3 Disney+ Recommendations

Disney Plus is basically one of my favourite things. Ever. If you asked me ‘What has your lockdown been sponsored by?’ I would say Disney+. With Animal Crossing and Cadbury’s Creme Eggs thrown in there too.

I’ve barely been on Netflix since it’s come out and I just have to say that, with everything going on right now, it came at the best time. A time when magic is so needed. I have made my way through a fair amount of my To Be Watched List: Disney+ and thought I would share 3 of my recommendations – SO FAR. There is still a lot more I have to watch, which is the beauty of having a whole new streaming service. Obviously I’m going to have A LOT more recommendations eventually, but this is ‘as of May 2020’.

Disney’s Fairytale Weddings: Hear me out on this one. I know you’re thinking that this programme is going to appeal to a specific type of audience but give it a chance. There is a lot of heart in this show, it is real escapism. You get to meet couples and hear their stories, it can really tug on your heartstrings this one! There are some episodes more exciting than others but just seeing the destinations and the little details – it got me EXCITED.

The Imagineering Story: WOW. So this lived up to the high expectations. If anything it left me wanting MORE episodes. I loved learning so much about Walt, the parks and the journey that the company has gone on. It was such an honest account of what has happened over the years, it didn’t try and cover up any mistakes, instead it highlighted them and showed the audience how they fixed them. One of the overriding things that came out of it for me, was just how special and unique Disney is – in so many ways from the business side, to the detail within the parks and the innovative storytelling in every single movie they have ever released. Walt was so ahead of his time and I love learning more about his incredible life. The whole series is now available and you are really in for a treat if you haven’t watched it yet.

Cars 2: I spoke a little bit in my initial post about how I was looking forward to watching the films that I hadn’t seen before – Cars being one of them. I’ve picked out Cars 2 as a favourite, but they were all great! Cars 2 just had me LAUGHING so much. It’s the tow truck, Mater, who has very quickly become one of new favourite Disney characters. He was just hilarious!!! I was surprised how much I enjoyed this, as I generally have very different tastes to a 5 year old boy, yet here I am saying that this is a GREAT film. I really want to go to Radiator Springs… like now.

Take care,


March Favourites 2019

Another month to turn over on the calendar already! I’m actually re-using my 2018 calendar because One Direction did not release a new one for the first time since about 2011 and being the girl I am, I couldn’t let go. ANYWAY, after that bombshell that unfortunately is not fake news I can carry on with chatting you through some of the things that I have loved throughout March. Starting of, I just want to dedicate this post to the Jonas Brothers. Thank you for coming back, it’s made this month instantly better and it filled the boy band shaped hole in my life. Here’s hoping that 2019 continues to bring back the best of the boy bands, even if it’s just for a new calendar in 2020! I’m looking at you Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall AND ZAYN- yep, I’m not over it.

Glossier You Perfume: I have been LOVING this perfume for a while but throughout March, I’ve been reaching for it more and more. I absolutely LOVE the smell, it’s difficult to describe as I wouldn’t say its like anything I’ve smelt before. I would say its a sophisticated smell which given my intro is evidently something that I am not typically into. This makes me feel pretty classy when I’m wearing it and if you want to add a touch of class, I recommend ordering this.

Herbal Essences White Grapefruit and Mosa Mint Volume Shampoo: It’s been a while since I’ve tried anything new, in terms of hair products, and this one has not disappointed. I felt like I just needed something new from my shampoo and my hair was feeling a little tired. I really love the scent and packaging of this product which is always a great place to start. I don’t really need volume and I wouldn’t say this adds LOADS though but it does give a little bit of a lift to your hair. I would like to try more of this range in the future and its worth a try if you’re looking to change up your hair products!


Waitress the Musical: I was lucky enough to see this, this month and WOW. It was wonderful. Honestly, it was such an incredible production and Katharine McPhee as Jenna was AMAZING. I did listen to the soundtrack a little before I went, so already expected to be completely blown away and I really was. If you’re looking for a funny, moving new musical to see in the West End then this should really the one you go for! If you’re still not sold then the theatre ACTUALLY smells of pies. This is not a drill.

