3 Disney+ Recommendations

Disney Plus is basically one of my favourite things. Ever. If you asked me ‘What has your lockdown been sponsored by?’ I would say Disney+. With Animal Crossing and Cadbury’s Creme Eggs thrown in there too.

I’ve barely been on Netflix since it’s come out and I just have to say that, with everything going on right now, it came at the best time. A time when magic is so needed. I have made my way through a fair amount of my To Be Watched List: Disney+ and thought I would share 3 of my recommendations – SO FAR. There is still a lot more I have to watch, which is the beauty of having a whole new streaming service. Obviously I’m going to have A LOT more recommendations eventually, but this is ‘as of May 2020’.

Disney’s Fairytale Weddings: Hear me out on this one. I know you’re thinking that this programme is going to appeal to a specific type of audience but give it a chance. There is a lot of heart in this show, it is real escapism. You get to meet couples and hear their stories, it can really tug on your heartstrings this one! There are some episodes more exciting than others but just seeing the destinations and the little details – it got me EXCITED.

The Imagineering Story: WOW. So this lived up to the high expectations. If anything it left me wanting MORE episodes. I loved learning so much about Walt, the parks and the journey that the company has gone on. It was such an honest account of what has happened over the years, it didn’t try and cover up any mistakes, instead it highlighted them and showed the audience how they fixed them. One of the overriding things that came out of it for me, was just how special and unique Disney is – in so many ways from the business side, to the detail within the parks and the innovative storytelling in every single movie they have ever released. Walt was so ahead of his time and I love learning more about his incredible life. The whole series is now available and you are really in for a treat if you haven’t watched it yet.

Cars 2: I spoke a little bit in my initial post about how I was looking forward to watching the films that I hadn’t seen before – Cars being one of them. I’ve picked out Cars 2 as a favourite, but they were all great! Cars 2 just had me LAUGHING so much. It’s the tow truck, Mater, who has very quickly become one of new favourite Disney characters. He was just hilarious!!! I was surprised how much I enjoyed this, as I generally have very different tastes to a 5 year old boy, yet here I am saying that this is a GREAT film. I really want to go to Radiator Springs… like now.

Take care,


3 Netflix Recommendations

It’s coming up that busy time of the year, especially if you’re at university when there are deadlines, essays and exams just piling up constantly. If you’re like me, this means its the PERFECT time to get stuck into some Netflix and just forget it all. Getting stuck into a good series and just switching off from all the worries is the way I am spending most of my days right now, SO lets keep it short and sweet with 3 of my recs.

Riverdale: Now I’m not writing this as a suggestion but more of a reminder that this is still going. Yep, they’re still trying with this gargoyle king business BUT I do think after the season 3 break there have been some improvements. I would recommend watching this to stare at Archie Andrews, if nothing else. If you can let your sense of judgement go and just accept that there will be plot-holes and that constant feeling of ‘have I missed an episode’ then I think you’ll enjoy it. Keep going.

netflix is my boyfriend
Photo Credit: Pinterest

The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann: I’m currently watching this which is unlike me, as I am really not a documentary girl. I have never really got into them and just tend to find them a little dull- which is a surprise considering I’m one of the few to still be enjoying Riverdale haha! This is a case that has always really gripped me though, as with most of the country, and learning more about the case only fuels my curiosity. They have dragged it out a little but definitely still worth a watch.

Once Upon A Time: I LOVE THIS SERIES. This is one of my all time favourites and it is SO easy to binge-watch. I’m considering re-watching it actually because I loved it so much and it honestly makes time go SO fast… which can be a little risky around this busy time. There is a fair amount to watch too so this can take you right on through to summer. If you love Disney, The Vampire Diaries and Riverdale then this is the perfect mix of all of these. I know it isn’t new but this is definitely a binge-worthy series.


5 Books on my TBR List

I’m doing my best to get into reading again and have complied quite the To Be Read List… but I thought I wouldn’t completely bore you so I’m just going to share 5 today! If you’ve not read any of my posts before I’m into YA and general chick-lit. Every now and then I like to delve into a fantasy or slightly unique series for me, something along the lines of The Hunger Games. I do love reading once I’m into a good book, but when I get stuck on a slow one then I tend to twindle off for a few months. Especially, when academic reading should really be the priority at the moment I struggle to justify reading for pleasure- which is a bad habit!

