To Be Watched List: Disney+

Disney remains one of my biggest loves and joys in life, so when Disney+ was coming to the UK I couldn’t wait. Especially in the current climate, I think it is really a wonderful form of escapism and it’s so nice to get lost in another world for a bit. I know I’m a little late in posting about this but I’m now really getting the chance to get stuck into it. If you’re a bit confused then it’s basically a Netflix and Disney hybrid – a real match made in Heaven. This is a list of what I’m most excited to watching!

The Imagineering Story: WOW. This is number one. For Disney Parks enthusiasts like myself, this really is a must-watch. This is much more of a documentary style and goes right back to when Walt first created Disneyland. I’m really looking forward to learning more about Walt himself and some of the back stories to my favourite rides!

Movies I missed the First Time! This is one of the beauties of Disney+… we now have all our the Disney movies in one place! We have the opportunity to go back and enjoy some of the films that we may have missed the first time round whether that be through age or just missing it at the cinema originally. This will look slightly different for everyone but for me, it includes The Incredibles 1 and 2, the Cars series and Hercules – I know that’s a biggy! These are just some of the films that I am looking forward to watching for the first time!!

High School Musical: The Musical: The Series Who came up with that name? Whilst I fully understand this will not come close to the films – Troy 4eva- I’m still excited to see what they’ve done with this! I was the prime High School Musical little kid, it hit at the perfect age for me and I have been a wildcat ever since watching the first one as a DCOM on a Friday night on Disney Channel. I’m heard it’s so cheesy, that it’s good… which is basically what I look for in most series and movies haha!

Once I’ve started making my way through this list, I’ll definitely post my reactions and reviews. Not sure in what format yet but they’ll be on here somewhere, so keep an eye out!

Take Care,



5 Reasons Why ‘Once Upon A Time’ Should be your Next Netflix Binge

‘Once Upon A Time’ (OUAT) is one of my ALL TIME favourite TV shows. I’ve never been one to overly re-watch series that I enjoy on Netflix but this one is the exception. It has 7 seasons, with the final one being released just last year. It really is quite a hefty commitment, but time really does fly when you’re watching it. I know it’s already a pretty popular show, especially in America, but I thought incase you hadn’t heard of it this would give you everything you need to know. I would say this is for Disney lovers, but also those that enjoy Riverdale or Pretty Little Liars like it has that mystery vibe to it, maybe if you enjoy fantasy shows you would like it too. So, if you need some convincing then this is why you need to get yourself watching my most favourite show on Netflix…

  1. HELLO, DISNEY CHARACTERS IN A REAL LIFE SETTING! Disney lovers this one is for YOU. Especially if you’re like a young adult, this is going to be your show of dreams. Sometimes it’s like they took the ideas out of my own mind. The premise of the show is essentially that fairy tale characters have had a curse put on them, forcing them into the real world into a land called ‘Storybrooke’. There are SO many Disney characters here from Gus in Cinderella, to Mulan to Geppetto to Elsa from Frozen- literally they’re all here!

2. SUCH CLEVER CONCEPTS AND CONSTANT ‘WORLD’ CHANGING: From my descriptions so far, you might be thinking about this show is for children but it really isn’t. It takes the fairy tale into the modern world, and although magic plays a large part, there is very much a strong dose of ‘reality’ in the show too. The show constantly changes between the different worlds, lands and realms- it does keep you on your toes- but they all entwine seamlessly.


3. THE SWEETEST RELATIONSHIPS: There are SO many relationships that you will want to ‘ship’ on this show. It’s a teenage fangirls dream. My personal favourite is probably Rumplestiltskin and Belle, you can just really see that she brings out the best in him. I won’t do too many spoilers but just know that the actress and actor playing Snow White and Prince Charming are TOGETHER IN REAL LIFE. That chemistry is LEGIT, next level magic right there.

4. PERFECTLY MAGICAL FOR COSY AUTUMN EVENINGS: The great thing about it being such a chunky show is that you can really commit and become completely immersed within it. Although it’s complex, it isn’t difficult to understand and enjoy so it’s really one that you can end up watching lots of episodes after each other, feeling like no time has passed at all. Enjoyed best with a Disney mug filled with tea, or your hot beverage of choice!