Coach Trip Road to Barcelona: Now this is a little bit of a niche recommendation for you, it’s not the typical show that everyone is talking about BUT I love it and have done for many years. The latest series finished this month and I feel very strongly that you need to catch up. Basically couples of people go on a European coach trip (obvs) and at the end of each day they vote off another couple. It has a yellow and red card system, to get people off the trip and then they are usually replaced at some point. There are always new people and the activities they do in the different cities are always fun to watch! The main reason this show has a special place in my heart is because of Brendan, the International Tour Guide, he is the absolute sweetest and he really makes the show. He copes really well with some of the REALLY annoying tourists. I don’t know if many people watch this show, it’s on E4, but it’s so easy to watch!


Flashback Favourites: 2018 Edition

I know 2018 is like SO last year, but today’s post is going to be a reflection on a few of my favourite things throughout 2018. I am a sucker for monthly favourites- I know they’re old school and are not always the most exciting posts- but I think they’re a great place to share things that don’t really warrant their own entire post, like my love of Cadbury’s Giant Chocolate Buttons- although I would give it a go. Basically what I’ve done is had a look through all my monthly favourites from 2018 and made a definitive list of my ACTUAL favourite things from the year. I’ve done this last year, if you want to read through those too: Flashback Favourites: 2017 Edition. Not just things I enjoyed for one month, or got involved with because everyone else liked it, the things I genuinely loved and have made themselves staples into 2019.

Glossier Haloscope Highlighter in Quartz: This appeared in at least 2 monthly favourites from 2018 and will be well loved into 2019. 2018 really was a Glossier year for me as I tried many of their products. This one is my favourite though and has really stood the test of time, as I first tried it back in February 2018. I reach for it regularly, and as someone who NEVER wore highlighter before, I think that is quite an achievement for one product. It’s a lovely shade and it actually makes me feel better about myself, which is the ultimate goal of a make-up product for me.

Revolution Conceal and Define Concealer: This is probably the only rival to the ‘Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer’ I’ve seen in a long time. It is slightly creamier and I really like the applicator because it is chunkier which makes it easier to use as a whole base product. I haven’t tried many Revolution products before, but this one in 2018, has really made the online beauty industry take note of the budget brands and shows that they stand up in the competitive market. This got a lot of hype online, that I clearly fell into, but I do think this has to be one of my favourites this year as my one is pretty much coming to an end- it will be interesting if this stands the test of time into 2019.


Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again! Oh my. What a film. This was my absolute FAVOURITE film of 2018. It was truly wonderful and everything I had hoped it would be after such a long wait for it. This film will make you feel 100x better about life. It has everything you could possibly want and has to be one of my favourite films ever. I have watched it several times since getting it on DVD and is probably one of the few films that I actually pre-ordered after seeing it for the 3rd time in the cinema. If you do one thing from reading my blog- watch this film. This was SUCH a big part that made the most winter-loving girl enjoy.

Once Upon A Time: Netflix has played a big part in my year, being a student it is like a right of passage. Having to pick just one series that I’ve enjoyed is tough, with Gossip Girl being a close runner-up I am going to have to go with: Once Upon A Time. The final series aired in 2018, but I actually watched it ALL in a few months and it was so wonderful. Being completely immersed in the Disney world through the fairy tale characters was wonderful and has to be one of the most creative TV shows. If you love Disney and Riverdale I would say this is a pretty good mash-up of those.

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this little ‘Flashback Favourites’, I really like them because they give a good summary of the year as a whole and make clear my actual favourites. Despite my blog’s new look, I am going to be continuing with the monthly favourites posts because I enjoy writing them and sharing some real treasures with you, but I will try and keep them a little shorter so if you’re not a fan they won’t take up much of your time. I understand why monthly favourites have lost their appeal, especially on YouTube when they are plagued by ADs- which are clearly only going to be used for that one month whilst they reap the money. Hopefully, through the medium of blogging that authenticity will not be lost and you can see that these things genuinely are some of my favourite things from the month!

Let me know your thoughts on monthly favourites and a couple of your favourite things from 2018 below!


November Favourites 2018

November is one of my FAVOURITE months of the year because you have all the excitement and joy of Christmas to come. I have actually had a rather busy month trying to stay on top of my university work, whilst using every moment to savour Christmas- I’ve been doing one more successfully than the other, I’ll let you decide which haha! That is why there is a little less emphasis on beauty this month, as I don’t really dress up to sit at my desk and werk. I’m hoping you will still enjoy these little gems I have been loving.

Glossier Haloscope Highlighter in Quartz, £18.00: If you’ve been reading my blog throughout the year you’ll know that throughout the summer I was really banging on about this so I won’t bore you with the details. This is simply my favourite highlighter and I had gradually stopped using it for a couple of months, until this month when it was back with A BANG. You cannot use to much of this, to give you that lovely glow and healthy sheen- it isn’t like a disco ball has exploded on your cheeks, not a good look. If you want to read more I’ve gone into detail here: My ULTIMATE Favourite Highlighter.

