing really. I’m looking forward to having a bit of a change up and using this one again.

OGX Purifying and Charcoal Detox Shampoo, £6.99: OGX is a brand that I’ve very recently begun dabbling in and I’m really impressed so far. I like to alternate with my shampoos, so this one and the coconut curls one are the ones I’m currently using. The charcoal one is set to give your head a real deep clean out of any product build up and general dirt. I love a good deep cleaning shampoo, especially as I use serums, so there can often get a build up if not cleansed properly. Love the packaging of these and they’re so big, it will take me a while to finish them off- I usually try and find them on offer too when I can!


3 Favourite Summer Nail Polishes

Summer is a GREAT time to treat yourself to a mani-pedi. If you’re looking at your nail polish stash and feeling a bit uninspired then let me be of assistance! I wanted to share 3 of my favourite summer nail polishes- including a top coat that will CHANGE your nail painting game. I’ve gone with a couple of classic summer shades that I think are some of the best out there in terms of formula and durability!

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Super Shine Nail Polish in ‘Lovey Dovey’, £2.99: It’s been a while since I’ve tried a new nail brand but its a colour that I couldn’t find with my usual brands. It’s a lovely true purple. I’ve found it difficult to find a real purple, they can usually be too berry, lilac or blue. This colour goes perfectly with the Purple Potion ears at Disney- if you LOVE Disney too definitely check out my DLP posts! I wore this nail colour the entire trip and it wore really well- about 5 days in total. I was really impressed, especially for a great price, and I have already tried more from this collection!


Nails Inc London Kensington Cavier Gel Top Coat, £15.00: I would actually recommend checking Amazon for this one as when I re-purchased it I found it was discounted to £12! Yes, I actually RE-PURCHASED a nail polish. I feel like that is quite rare, especially with a top coat as usually I would just pick a new one up when I needed it. This is different though and I LOVE it, it’s by far the best top coat I’ve found. It is super forgiving, it evens out messy nails and gives the glossiest and most-professional looking finish. I have had a few people think that I have paid for shellac and I’m sure that is all down to this gorgeous polish! I have been used my first one since Christmas and I am only just having to re-purchase which I think is pretty impressive considering the amount I am using it. It’s obviously pricer than most of my nail options but if you are serious about wanting professional looking manicures from home then I would consider this a must-have.

Maybelline 7 Day Superstay Gel Nail Polish in ‘Magenta Surge’, £4.49: This is a real summer shade and one that I reach for as soon as the sun is out. It’s a bright pinky coral shade and is basically on my toes from June- August. I really like this formula from Maybelline but I do feel like the shade range is a little limited. This specific shade is a good one though and paired up with the Nails Inc top coat, has real staying power.


June Favourites 2019


Does anyone else see June as the halfway to Christmas mark, or just me? June has been a pretty special month for me as I got to visit Disneyland Paris and just had THE most magical time EVER. I cannot explain… but I will be trying to throughout a few blog posts coming your way in July! June hasn’t actually felt that summery yet back home, but I’m hoping that the weather will pick up from now! Here’s a couple of my favourite things from June- enjoy!

Benefit’s Cheekleader Pink Squad Palette, £26.00: I recently featured this in my 3 Recent Beauty Buys, so I know its a little soon to be putting this in my favourites. BUT, I have been using this SOOOO much since I bought it. Some days I’ve just lightly glowed up with the ‘Twinkle’ shade, which is exclusive to the palette. I will probably write a review on this product, because I think its a great way to try new Benefit products in a cost effective way but also is PERFECT from travelling this summer. It also includes one of my long-term favourite products the Dandelion blush!

Rimmel 60 Seconds Super Shine Nail Polish in ‘Lovey Dovey’, £2.99: This is a real, true purple. I have been looking specifically for this shade for a while and after exhausting my usual brands I decided to give Rimmel’s nail polish a try! I really wanted this shade for my trip to Disneyland Paris, as it matches my Purple Potion eats perfectly, and it lasted the WHOLE trip. It looked like a professional manicure and I was really, really impressed with the durability and quality especially considering the price.