5. THE DISNEY IS IN THE DETAIL! I started with a Disney reason, so I’ll finish with one. Although this series is not technically a Disney production, it does carry many of its same values. The little Disney details really make this show, for me as a Disney fan, because it gives it even more magic and cosiness. The way that the little details in the opening sequence give a clue to the upcoming show and the fact that there is a Main Street in Storybrooke! I just think the precision of the plot, the way that everything always comes together, with a touch of magic, makes this show really, really special.


June Favourites 2019


Does anyone else see June as the halfway to Christmas mark, or just me? June has been a pretty special month for me as I got to visit Disneyland Paris and just had THE most magical time EVER. I cannot explain… but I will be trying to throughout a few blog posts coming your way in July! June hasn’t actually felt that summery yet back home, but I’m hoping that the weather will pick up from now! Here’s a couple of my favourite things from June- enjoy!

Benefit’s Cheekleader Pink Squad Palette, £26.00: I recently featured this in my 3 Recent Beauty Buys, so I know its a little soon to be putting this in my favourites. BUT, I have been using this SOOOO much since I bought it. Some days I’ve just lightly glowed up with the ‘Twinkle’ shade, which is exclusive to the palette. I will probably write a review on this product, because I think its a great way to try new Benefit products in a cost effective way but also is PERFECT from travelling this summer. It also includes one of my long-term favourite products the Dandelion blush!

Rimmel 60 Seconds Super Shine Nail Polish in ‘Lovey Dovey’, £2.99: This is a real, true purple. I have been looking specifically for this shade for a while and after exhausting my usual brands I decided to give Rimmel’s nail polish a try! I really wanted this shade for my trip to Disneyland Paris, as it matches my Purple Potion eats perfectly, and it lasted the WHOLE trip. It looked like a professional manicure and I was really, really impressed with the durability and quality especially considering the price.


Aladdin: I have enjoyed EVERY aspect of the new live-action Aladdin this month. I really, REALLY enjoyed the film and I thought it was hilarious. I’ve always loved the live-action films because I feel like they just make it feel very current and modern. Don’t get me wrong, the originals are PERFECT but I kind of see them as separate entities. I have been playing the soundtrack of the new movie constantly throughout June. I really love the new version of ‘Friend Like Me’ and ‘Prince Ali’, the brand new song ‘Speechless’ is just incredible too. Special shoutout to Zayn’s version of ‘A Whole New World’ on there too- it’s gorgeous. One Direction and Disney- it’s almost too much for me to handle.

Jane the Virgin: June brought with it lots more free time and with the rainy weather I have been LOVING indulging in a good Netflix binge- Jane is PERFECT for this! I am already on season 3 and I cannot believe it finishes for good in July. I have really, really enjoyed the show and its perfect for someone who enjoys a light hearted, funny show that highlights themes of intergenerational families and romantic relationships. I am SO in love with this show and time completely flies when I watch this- definitely watch this, if you haven’t already!



May Favourites 2019

I’m SOOO excited that May is coming to an end. It’s always a bit of a drag, especially with all the deadlines that I’ve been going through. I have still had the time to find some pretty good favourites this month… if anything I’ve been avoiding revision so much that I’ve been looking more for them haha! I cannot wait for June because I’m going to Disneyland Paris- if you LOVE Disney content or have a trip coming up soon then keep an eye as I’ll be posting about it quite a bit in the next few months! Until then, here are a few of my non-Disney faves, from beauty to a good Netflix recommendation!

Glossier Boy Brow in Clear, £14.00: It’s actually been a little while since I’ve given this product a shoutout, not that it really needs the promo. I have been using this throughout May and most of the year, but I do go through phases where I try other ones. This month its been a proper staple for me, especially when I’ve been a little ‘relaxed’ with plucking and shaping. I put this on and it looks like I’ve made more of an effort than I actually have which is exactly what I’m looking for in a beauty product! I get that it’s expensive, so it is a little splurge, but I really love the waxy formula and non-sticky feel which keeps my eyebrows in place all day!

