Joining the World of Full-Time Work

Getting a ‘proper’ job is something that I really put off and it wasn’t until I graduated from university at the age of 21 I realised I had dodged it long enough… The time had come.

I did start to feel a bit ‘ready’ which is weird and something that I didn’t expect but after all those years in education, I just wanted to start doing. I just wanted to share some of the things I learnt from starting a 9-5 job – queue Dolly Parton.

  1. Kindness is EVERYTHING: I suppose this comes with everything in life but at work, especially at the beginning, it is so important to be kind to everyone. Even those you think are a little bit dodgy or annoying, just be nice. Ask lots of questions and remember the answers – try not to switch off when a random woman starts telling you the story about their grandchild learning to rollover for the 3rd time in 2 days. Just nod along. They really appreciate it and it helps you feel really included into the office when you can ask some more personal questions when waiting for the kettle to boil.
  2. Work on those Waitress Skills: Hot drinks are EVERYTHING in an office. Seriously I have made more hot drinks in the last 6 months that my whole 21 years previously. It’s just what gets people through the long hours, those cold mornings and just breaks up the day. You’ll eventually get into a little routine with it all and you will be able to just start holding up mugs at people on the phone soon! I’m very shaky just generally, so don’t worry about having to do multiple trips to the kitchen – it’s better than spilling it everywhere.
  3. Don’t be scared to ask: It might feel like you’re holding a Q&A with every single person you meet, but it’s worth it. Write everything down. You might feel a bit silly for a week or two but it’s a good idea to get them all out the way early. It will help you with your confidence later on.

I’m going to leave it with 3 for this post, but there might be a follow up one in the future – can you barely contain your excitement? Thought so haha!

Take care,