Imperial Leather Marshmallow Shower Gel, £1.00: It’s been a couple of months since I have shared a shower gel favourite- don’t worry, I have been showering! This one is a classic that I have returned to once again. It is baby pink, lathers nicely AND, most importantly, smells sweetly of marshmallows. What more could you ask for in a shower gel? Let this be the best pound you spend this month and as you can see from the picture below- I ACTUALLY have been loving it. #NotAnAD  lol.


The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: I know I’m a little bit late to this party- classic. BUT I have been really enjoying this throughout the month to fill that Gossip Girl shaped hole in my life. If you enjoy Once Upon A Time and Riverdale then I feel like this is the perfect show for you. It does get a little too scary for me at times and I can get a bit confused but on the whole I’m really enjoying it!

I’m A Celebrity…GET ME OUT OF HERE! This is my favourite TV show. EVER. Every single year I go absolutely MAD for this show. Every night at 9 I am sat down in my Christmas pyjamas with my family ready to laugh my head- I get really into it. This year has not let me down, although I do really miss Ant. My favourites are Ann and Harry, they are both SOOOO cute and I really hope they do well in the competition. Who are you favourites?

Hopefully you have enjoyed reading about some of my favourite things from November. I cannot believe the most wonderful time of the year is almost here, it’s the best. I’ve decided to stick with my usual Monday, Thursday schedule in the lead up to Christmas, so if you get a chance I’d love you to read some of my festive content… it’s going to be like Rudolph himself has thrown up ALL over this blog- in the best way.

Savour this magical time!


5 Favourite Fictional Couples

Today I’m going to be chatting about something a little bit different, some of my favourite fictional couples. This covers movies, books and Netflix programmes that have included and portrayed some of my favourite romances of ALL TIME. It was pretty tough going for just 5, but these were the main ones that stood out to me when I was thinking about it. I’ve tried to go for a couple that you might not have thought of before and then put in a couple of classics too. I know you’re probably thinking I’ve thought way too much into this but I think when you commit to these shows you learn A LOT about the characters and their relationships. Here they are… in no particular order:

  • Rumplestiltskin and Belle, in Once Upon A Time: I absolutely LOVE OUAT, trying to pick one favourite couple from that show is tough… I could do a top 5 for that series alone. A couple of other favourite couples from the show are Hook and Emma and Regina and Robin Hood- both lovely couples! Rumple and Belle have just taken the lead though, I love the unconventionality of the couple. They are Beauty and the Beast, but they are so much more too. I know there is a bit of an age gap but I’m pretty sure that they are meant to be and it definitely doesn’t bother them. I love that Belle ALWAYS sees the man in the beast and he is fiercely protective of her… I just LOVE them two and are so happy they eventually got their happy ending.


  • Klaus and Caroline, in The Vampire Diaries: Pretty sure Karoline are most peoples favourite couples from this show. It is DEFINITELY mine. They have similar vibes to Rumple and Belle- the bad boy and the ‘good’ girl. Caroline is SO much more than the standard ‘good’ girl though, yes she has values but she is fiery too. She brings out the best in Klaus and that is a very special quality in their relationship.
  • Katniss and Peeta, from The Hunger Games: Right I know that this is probably one of the most popular fictional couples. I never got the whole Katniss and Gale thing, like yes I love Liam Hemsworth but in the film they just didn’t work for me! I think you can get a better vibe for Katniss and Peeta reading the books because Katniss is a lot softer in the book and more loving towards him. Their kiss on the beach in Catching Fire really solidified there position in my top 5.
  • Hannah and Caleb, from Pretty Little Liars: This show has a whole range of couples to choose from, but these two are the stand out ones for me. Hannah was already my favourite ‘Liar’ so that probably lead me to go for these two. I’m going to specifically say that I love these two post-haircut for Caleb, I did not appreciate his long hair phase. I mean they went through a bit of a bumpy ride but their love prevailed like any great couple.
  • FAVOURITE COUPLE THAT NEVER HAPPENED: Draco and Hermione from Harry Potter I know this didn’t happen. Just hear me out and bare in mind I have only seen all the films, not read the books- sorry! SO I just think this couple would have given the whole narrative a new dimension. I really think that Draco is kind and has a nice heart but he just needed someone to see it and believe in him. Hermione is the girl that could have done that! I would just LOVE to have seen this relationship happen…

I know I ended on a bit of a bombshell there, but that rounds up my 5 favourite fictional couples! I have LOVED writing this and might share a couple more of these chatty kinds of posts in the future- so if you loved it, stick around! Let me know your favourite fictional couples below- I know there are SOOO many to choose, so picking just 5 is a real struggle.