Aladdin: I have enjoyed EVERY aspect of the new live-action Aladdin this month. I really, REALLY enjoyed the film and I thought it was hilarious. I’ve always loved the live-action films because I feel like they just make it feel very current and modern. Don’t get me wrong, the originals are PERFECT but I kind of see them as separate entities. I have been playing the soundtrack of the new movie constantly throughout June. I really love the new version of ‘Friend Like Me’ and ‘Prince Ali’, the brand new song ‘Speechless’ is just incredible too. Special shoutout to Zayn’s version of ‘A Whole New World’ on there too- it’s gorgeous. One Direction and Disney- it’s almost too much for me to handle.

Jane the Virgin: June brought with it lots more free time and with the rainy weather I have been LOVING indulging in a good Netflix binge- Jane is PERFECT for this! I am already on season 3 and I cannot believe it finishes for good in July. I have really, really enjoyed the show and its perfect for someone who enjoys a light hearted, funny show that highlights themes of intergenerational families and romantic relationships. I am SO in love with this show and time completely flies when I watch this- definitely watch this, if you haven’t already!



3 Spring Nail Polish Favourites

Today I wanted to share 3 of my favourite Spring nail polishes… although I’m sure you had guessed that already! I love painting my nails, and although I’m no expert, these ones that I’m sharing are solid favourites of mine that I have been using for at least a few months. Spring is probably my favourite season for nail painting because I LOVE all the pastel shades! One of my earlier posts is this one Basic Girls Guide to: Nails which I thought might be useful if you want to improve on your nail polish applying skills before delving into these beauties….

Nails Inc. London 45 Second Top Coat, £15.00: Technically, you might think I’m cheating a little by including a clear top coat BUT I’ve been looking for somewhere to write a little more about this recently AND its perfect for glossy fresh Spring nails. I got this for Christmas in a set with a matching base coat, but this one that I have really fallen for. It really does help my nail colour set into place really quickly and leaves them with a professional looking shine. I’ve had people say to me that they thought I had shellac on… which is a pretty big compliment in the nail world haha! The brush applicator is a great shape, making it easy to get that clean looking finish and it doesn’t set with lots of little bubbles which is something I have found with gloopy top coats. It isn’t TOO thick, it’s just the right consistency to give your nails a boost and to lock in that colour. I know its expensive, and I’ve never tried any Nails Inc. colours before, but after trying MANY drugstore ones I feel like this product genuinely justifies the price. It really will transform the way way you think about painting you nails and makes any nail colour look its best self.


Barry M High Shine Nail Paint in Prickly Pear, £3.99: This is just one of my favourite nail colours for anytime of the year but I feel like Spring is really when everyone gets into a bit of lilac. I’m SOOO happy that lilac is finally getting its time to shine when it comes to nail colour, fashion and even shoes! I really love the Barry M Gelly formula because it is long-lasting and has a good shiny finish. This really is a ‘true lilac’ shade, which you might think looks a bit young or tacky, but I think this one is just muted slightly to make it look stylish and give a cute pastel pop of colour.

Barry M High Shine Nail Paint in Acai Smoothie, £3.99: Alright, I know I should have found another formula but honestly about 97% of my nail polish collection are Barry M Gelly’s. They’re a really reasonable brand and one of their best things is that they are cruelty-free, which I am really trying to actively support! I have just always really liked the finish and the colours are really strong, you don’t need lots of layers and they don’t streak. This colour is the one that I have on my nails probably the most regularly because it is a muted pinky, purple and for some reason really matches my skin tone… not ideal, but its fine. It’s a very forgiving polish, so if you go a little wrong, you cannot really tell. You know some days you just want to stick on a nail polish and not worry about it? This is definitely my go-to .


Must Haves: Budget Beauty

Today is the final instalment on my must-have Monday’s throughout March!

*pass the tissues*

I’m finishing on a high though by sharing some of my must-have products from the hughstreet beauty brands, specifically here in the UK. These are the products that make up my everyday make-up looks and are some great alternatives to higher priced items. These are quite natural looking items which is what I go for and are great for slotting into your routine. I’ve gone for my 3 absolute faves, which was actually really difficult, but I’m thinking you can get these in the 3 for 2 at Superdrug and you’re sorted. Once you start doing 4 things can get complicated haha!