Umberto Gianni Scrunching Jelly, £7.00: This month I’ve been trying quite a few new things, especial when it comes to hair care! I picked this up in my Drugstore Beauty Haul and have been LOVING using it. A scrunching jelly is something that I’ve been looking for for ages, its hard to find one that doesn’t crisp up your curls. It really does add definition and is great for in-between washes as it revitalises your hair without the need for washing. This has the same delicious ‘good looking man’ smell as the others in the range and I really enjoy using this product- I’m SO glad I found it!


The Good Place: This month I completely binge watched this series and I absolutely LOVED it. The episodes are only 20mins long so it is really easy to become involved and there are currently only 3 series- I cannot wait for season 4! I’m guessing you know the plot, it’s basically in the afterlife but it is much more complex than the premise makes it seem. I really enjoyed all the twists and turns, I really loved the characters too especially Michael, Eleanor and Jason Medosaaaa. It was a really great watch and made time absolutely FLY. It was SO good that I kind of wish I had slowed down because I literally downed it in a couple of days.

Avengers End Game: THIS WAS EVERYTHING. Technically, I saw this at the very end of April but I just wanted to share that I LOVE this film and just the whole Avengers cast. I feel extremely emotionally invested after all this time and this film was an almost perfect ending… I feel like its alright for spoilers now, right? I’m just going to miss Chris Evans, I didn’t think it was a ‘re-generational’ role. That’s all I’ll say. ANYWAY, I LOVE THIS FILM. I can’t wait to see it again. I’ve watched SO much Marvel recently and I just cannot get over this. 100% favourite film of the year so far. Cinematically it is honestly NEXT LEVEL. I’m struggling to get over it- head over to my Insta where I am still sharing things about this film on my stories regularly… I’m not ready to let go!


3 Netflix Recommendations

It’s coming up that busy time of the year, especially if you’re at university when there are deadlines, essays and exams just piling up constantly. If you’re like me, this means its the PERFECT time to get stuck into some Netflix and just forget it all. Getting stuck into a good series and just switching off from all the worries is the way I am spending most of my days right now, SO lets keep it short and sweet with 3 of my recs.

Riverdale: Now I’m not writing this as a suggestion but more of a reminder that this is still going. Yep, they’re still trying with this gargoyle king business BUT I do think after the season 3 break there have been some improvements. I would recommend watching this to stare at Archie Andrews, if nothing else. If you can let your sense of judgement go and just accept that there will be plot-holes and that constant feeling of ‘have I missed an episode’ then I think you’ll enjoy it. Keep going.

netflix is my boyfriend
Photo Credit: Pinterest

The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann: I’m currently watching this which is unlike me, as I am really not a documentary girl. I have never really got into them and just tend to find them a little dull- which is a surprise considering I’m one of the few to still be enjoying Riverdale haha! This is a case that has always really gripped me though, as with most of the country, and learning more about the case only fuels my curiosity. They have dragged it out a little but definitely still worth a watch.

Once Upon A Time: I LOVE THIS SERIES. This is one of my all time favourites and it is SO easy to binge-watch. I’m considering re-watching it actually because I loved it so much and it honestly makes time go SO fast… which can be a little risky around this busy time. There is a fair amount to watch too so this can take you right on through to summer. If you love Disney, The Vampire Diaries and Riverdale then this is the perfect mix of all of these. I know it isn’t new but this is definitely a binge-worthy series.


February Favourites 2019

February is the shortest month of the year, so there is no need to pretend that it’s gone really quickly this time because it actually has. It’s been weirdly warm which I am not a fan of and it feels like winter really is on it’s way out- miss you already. I’ve gone for only 3 this month because it is that little bit shorter, I didn’t want to just throw a 4th in for the sake of a symmetrical blog post… yes I’m one of those, unfortunately. There’s still a little mix of beauty and Netflix, of course, so hopefully you’ll enjoy!

Benefit’s Dandelion Blush: When spring begins to peak its head, I head straight for this blush. I’ve spoken about it on here LOADS, as it has been a favourite of mine for a couple of years. I find it the perfect baby pink shade that have a touch of shimmer in, I like to think of it as the colour that I naturally blush. It’s great for Springtime and I’ll be picking this up A LOT over the next couple of months.