Top Random Favourites of 2017

Happy Throwback Thursday!

Today is the second in my little Throwback series that I am writing throughout January, to give us some time to reflect on 2017. Couldn’t think of a catchy name… if you couldn’t tell haha! I’ve gone for a mix of a few different topics and I’m sharing my favourite 3 under each one. I’ve covered a real range of things such as film, books, musicals, TV shows and concerts! I’ve obviously seen quite a lot under each category but have tried to narrow it down to simply 3- otherwise this post would be SOOO long. A couple of favourites I explained a little, others I’ve already spoken about on here and I think are pretty self-explanatory! I hope you enjoy, here you go:

3 Favourite Films: 2017

  • Dunkirk: I’m not going to pretend like Harry Styles isn’t the reason I got into this film, but since watching it a few times I’ve realised what an important film it is. It’s important to look back at history and although it might not be the happiest film, it definitely has to be the one of the most important movies of 2017.
  • Jumanji: This is a bit of a late addition to the favourites list but SO worth it. I haven’t seen the original, but it was still completely easy to understand. It was hilarious and would 10/10 recommend!
  • Beauty and the Beast: This one is from earlier on in 2017 than my other favourites of the year. I still love listening to the soundtrack and I’m so glad the modernising of a true Disney classic was done so perfectly.

3 Favourite Books: 2017

  • The One Memory of Flora Banks by Emily Barr
  • See How they Lie by Sue Wallman: 
  • Torn by Cat Clark

3 Favourite Concerts: 2017

  • Harry Styles: I’ve made my One Direction feelings VERY clear, the day they come back will be one of the best ever. Until then we have to settle for solo concerts, which was quite emotional tbf. Harry did not disappoint. I mean it wasn’t the same with all the boys, but still a perfect time with my favourite.
  • Bruno Mars: I loved seeing Bruno on his 24K Magic Tour back earlier in the year! I cannot tell you what a good show he puts on. It was a full on performance with great staging and dancing! I’m hoping for a new Bruno album in 2018, definitely one of my favourite current artists.
  • Jon Richardson: I’ve decided to throw in my favourite comedian I’ve seen in 2017, incase comedy is more your thing! I absolutely loved Jon’s show, its the most I’ve laughed in a comedy show before. The way he tells relatable stories absolutely cracks me up! You can usually watch Jon on ‘8 out 10 Cats does Countdown’ if you want a taste of his comedy.

3 Favourite TV Series: 2017

  • I’m a Celebrity
  • The Vampire Diaries
  • Riverdale

3 Favourite Musicals: 2017

  • Dream Girls: I didn’t expect to love this as much as I did when I saw this in London during the summer. I don’t hear lots of people talk about this show, but I would definitely recommend it! It has music, family and female friendships at the core, it was a very moving show.
  • Legally Blonde: This was touring throughout the UK in 2018, like a few shows that I’ve seen, and it’s nice to see musicals more locally. Legally Blonde was SO, SO good! It was funny and all the songs were very catchy. If you like the film then definitely try and check out the musical if you can!
  • The Band Musical: In the UK earlier in 2017 they searched for the stars of the show on ‘Let it Shine’. It is full of Take That songs and follows fans of a boy band… aka me and One Direction. I think because it was SO relatable it made it really heart-warming.

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed reading about a few of my different favourites from throughout 2017! I like reflecting on some lovely memories and am looking forward to more this year. Let me know any of you’re favourites below! See you next Thursday for another throwback post at 10am.