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in Fair, £4.19: I know you are all completely shocked by this brand-new original suggestion- sorry not sorry! If I’m being honest I actually do use this every time I wear make up and I love it. I’ve tried others but I genuinely do keep coming back to this and I really believe it is one of the best products the drugstore has to offer. It is full coverage, not flaky and blends seamlessly into the skin. I use it to conceal my spots, not under eyes, and I am always picking these up- as you can see!


Barry M Gelly Nail Polish in Acai Smoothie, £3.99: This had to be one of the easiest decisions for this post because the Barry M Gelly range is simply the best- better than anyone I’ve ever met. This formula is EVERYTHING, my only gripe with it is that I do have to replace them roughly every 10/12 months because they go gloopy. This gloop is what gives you that perfect shiny, professional manicure and with the reasonable price, I’m willing to do so. This shade has been my go-to for years and it’s a really unique shade, I would say it is almost a neutral purple with a hint of pink- it looks better than this description though!

Rimmel Brow the Way Mascara in Clear, £3.99: This was one of the first drugstore products I purchased and have continued to enjoy using it ever since. I’ve done a more indepth review, comparing it with the Glossier Boy Brow here. Although I love the Boy Brow this is always a good one quickly on the go in the morning as it is less of a waxy formula. It isn’t crispy and dries fairly quickly, it just doesn’t have the staying power of the Glossier one but it is a fraction of the price. I really like the packaging and it has a really good brush, it is shaped well just a smudge too long. If brow mascaras are your thing then I would definitely give this one a go.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little series, I’ve really enjoyed writing about beauty and make-up again! April is tough with the alliteration thing but if you’ve enjoyed this I might bring it back for May. Let me know your must-haves from Boots or Superdrug below, specifically if you have any bronzer or mattifying powder recommendations would be greatly appreciated!


January Favourites 2019

The LONGEST month of the year is finally done. Usually we all start these monthly favourites with the old ‘it’s gone by in a flash’ but I can safely say that is not the case with January. It’s a long’un and it didn’t budge. BUT, we have survived and lived to tell another month of all the things I’ve been loving! Instead of giving you an insight into the month, moaning about the cold and lying about keeping up with my New Years resolutions- lets just get into it.

Glossier Boy Brow in Clear, £14.00: I’ve got this back in my life as I re-purchased it in the Black Friday sales! Don’t get me wrong the price is still a little ridiculous for me but finding a discount code makes this SO worth it. I’ve been using it most days to give my brows a bit of staying power and it has a lovely waxy feel to it- not too wet. I’ve gone on about this LOADS, especially in my 4 Best Beauty Buys of 2018 post from last year!

Herbal Essences Bee Strong Shampoo: I’ve gone back to this shampoo after trialling some different one over the last couple of months. This is not a ground-breaking shampoo but I like coming back to it every couple of months, so it does something right! I LOVE the honey scent, that is honestly such a draw and you can often smell it once your hair is completely dry too. It really doesn’t make your hair too greasy, I even find sometimes I can go a little longer in- between washes when using this one! It’s a good, solid shampoo and I’ve been using it constantly throughout January as it isn’t too heavy and goes well with a curl-enhancing conditioner.


Nails Inc Top Coat in Kensington Caviar: I got this for Christmas in a duo and have been LOVING using this. What a little gem! I hadn’t done a lot of research into it but I really wanted a good gel top coat for my nails and decided I had to start looking into the pricer brands. The Nails Inc colours are SOOOO gorgeous, I would love to give some of the actual coloured ones a go. This really helps my nail polish last longer and makes the application look better, more professional. Might do a full review on this duo, it comes with a  base coat, after a couple more months because it’s SO tough finding a good one- first world problem.

Call the Midwife: This show is a bright light on what can be pretty dark January Sunday’s. Oh this show is wonderful. It’s perfect and settling down to watch it with my Mum on a Sunday night in my pjs makes my week- then discussing it later on with my Nan. I love, love, love this and you simply MUST watch it if you have any kind of joy in your heart. I must admit it, I am worried about Sister Monica Joan and the episode she dies will probably be one of the most emotional TV shows EVER.