Lush’s Snow Fairy Shower Gel: I feel kind of bad for including this one, sorry not sorry everyone. This is obviously a limited edition product that is exclusive to Christmastime. You’ve gotta be smart with this one and BULK BUY, then you can be smug and enjoy it throughout the year. I was initially going to use this very sparingly, yet here we are in February and I can’t stop using it. That sweet bubblegum scent never gets old and I want to smell like it 24/7.



Dynasty: I’ve been watching this series on Netflix throughout February and am really enjoying it. There are only 2 seasons, I’m currently on the second one, and it is so easy to get into. It reminds me of Gossip Girl with a hint of Riverdale- season one, so if you like either of those then I think you’ll enjoy it! It basically follows a rich family who own ‘Carrington Atlantic’ and all the drama that comes along with it- it gets really good towards the end of S1 and I did not see some of those twists coming!

Hopefully you have enjoyed reading about some of my favourite things from throughout this little month. Being a short month, it is not always easy to pick things out that you are different but these are all things that I genuinely have enjoyed using, watching or eating throughout February. I’m looking forward to seeing what March holds and for Spring to be sprung!


Valentines: Favourite Rom-Coms

This week I will be sharing 3 Valentines related posts all about lluurrrvvee- oh yeah. I thought the best way to start is by sharing 4 of my most favourite romantic comedy movies that are PERFECT whether you are spending Valentines with your significant other, your besties or simply on your own. These are guaranteed to sprinkle some love and laughs into your day, I love them! This is definitely my favourite genre of movie, along with Disney of course, they can lift your mood instantly. It was really hard narrowing it down to just 4, but I didn’t want to bore you with too much analysis. I would also say just to note: High School Musical is perfect for Valentines too but I’m not 100% sure if it counts as a ‘Rom-Com’ but you don’t need a specific day to watch this one… any day is perfect for some Troy Bolton.

Bridget Jones Diary: Now I’m looking at you single ladies for this one, although I’m sure anyone will enjoy. I recommend inviting around your besties- Ben and Jerry’s- to watch this ultimate valentines classic. You might want to opt for the whole trilogy now, or stick with the first one. It’s got the British girls dream combo of Hugh Grant AND Colin Firth in- you cannot possibly demand anymore. I just think you cannot go wrong with this one, it’s a cult classic and is guaranteed to make you laugh!

To All the Boy’s I’ve Loved Before: A pretty recent addition to my favourites but I have watched this an unhealthy amount since it came out on Netflix last year. I don’t even have a reason why I love it, as the acting is clearly questionable at times. If you can look past that then this film is sure to turn you back into that lovesick teenager. Your boyfriends might have something to say about this one… but consider it part of their film education and I’m sure they could learn a thing or two off Peter Kavinsky. SWOON, he’s like the millennial’s Zac Efron. To All The Boys I've Loved Before on Behance

The Holiday: I know what you’re thinking- that’s a Christmas film it doesn’t count. Well sorry NOT sorry, I’m including this absolute diamond of a film because it deserves recognition all year round. I LOVE this film, completely and who can resist a little festivity in February?! This film is soooo romantic and lovely, hello Jude Law. It has everything.

The Proposal, Friends with Benefits and 27 Dresses: Okay yes, alright I cheated by including a couple here together. These are ALL wonderful and I felt a little guilty for leaving one of these out. They are each classics in their own right and they will be perfect for you, whatever your Valentines situation is. The Proposal is hilarious and I’m thinking might be the one that your boyf might like best, unless they love Mila Kunis then FwB is probably going to be their fave. 27 Dresses is perfect for a girly night with your sisters. You really need to make sure you’ve seen at least 2/3 of these to complete your rom-com education, thanks.

Let me know your favourite rom-com below, I’m ALWAYS on the hunt for new ones to watch. There are loads on Netflix especially teen ones, which I still watch regularly like the inner-14 year old that I am. Come back on Wednesday for a Galentine’s Special *crowd goes wild*


Flashback Favourites: 2018 Edition

I know 2018 is like SO last year, but today’s post is going to be a reflection on a few of my favourite things throughout 2018. I am a sucker for monthly favourites- I know they’re old school and are not always the most exciting posts- but I think they’re a great place to share things that don’t really warrant their own entire post, like my love of Cadbury’s Giant Chocolate Buttons- although I would give it a go. Basically what I’ve done is had a look through all my monthly favourites from 2018 and made a definitive list of my ACTUAL favourite things from the year. I’ve done this last year, if you want to read through those too: Flashback Favourites: 2017 Edition. Not just things I enjoyed for one month, or got involved with because everyone else liked it, the things I genuinely loved and have made themselves staples into 2019.