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood: Now this is a pretty out-there book on my TBR but I really think it will good to push my reading boundaries. There was a lot of hype surrounding this when it got made into a TV series, so I’m looking forward to seeing if it’s all worth it. It is actually quite an exclaimed book, I think some people study it at school, so this would definitely be a different type of book for me. The story sounds a weird, but there is something enticing about this one.

The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord: This was part of Zoella’s book club last year, so I’m a little late to the party! I did buy it last Summer but still haven’t got round to reading it. I think it is more of a classic romantic YA, which is what I’m typically into. It raises some important issues too and should be a simple read.


There’s Someone Inside your House by Stephanie Perkins: When scouring through Amazon’s recommendations I came across this YA book, which looks really interesting! I really enjoy YA mystery, thriller kind of books with a shock twist, like E. Lockhart’s books. The story follows a girl who moves to a new school where the students are being killed off one by one!

Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy: This book is VERY different from the other books and focuses on a chubby teenager. I think it raises lots of current issues, it’s quite a modern text and think it could be quite a poignant read. I think it’s lovely that this kind of book has been written because it doesn’t fit the stereotypical YA and will help lots of readers with body-image, friendship and other challenges they face.

Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake: This looks kind of Hunger Games-esque or similar to ‘The Red Queen’ series. Basically, there are three sisters fighting for the throne… I’m sure they’ll be more to it that that though! If this lives up to its potential then it could be really gripping- so I really want to give it a read.

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed seeing some of the books I’ll be giving a read over the next couple of months. If you want to see my thoughts on these books then definitely stick around! If you want some more inspiration for some reading then check out my YA Summer Reading Recommendations or my Kindle Paperwhite: Is it worth it?, I’ll also be keeping you updated with any favourite books in my monthly favourites.

What book would you suggest gets added to my TBR list?


Favourite Places: The Cotswolds

Last year I posted my Favourite Places: Windsor post, which you seemed to enjoy! I really loved sharing my memories and recommendations so thought I would continue this series into 2018. I’m mainly going with places in England for now, as that’s where I’m from! I think it’s nice to share some appreciation for the places closer to home, you don’t alway have to travel across the globe to find beautiful places- we’re lucky in the UK to have LOADS of them. So here are a few of my favourite places and activities that I’ve done in the Cotswolds.

Stow-on-the-Wold: This cute little Cotswold village is centred around a gorgeous Church, where a tree has grown into the door! The Church is very pretty and the unique feature makes it perfect for photography. There are a few lanes of shops, offering bits and pieces for ages. I would recommend the chocolatiers and, just a couple of doors up, the fudge shop if you have a sweet tooth- they actually make the products on site!

Bourbon-on-the-Water: This is a little gem of a place and I could happily move here tomorrow. It is BEAUTIFUL, peaceful and perfectly idyllic. There are quite a few unique shops, lots of tea rooms, a model village, dragonfly maze AND Birdland… SO much to do! Again, they have a beautiful church and offer lots of wonderful gift shops, filled to the brim with sentimental hangings for your home. It is known as ‘the Venice of the Cotswolds’ due to the cute little canal running through the centre, that has ducks on and cute little bridges. It is perfect if you want to encapsulate British beauty, but be warned it can get quite busy in the Summer months but it always keeps its charm. Great for photographers too and is pictured below.


Huffkins Tea Rooms: Now the Cotswolds is filled with tearooms… honestly they’re everywhere. I’m sure there are LOADS of good ones but I just wanted to share my favourite one. They have a couple located at different sites in the Cotswolds- so it might be worth googling before you set off. The food, design and general vibe is really lovely. The fresh, warm scones with jam and clotted cream are an absolute dream… bliss! They do savoury food too which I’ve enjoyed! They have a bakery attached which sells some of their homemade produce. If you see one then I would definitely recommend giving it a go, I’m pretty sure you won’t regret it. Even if you cannot find this specific one then just finding a lovely Cream Tea in the Cotswolds, is a MUST in making it the perfect trip.

