3 Thoughtful Ways to Stay in Touch

Now more than ever, staying in touch with your friends and family is a really massive thing and something that we are having to put a little more thought into. Especially those friends we would usually see daily that we haven’t seen for months – definitely missing them all! It’s really important for everyone’s wellbeing that we put a bit of effort into checking in on our friends at this time. These are a couple ideas other than just picking up the phone and giving them a call, which is just as lovely!

Write them a letter: Ever wanted a pen pal? Now is the perfect time! Get out an actual pen and paper and just chat as if your friend was sat opposite you. You might think you haven’t been up to much (like everyone else!) but tell them about the latest series you binged watched, book you read or dinner you ate. It’s nice just to share some of the simple daily details of life with your bestie and to hear about what they’ve enjoyed too! You can even go out and post it on your daily walk too – win, win!

Send them a meme, gif or Tiktok: One of the simplest forms of letting someone know you are thinking of them. I don’t know about you but when I get a notification that a friend has tagged me in something funny it really gives me a boost! I always think it’s so sweet to know that someone has thought of you, you know? Just whilst scrolling I suddenly popped into their head! That means a lot in 2020! They’re usually really funny and scarily accurate, so definitely worth giving your friends a simple tag in something online to brighten their day.

Post them a special gift: If you want to send something special then now is a perfect time, whether it be something you have homemade or order it online. If they live locally you can always take it to their door and then stand down the driveway! There are lots of different things that you can send online whether it be a recent book find on Amazon or a letterbox brownie from a local bakery business. You can find lots of food delivery companies online or trying Instagram, Facebook groups or Etsy to find some local places to support. Getting post at this time is literally SUCH A THRILL, so it’s nice to pass on that joy!

Take care,


Last Minute Gift Guide

Happy December!

I cannot believe how quick December has gone, I don’t want it to end! Anyway before we all start bawling our eyes out- today’s post is going to include a selection of gifts that you can buy last minute. Things that don’t need shipping from afar, instead presents that are easy to source from places like the supermarket or shops on the high street. I’ve selected five options that hopefully will fit at least one person on your shopping list. If you’ve got a baking friend then you can check out my 5 Gifts for Star Bakers post too! I’m not going to go specific because the beauty of ‘last minute’ gift guide is that you can find a ‘type’ of this thing. I hope that makes sense! So here are a few last minute Christmas gifts:

  • Scrapbook or Photo Album: This is a lovely gift because it is very thoughtful, a unisex gift and lots of people are into photography now so it’s a nice way to physically store their work. You can find these in Paperchase, WHSmiths and potentially some larger supermarkets. You can even use this as a basis present if you want a larger gift because you can incorporate extras like washi tape, coloured paper, pens and even printing some of your own photos!
  • Movie Night-In Set: This is the perfect gift and you can go as big or small as you want! Maybe this could simply be a couple of DVDs or an Amazon voucher and some chocolate. You can take this further with a mug, hot chocolate and something woolly like socks or a blanket. These are all things you can get at the supermarket and if you put it in a gift bag it looks very ‘put together’. There are lots of options for this gift depending on the persons likes- maybe even go for a Christmas theme!
  • Beauty Gifts: This is a broad topic I know but they’re good for people you don’t know that well and Boots is the place to be. If you go Boots then you will certainly find something in the 3 for 2 section- for a wide range of ages and genders. There are SO many options out there, good brands to look at are Soap and Glory, Sleek and Ted Baker.
  • Tickets: These are the simplest to pick up but they can be expensive so you have to be 100% sure they want to go. You could go for a local concert, comedians or a larger superstar depending on their tastes. These are really easy to get old of because you can buy them online and then write inside the card that they’re going… SO easy. If you want to look at theatre tickets then check online for the best prices first and check your local theatre for any shows that are touring.
  • Novelty Gifts: These are good for joke presents especially at Christmas. You can get different games or quizzes, funny headwear or even a joke book. If you have a little more time then you could order a specific mug or slogan top online that is tailored to their tastes. There are so many options around at the moment and something simple with some christmas chocolate will definitely be a worthy present.

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this post! I know there are SO, SO many gift guides but I hope you’ve found something a bit unique in mine, that will suit your shopping needs. Obviously it goes without saying that most people will be grateful for any kind of present, but I think the more thoughtful the better.

Happy shopping,