Glossier Haloscope Highlighter in Quartz: This appeared in at least 2 monthly favourites from 2018 and will be well loved into 2019. 2018 really was a Glossier year for me as I tried many of their products. This one is my favourite though and has really stood the test of time, as I first tried it back in February 2018. I reach for it regularly, and as someone who NEVER wore highlighter before, I think that is quite an achievement for one product. It’s a lovely shade and it actually makes me feel better about myself, which is the ultimate goal of a make-up product for me.

Revolution Conceal and Define Concealer: This is probably the only rival to the ‘Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer’ I’ve seen in a long time. It is slightly creamier and I really like the applicator because it is chunkier which makes it easier to use as a whole base product. I haven’t tried many Revolution products before, but this one in 2018, has really made the online beauty industry take note of the budget brands and shows that they stand up in the competitive market. This got a lot of hype online, that I clearly fell into, but I do think this has to be one of my favourites this year as my one is pretty much coming to an end- it will be interesting if this stands the test of time into 2019.


Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again! Oh my. What a film. This was my absolute FAVOURITE film of 2018. It was truly wonderful and everything I had hoped it would be after such a long wait for it. This film will make you feel 100x better about life. It has everything you could possibly want and has to be one of my favourite films ever. I have watched it several times since getting it on DVD and is probably one of the few films that I actually pre-ordered after seeing it for the 3rd time in the cinema. If you do one thing from reading my blog- watch this film. This was SUCH a big part that made the most winter-loving girl enjoy.

Once Upon A Time: Netflix has played a big part in my year, being a student it is like a right of passage. Having to pick just one series that I’ve enjoyed is tough, with Gossip Girl being a close runner-up I am going to have to go with: Once Upon A Time. The final series aired in 2018, but I actually watched it ALL in a few months and it was so wonderful. Being completely immersed in the Disney world through the fairy tale characters was wonderful and has to be one of the most creative TV shows. If you love Disney and Riverdale I would say this is a pretty good mash-up of those.

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this little ‘Flashback Favourites’, I really like them because they give a good summary of the year as a whole and make clear my actual favourites. Despite my blog’s new look, I am going to be continuing with the monthly favourites posts because I enjoy writing them and sharing some real treasures with you, but I will try and keep them a little shorter so if you’re not a fan they won’t take up much of your time. I understand why monthly favourites have lost their appeal, especially on YouTube when they are plagued by ADs- which are clearly only going to be used for that one month whilst they reap the money. Hopefully, through the medium of blogging that authenticity will not be lost and you can see that these things genuinely are some of my favourite things from the month!

Let me know your thoughts on monthly favourites and a couple of your favourite things from 2018 below!


Christmas Favourites 2018


I am not calm. I AM BUZZING. It really is the most wonderful time and the best is yet to come- so. soon. It might seem a little bit early to be doing a ‘Favourites’ but this is for the whole festive season- which lets face it, started for me in September just as that last summer ice-cream melted I was off with my tinsel. With this in mind, this is also going to be my last post of 2018- I can hear the sobbing already- I’ll update you a little more about after we’ve got through these! ENJOY:

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in Fair, £4.19: The last couple of months I’ve been using the Revolution concealer, but in December I have returned to this trusty favourite. My skin has been going through a bit of a rough patch recently, with the cold weather and my lack of effort with skincare, so I have really relied on this. I’ve been using two layers of it on bad days and it still doesn’t look cake-y which is something I always worry about.

Phil Smith Be Gorgeous Curly Locks Curl Conditioner, £3.50: I do genuinely wonder if anyone else uses this, because I’ve only ever seen it in Sainsbury’s which is such a specific location. BUT, if you do happen to be in there then you should definitely give it a go. They have other variations depending on your hair type, but this one suits my hair the best as it really nourishes my curls. I haven’t used it for a few months because I’ve been trying to finish another one- I’ll write about that in the new year- so I’m SO glad to be back with this one. I find that it helps keep frizz away for longer between washes which I LOVE and need.