Cotswold Wildlife Park: This is the perfect option if you’re visiting the Cotswolds with a family or you’re just an animal lover- like myself. It has a wide range of animals including Lions, Rhinos and Tapirs, my favourites! It is set in a lovely space of land, it is not cramped and is perfect for a nice couple of hours stroll to see some wonder creatures. It is located near Crocodiles of the World which is very small-scale centre housing lots of crocodiles and alligators. There are a couple of other smaller animals like meerkats, otters and a Komodo Dragon- this is a perfect option if it is raining. If you’re near then you may be interested in visiting Churchill’s grave which is situated in Bladen, a short distance from Cotswold Wildlife Park.

I hope you’ve loved hearing about the Cotswolds, it’s a really beautiful place in the world! There are SOOO many hidden gems in the Cotswolds and I am only really scratching the surface with my trips- I know there are lots more places to visit. I find it the perfect place because it entertains all ages- from my grandparents, to a teenager like myself. If you’ve enjoyed this post then I’ll definitely be sharing more throughout the Summer months especially so I’d appreciate if you followed for those! Have you ever visited the Cotswolds? What’s your favourite place to visit near you?


What I’ve Watched: Autumn Edition


December is approaching fast and I could not be more excited! Before we go FULL SCALE Christmas I wanted to have a couple of final posts reflecting on Autumn- with my November favourites coming on Thursday! I’ve not done one of these posts before but I’ve seen other people do them and really enjoyed seeing everyone’s recommendations. Usually in my favourites I mention something I’ve been watching but today I wanted to dedicate a whole post to the things I’ve been watching over the last three months. I’ve split them into three groups just to make it a bit of a less daunting list… bear in mind this is over three months although I’m all for a Netflix binge! So here are some of my favourite things I’ve been watching throughout this Autumn:


  • The Vampire Diaries: I’ve mentioned this a few times on my blog but this time I have officially completed all eight seasons. I’m so proud. I REALLY, really loved it! I found it a bit difficult to get into at the beginning but you just have to keep going and then something will just click. I think it’s because there are lots of mystical concepts to get your head around at the beginning- once you’ve got them nailed you’ll be in for a treat. I would 10/10 recommend if you like Pretty Little Liars mixed with a bit of Twilight.
  • Jack Whitehall’s ‘Travels with my Father’: This is a cute, funny show that is good to just have in the background- it doesn’t take much concentration. It is basically Jack and his Dad on their tour of Asia for a ‘gap year’. It’s not the BEST show ever but it is kind of what you would expect- it did seem a little too staged. If you’re a fan of Jack or some of his other shows like ‘Fresh Meat’ or ‘Bad Education’ then I’m sure you’ll enjoy this.


  • Kingsman: The Golden Circle: I saw this quite early on in Autumn but I absolutely LOVED it. It is the sequel to ‘Kingsman’ which is a secret service in London and it stars Colin Firth and Tarun Egerton- what a cutie! I’m not usually into action films but this is probably the one I have enjoyed the most. This one had Channing Tatum in too which makes it even better. If you can get your head around some farcical moments then you’ll really enjoy it.
  • Murder on the Orient Express: This is an adaption of Agatha Christie’s novel and, honestly, the all-star cast really drew me to it. The older members in my family really loved this but I was not so into it- I just found it a bit slow and confusing. However, this is not my typical favourite genre but I think it’s nice to try and watch different films sometimes. If you’re into mystery and detective films then you’ll probably love this.


  • Educating Greater Manchester: This was a really endearing series and if you went to a secondary school in the UK you’ll probably find it very nostalgic. It is a fly-on-the-wall documentary-style series that follows a school in Salford. If you’re not from the UK then this will be VERY insightful for you. Its a lovely cosy show that will make you want to laugh and cry.
  • Counting On: This is one of my favourite shows, pretty much EVER. It follows the Duggar family in America who have 19kids, but now it follows the older children. This series followed Joy’s wedding and was really cute- although she is not my favourite Duggar. I cannot wait for the next series. It is on TLC and I absolutely love watching this with a cuppa tea and my mum.

I hope you have enjoyed this post, seeing a few things I have been watching this season! I definitely think I will do these again because there are too many things to put in a favourites- there isn’t enough room in those! I know that winter is prime-time for good TV with there being a Christmas overload- I CANNOT WAIT. Let me know what Christmas shows you are most looking forward to this festive period. I also hope you enjoy watching any of the films or shows I have suggested!