Hopefully you have enjoyed seeing a few of the different things I have been enjoying throughout the month! I know that monthly favourites aren’t everyones favourite thing and they are a little bit repetitive. Personally, I enjoy writing them as they give me the space to chat about things that don’t quite fit anywhere else- where else can I discuss my love for Cadbury’s Giant Chocolate Buttons? I do feel like  they’ve lost their authenticity a bit on YouTube as they are plagued by ads and products they only use for the month they’re paid for, but I’m hoping you can see here that I obviously am using these products consistently to become a favourite. I’m trying to stick to around 4 or 5 too and not restricting them to beauty every time either. I’ll be sticking with the 3 uploads a week, so would appreciate your support!

Here’s hoping February’s a good one!


2019: The Beauty Search

Bit of a different kind of post today but hopefully one you’ll find interesting or you might be able to help with. Basically, I don’t need to be going round buying another load of pink blushes or clear brow mascaras… in 2019 I want to focus on buying the things that are actually missing in my beauty stash. Products that I don’t have ‘staples’ or ‘favourites’ for when creating make-up looks. I’ve gone for ‘Beauty’ because this is going to be a couple make-up and hair bits. I did consider adding skincare but I think it’s obvious I’m on the hunt for my perfect skincare routine constantly. This is basically me describing my dream products and then finding the year searching for them… in an attempt to limit spending on products I already have!

Face Powder: I am an oily skin sufferer, but I haven’t found my perfect mattifying powder yet. The struggle is real. I’m after a powder that tames my T-Zone but provides some coverage too and works well with my concealer. I have used the Rimmel one for quite a while and dabbled with Soap and Glory’s but neither have really sorted my skin problems out properly and I’ve actually not been using one for a couple of months. Hopefully I can try and find a good one this year, I might even have to look at the pricer beauty brands for this!

Bronzer: Being pale and having poor make-up skills means that I struggle with bronzer. I have one that I enjoy using but it’s a little too sparkly- not a look I’m going for anymore! I don’t think I am mature enough to go completely matte but I would love to find one with a sheen that doesn’t have that ‘mud’ look on me. Bronzer is always something that I am wary about but I think it’s because I haven’t found the right one yet!Anybody agree???? #shopaholic

The Perfect Blue-Grey Nail Polish: It’s a very specific shade that I am after. I’ve looked around the high street stores but haven’t found it yet- they are either too grey, blue, green or have a sparkle to them. It’s quite a unique shade but I  have seen other people wearing the shade and it’s a nice sophisticated look. I’m going to keep an eye out throughout the year for this one, I’m thinking I might have to look at ‘Nails Inc’ or a different type of brand than I typically go for!

Curly Hair Conditioning Mask: I’ve tried my fair share of curly hair treatments in the past but I’ve always struggled with the ‘crispy’ feeling they leave afterwards. I would love to find a deep-conditioning mask that isn’t difficult to remove and leaves my hair feeling silky rather than stiff. The best I’ve found is having conditioning treatments done professionally at the hairdressers, but I would love an alternative that worked at home!

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this post, I haven’t really read anything else like this- maybe there is a reason for it! Let me know if you’ve enjoyed it or if you’re trying to limit beauty spending this year. Sometimes its just good to re-assess and realise you don’t need every Barry M Gelly nail polish- let’s see if this lasts past January, yeah?


Favourite Autumn Nail Additions

I absolutely LOVE it when brands make seasonal additions to their collections and this one from Barry M is definitely a BIG hit with me. For Autumn, they have added four shades to their Gelly Hi Shine range. There is 4 in total and I’ve picked up 3 of them. Basically, I am completely in love with them and I have never painted my nails so regularly. I felt like they were so gorgeous they deserved their own little ‘shoutout’ review post. This isn’t something I typically do, but when I was planning a ‘Favourite Autumn Nail Polishes’ post I realised I was just naming this range!

