To Be Watched List: Disney+

Disney remains one of my biggest loves and joys in life, so when Disney+ was coming to the UK I couldn’t wait. Especially in the current climate, I think it is really a wonderful form of escapism and it’s so nice to get lost in another world for a bit. I know I’m a little late in posting about this but I’m now really getting the chance to get stuck into it. If you’re a bit confused then it’s basically a Netflix and Disney hybrid – a real match made in Heaven. This is a list of what I’m most excited to watching!

The Imagineering Story: WOW. This is number one. For Disney Parks enthusiasts like myself, this really is a must-watch. This is much more of a documentary style and goes right back to when Walt first created Disneyland. I’m really looking forward to learning more about Walt himself and some of the back stories to my favourite rides!

Movies I missed the First Time! This is one of the beauties of Disney+… we now have all our the Disney movies in one place! We have the opportunity to go back and enjoy some of the films that we may have missed the first time round whether that be through age or just missing it at the cinema originally. This will look slightly different for everyone but for me, it includes The Incredibles 1 and 2, the Cars series and Hercules – I know that’s a biggy! These are just some of the films that I am looking forward to watching for the first time!!

High School Musical: The Musical: The Series Who came up with that name? Whilst I fully understand this will not come close to the films – Troy 4eva- I’m still excited to see what they’ve done with this! I was the prime High School Musical little kid, it hit at the perfect age for me and I have been a wildcat ever since watching the first one as a DCOM on a Friday night on Disney Channel. I’m heard it’s so cheesy, that it’s good… which is basically what I look for in most series and movies haha!

Once I’ve started making my way through this list, I’ll definitely post my reactions and reviews. Not sure in what format yet but they’ll be on here somewhere, so keep an eye out!

Take Care,