Happy watching,


Favourite Places: Windsor


I’ve been meaning to talk about a few of my favourite places for a while so I thought why not start today? This post is all about Windsor and a few of my favourite things to do when visiting there! I think Windsor is a good one to start of this little ‘series’ because it’s especially beautiful during Winter with all the Christmas decorations. Windsor is near London and is perfect if you love the Royal family or just want to visit somewhere that is quintessentially British. These are a few of my favourite things to do when visiting one of my favourite places- Windsor:

  • Windsor Castle: This is probably the most obvious thing to do in Windsor but it is definitely a MUST if you’re only visiting once. The Queen still resides there throughout the year and if the Royal Standards flag is flying then she is in! It’s SO, SO pretty! It is really interesting inside too where you can see Saint George’s Chapel where lots of royal family members are buried including King Henry the eighth! I would recommend booking online to avoid the really long queues.
  • Changing of the Guard: Watching the ‘changing of the guard’ is one of the most British things you will ever see! You don’t have to pay to go into the castle to see it either, as they just walk down the high street around the castle. It happens at around 11am so make sure you get there in time! It is basically when the soldiers guarding the castle change shifts but they all march and sometimes they have a band with them- definitely worth a watch!


  • The Royal Mile and Eton: These are a couple of options if you want to get some steps in whilst visiting Windsor. You can either walk down the Royal Mile to the horse statue through Great Windsor Park which is very pretty or you can walk over the river to Eton. This is a village where the famous Eton college, where Prince William and Harry attended, is and they have a couple of shops too.
  • Bill’s Breakfast and Shopping: Obviously this isn’t an exclusive thing to Windsor but I would definitely recommend a bit of time for retail therapy. Bill’s is a restaurant chain across the UK and I would specifically recommend having breakfast there then heading to the changing of the guard- perfect start to the day! They have pretty good shopping with most of the main British high street shops and they’re even better with the castle as a pretty backdrop!

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about Windsor and a few of things to do there! I enjoyed sharing some of the reasons why I love this place and will definitely be sharing some more of my favourite places throughout 2018! Let me know if you’ve ever visited Windsor and any of your favourite places.

Happy exploring,


Basic Girls Guide to… Eyebrows

Happy Monday!

Today I’m dedicating an entire post to eyebrows. I’ve called it a ‘guide’ but it’s pretty a few things I’ve learnt and then two of my ABSOLUTE favourite eyebrow products. I think it’s important to start off by saying that the eyebrow look I go for is natural, simple and fairly thick. I’ve previously mentioned about my curly, frizzy hair which you can read more about in my Basic Girls Guide to… Curly Haircare post- so I style my eyebrows to fit with that. I also have quite a young looking face therefore a heavy brow look is just not for me- this post is more about making the best with what you’ve got! I think you’ll notice from the title and my blog in general I am NO expert, but this is something I would have liked to read when I first got into eyebrows.

General Tips: 

  • Waxing or Threading: I would suggest when you first start venturing in to the land of eyebrow grooming get some kind of professional to work on them first. I had mine waxed for about a year- until the lady I went to stopped doing it- from then I decided to start plucking them myself. It was easier to maintain my eyebrows now because I already knew the right shape!
  • Plucking: The best time to pluck your brows is after a warm shower or bath because the pores are opened making it easier to remove the hair. Try using a zoomed in mirror too because then you can get a precise look. If you want to pluck at another time of the day then try patting your brows with a damp, warm flannel first to create the same effect. Remember that the more you pluck the less it will start to hurt… very gradually though! ALWAYS pluck from the bottom of the brow so that you don’t go crazy and end up with stick thin brows.
  • Keep a light hand: This could be a general make-up rule I try to follow but with eyebrows it is even more important. I would recommend doing this not only with styling but when using the products too. I think a lot of us have had to learn this rule the hard way, but it will be okay.


Favourite Products: 

  • Soap and Glory Archery 2-in-1 Brow Filling Pencil and Brush in ‘Brownie Points’, £8.50:  There are SO many eyebrow pencils in the drugstore and out of the ones I’ve tried this is DEFINITELY my favourite. The colour is perfect and I just feather lightly through the brows focusing on the beginning of the brows and the arch. I love the packaging mainly because the brush is ESSENTIAL to even out the product throughout the brows whilst helping define the shape. You should definitely give this a go if you’re looking for a waxy eyebrow pencil that has longevity.
  • Rimmel Brow this Way Styling Gel in ‘Clear’, £3.99: I’ve mentioned this product a couple of times before but I don’t think I’ve given a full review. SO, basically this brow gel is the one. The brush is the perfect size, not too small but not like a full-mascara wand either. The product is not too ‘wet’ and it doesn’t leave your eyebrows crispy or with white bits in- which I have had before. It’s cheap enough to re-purchase too and it does exactly what I am looking for in an eyebrow gel.