The three I have purchased are pictured below, there is also a shade called ‘Spearmint’ that is like a blue-toned green. On the left we have ‘Rhubarb’ that I featured in my recent monthly favourites because it is the PER-FECT Autumn plum and it was the first one I picked up. The middle one is called ‘Ginger’ and despite the bright lighting in the photo, it  appears slightly more burnt orange in real life rather than poppy red. The final one I have is called ‘Nutmeg’, a lovely classy nude shade that isn’t actually too brown or too transparent- something I typically struggle with nude shades.


In terms of the formula, the Gelly range has to be one of my favourites out there. I love a high-shine finish and these do not disappoint. I’ll be honest though I do use a top coat, just to lock in the colour, but these would be perfectly fine without one because the gloss comes from within the colour. I find that because the Gelly formula doesn’t really require a base coat because it is slightly thicker than a typical polish, so it has the power to smooth your nail as you paint- the brush with this also helps for a professional application. As I mentioned in my October Favourites 2018 with the ‘Rhubarb’ shade, they actually seem slightly longer lasting than some of the older shades I have. They are very strong shades, even the paler ‘Almond’ one, as you can get a vivid colour easily within two coats.

Hopefully you have enjoyed this little ‘bonus’ post. This release was so spontaneous I couldn’t wait until a break in my blogging schedule to share it with you! I was so surprised when I found these shades from Barry M because they usually are great for the very bright, classic colours like in summer when you want a bright pink, red or blue. I tend to look elsewhere when I’m looking for slightly more sophisticated, unique and mature shades, which is exactly what these are- the types of shade I usually only find when I’m getting gel nails done professionally.

After that big ramble, TO SUMMARISE: LOVE THESE, perfect for the season and I will effectively be alternating between these until Spring. I’m sure you’ll want to do the same!


October Favourites 2018

This months favourites are coming a little bit early, although it is still the last Thursday of the month! I’ve still had time to enjoy some different products throughout the month and they definitely have a real Autumn-feel to them, compared to September. I am absolutely loving all this fall right now and am beginning Christmas preparations- HOW EXCITING! As always there is a mix of everything this month, so enjoy!

Max Factor Creme Puff Blush in ‘Gorgeous Berries’, £8.99: I’ve been eyeing up this blush for AGES and now I’ve got it, I have been loving it. I went for this deeper berry shade, that isn’t typically what I would choose for my pale complexion. For this autumnal weather though I think it is perfect, I just make sure I use a light-hand and a bigger fluffy brush… it’s taken some time to perfect the application with this one. I find it gives a lovely flush of colour and has a slight sheen/ healthy glow look to it. A berry blush is perfect for the season and is a must-have in  my Autumn Essentials.

Barry M Gelly Nail Polish in Rhubarb, £3.99: The new Autumn shades added to this collection are SO wonderful. I’ve decided to put this one in the favourites though because I have worn it the most. It has to be one of the most perfect Autumn/ Winter shades, ever. Look how pretty it is- below! It lasts pretty well too, so not sure if they have improved the formula slightly as it is still as glossy as ever. Can’t go wrong with this one!


A Star is Born: Technically I did see an early screening of this at the end of September BUT it has continued to be a favourite throughout this month too. I absolutely LOVE the soundtrack. I’ve never really been that into Lady Gaga or overly recognised her work but the performance from herself and Bradley Cooper in this film is mesmerising. It was such an emotional film that really stayed with me for a few days afterwards and although it wasn’t my typical kind of film I would definitely recommend it- you might surprise yourself too.

Gossip Girl: Obviously this favourite is not ‘new’ to the world, but it is relatively ‘new’ to me. I started it in September and got into it IMMEDIATELY. Literally, I have spent more time on the Upper East Side this month that I have at my actual university and quite simply: I have no regrets.

Hopefully you have enjoyed reading about some of the different things I have been loving throughout October! It’s always a lovely month, busy, but generally a good one especially as I love the colder weather. I am not crazy into Halloween though, as I am extremely loyal to Christmas… and I scare pretty easy. I am going to be sharing a Halloween themed post on Wednesday and I’d love to know what you think about it and maybe you might want to join in with it! Be sure to follow if you want to make you sure you don’t miss them!