Cadbury’s Chocolate Mousse Snowmen: WOW. What can I say. These are my favourite Christmas snack every year- I want to bulk buy to get me through the year. Cadbury’s is the best chocolate ever- if you disagree you’re wrong- and this has to be one of their best festive offerings. They are the perfect size and are a slightly melted version of a wispa on the inside. There is nothing I don’t like about these and I can’t imagine the amount of these I have eaten throughout the festive season. I suggest you eat as many of these as you can whilst you have the chance!

The Princess Switch: December has been FULL to the brim of Christmas films, of course the old classics have been on repeat but thanks to Netflix I have been inundated with films to watch. There are lots to choose from but I think my favourite has to be ‘The Princess Switch’. You have to look at it in a light-hearted way, like all Christmas films, and accept it for the cute film that it is… if you can get over the whole Vanessa Hudgens playing both girls- spoiler. It’s basically like Parent Trap meets Princess Diaries meets The Holiday… what a dreamy combination!

I feel like I could go on and on with all the lovely Christmas things I have been loving for the past month… as if I haven’t been loving festive things since summer ended tbh. This is a little streamlined list though, so hopefully you’ve enjoyed having a little festive read.

As I’ve mentioned above this is actually going to be the last post on here for 2018- get the violins out. I’m going to give us all a break until Monday 7th January 2019, where there are going to be some changes around here… so definitely come back for those, it is much appreciated! Thank you for your support on my blog throughout the year, it is very much appreciated!

Have the most wonderful Christmas and the loveliest new year!


November Favourites 2018

November is one of my FAVOURITE months of the year because you have all the excitement and joy of Christmas to come. I have actually had a rather busy month trying to stay on top of my university work, whilst using every moment to savour Christmas- I’ve been doing one more successfully than the other, I’ll let you decide which haha! That is why there is a little less emphasis on beauty this month, as I don’t really dress up to sit at my desk and werk. I’m hoping you will still enjoy these little gems I have been loving.

Glossier Haloscope Highlighter in Quartz, £18.00: If you’ve been reading my blog throughout the year you’ll know that throughout the summer I was really banging on about this so I won’t bore you with the details. This is simply my favourite highlighter and I had gradually stopped using it for a couple of months, until this month when it was back with A BANG. You cannot use to much of this, to give you that lovely glow and healthy sheen- it isn’t like a disco ball has exploded on your cheeks, not a good look. If you want to read more I’ve gone into detail here: My ULTIMATE Favourite Highlighter.

Imperial Leather Marshmallow Shower Gel, £1.00: It’s been a couple of months since I have shared a shower gel favourite- don’t worry, I have been showering! This one is a classic that I have returned to once again. It is baby pink, lathers nicely AND, most importantly, smells sweetly of marshmallows. What more could you ask for in a shower gel? Let this be the best pound you spend this month and as you can see from the picture below- I ACTUALLY have been loving it. #NotAnAD  lol.


The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: I know I’m a little bit late to this party- classic. BUT I have been really enjoying this throughout the month to fill that Gossip Girl shaped hole in my life. If you enjoy Once Upon A Time and Riverdale then I feel like this is the perfect show for you. It does get a little too scary for me at times and I can get a bit confused but on the whole I’m really enjoying it!

I’m A Celebrity…GET ME OUT OF HERE! This is my favourite TV show. EVER. Every single year I go absolutely MAD for this show. Every night at 9 I am sat down in my Christmas pyjamas with my family ready to laugh my head- I get really into it. This year has not let me down, although I do really miss Ant. My favourites are Ann and Harry, they are both SOOOO cute and I really hope they do well in the competition. Who are you favourites?

Hopefully you have enjoyed reading about some of my favourite things from November. I cannot believe the most wonderful time of the year is almost here, it’s the best. I’ve decided to stick with my usual Monday, Thursday schedule in the lead up to Christmas, so if you get a chance I’d love you to read some of my festive content… it’s going to be like Rudolph himself has thrown up ALL over this blog- in the best way.

Savour this magical time!