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this post! I’ve tried a few different eyebrow looks and products throughout the years but I like to think I’ve cracked it… for now at least. Let me know if you’ve tried an eyebrow pomade before because they’re one of the few areas I am yet to venture into.


Kindle Paperwhite: Is it worth it?

Happy Book Lovers day,

I thought it would be fitting for me to talk about my new Kindle Paperwhite, which I have had for about a month now. I was majorly torn about whether to purchase one because I love an actual book, like a physical sniff the pages book. SO I thought this little review/ chat would help anyone looking into buying a Kindle or who just love books and were looking for a couple of recommendations too! I’ve specifically tailored this post towards the Kindle Paperwhite because that’s the one I have but some of these points can be applied to other e-readers.

Advantages of a Kindle Paperwhite

  • It makes it really easy to read at night because it comes with a back light which has made reading in bed 100x easier! The brightness is always adjustable and has a wide range of options, so there really is nowhere that you can’t read it.
  • The best thing about the Kindle is that it can store LOADS of books but is SO tiny! I do have a case on mine which makes it slightly bulkier but generally it is pretty small and cute. It fits into all my bags and allows me to carry loads of books which would be almost impossible if I bought them all as physical paperbacks.
  • A real benefit of having a Kindle, for me, has been that it encourages me to read A LOT more. This is down to a few reasons like the portability of it, the cheapness of the books and the fact that you can’t see how thick the book is! There is also the minutes left in each chapter and the book in the bottom corner (which you can turn off!) so it makes books go really quick!
  • I love the recommendation tool on the Kindle too and without it I wouldn’t have read some of the books that I have! It takes books you’ve read and suggests a large range of similar books and there are so many different tools to help you find a new book.


Disadvantages of a Kindle 

  • The initial cost is probably it’s biggest disadvantage and one that is completely avoidable if you stick with books. The usual cost is £109.99 but I bought it on Amazon Prime Day for £79.99 which was not as bank breaking. It’s still a lot of money BUT the books are cheaper than buying them physically and the prices are generally always being reduced with many titles being just 99p.
  • The fact that they’re not physical books… which I won’t lie does get me sometimes. Just tapping to change the page is a bit weird and the fact that the covers aren’t in colour is a bit strange too but these little things I just have to try and look past. I do miss bookmarks as well! BUT, I am still going to buy some literal books.

Top 3 books I’ve read on my Kindle so far

  • The One Memory of Flora Banks by Emily Barr: I’ve already spoken about this in my July Favourites 2017 so I won’t go on BUT I really think is worth the hype! It’s such an interesting book that tackles topics that I’ve not really read about before. It is fast paced and has a nice balance between thrills, romance and character interaction.
  • Lying about Last Summer by Sue Wallman: This is a bit more of a thriller YA that follows a girl on summer camp for bereaved teens. It is definitely not as sweet as the other two books but I really enjoyed it- if you enjoyed ‘We Were Liars’ by E. Lockhart I’m pretty sure you will LOVE this.
  • 99 Days by Katie Cotugno: This is probably the most light-hearted out of these three books and is much more of a YA romance. The main character cheated on her boyfriend with his brother and now she has to deal with all the aftermath because her mum wrote a book about it all! It is definitely a chilled summer read that will be a good one for on holiday.

I hope that this post has been helpful or at least interesting about the Kindle and books in general! It’s completely up to you and your reading habits, but just remember having a Kindle doesn’t mean I’m never buying a book again. If you’re unsure like I was then I would suggest waiting until Amazon has some sales, like on Black Friday, to allow you to feel less guilty if the price is holding you back. So I would definitely say don’t rule it out, even though I did for a few years, now it has really helped me get back into reading.

If you have any YA or Chick-Lit suggestions please leave them below, I’m always looking for books to add to my TBR list!

Happy reading,