November Favourites 2017


I can’t believe my absolute FAVOURITE time of the year is here… at last! I know this year has gone quickly but for me its ALL about Christmas so I couldn’t be more thrilled. I’ve tried not to do go full Christmas on here yet because I want December to be special and SO festive- like wait for this people. Anyway, these are the things I’ve been enjoying throughout November with a few Christmassy bits but mainly trying to stick to ‘normal stuff’ too haha! Here they are:

  • Tanya Burr’s Chasing the Sun Peonies Illuminating Powder, £7.49: I’ve definitely mentioned this before and it features in my Top 5 Favourite Blushes post if you want to hear more about it. This month I have been reaching for it CONSTANTLY to enhance my cold, rosy cheeks. I absolutely love it, although I wish it had a little less glitter. It’s a blush-highlighter product and in the morning before uni I just put some of this on my cheeks and I look 10 times more awake.
  • A Bad Mom’s Christmas: I’m trying not to overload my November favourites with Christmas pieces but I saw this in the cinema last week and LOVED it. It had the perfect amount of Christmas to plot ratio. It’s the sequel to ‘Bad Moms’ but if you haven’t seen it I still think you will really enjoy it. It focuses on the mum’s relationship with their mum’s which I though was super cute and made it really special. It is hilarious too and I can’t wait to get it on DVD to watch it again next Christmas- 10/10 recommend.
  • I’m a Celebrity Get me out of Here: This is my ALL TIME favourite TV show! All year I look forward to the jungle returning with Ant and Dec- it’s the best! This year I am LOVING it as always! My favourites when I’m writing this are Amir and Toff who I think are endearing and hilarious. Sitting down to watch this with all the fam is the highlight of every evening- I hope you’re all loving it too!
  • Niall Horan’s album ‘Flicker’: I absolutely LOVE this album- I feel like a proud parent listening to this. I love listening to this just to chill out and it’s very Ed Sheeran/ Adele vibes. There are lots of songs I love on this album and there isn’t any I skip- which is the sign of a good album.
  • Cadbury Chocolate Mousse Snowman: I LOVE THESE SO MUCH. They are little snowmen filled with bubbley chocolate mousse. I pick these up constantly because they’re only around for Christmas so it’s fine to go crazy- right?! I would recommend picking these up throughout Christmas if you love Wispa’s or just Dairy Milk in general- you’ll LOVE these.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post- let me know what you’re loving in the comments! Throughout December I’m going to be posting VERY regularly with FULL Christmassy posts- I cannot wait! I’m aiming for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 11am so if you’re festive crazy like myself then stick around- I would really appreciate it! If not then I hope you have the loveliest festive season, don’t forget to treasure every moment and spread kindness this Christmastime.

Happy November,


What I’ve Watched: Autumn Edition


December is approaching fast and I could not be more excited! Before we go FULL SCALE Christmas I wanted to have a couple of final posts reflecting on Autumn- with my November favourites coming on Thursday! I’ve not done one of these posts before but I’ve seen other people do them and really enjoyed seeing everyone’s recommendations. Usually in my favourites I mention something I’ve been watching but today I wanted to dedicate a whole post to the things I’ve been watching over the last three months. I’ve split them into three groups just to make it a bit of a less daunting list… bear in mind this is over three months although I’m all for a Netflix binge! So here are some of my favourite things I’ve been watching throughout this Autumn:


  • The Vampire Diaries: I’ve mentioned this a few times on my blog but this time I have officially completed all eight seasons. I’m so proud. I REALLY, really loved it! I found it a bit difficult to get into at the beginning but you just have to keep going and then something will just click. I think it’s because there are lots of mystical concepts to get your head around at the beginning- once you’ve got them nailed you’ll be in for a treat. I would 10/10 recommend if you like Pretty Little Liars mixed with a bit of Twilight.
  • Jack Whitehall’s ‘Travels with my Father’: This is a cute, funny show that is good to just have in the background- it doesn’t take much concentration. It is basically Jack and his Dad on their tour of Asia for a ‘gap year’. It’s not the BEST show ever but it is kind of what you would expect- it did seem a little too staged. If you’re a fan of Jack or some of his other shows like ‘Fresh Meat’ or ‘Bad Education’ then I’m sure you’ll enjoy this.


  • Kingsman: The Golden Circle: I saw this quite early on in Autumn but I absolutely LOVED it. It is the sequel to ‘Kingsman’ which is a secret service in London and it stars Colin Firth and Tarun Egerton- what a cutie! I’m not usually into action films but this is probably the one I have enjoyed the most. This one had Channing Tatum in too which makes it even better. If you can get your head around some farcical moments then you’ll really enjoy it.
  • Murder on the Orient Express: This is an adaption of Agatha Christie’s novel and, honestly, the all-star cast really drew me to it. The older members in my family really loved this but I was not so into it- I just found it a bit slow and confusing. However, this is not my typical favourite genre but I think it’s nice to try and watch different films sometimes. If you’re into mystery and detective films then you’ll probably love this.


  • Educating Greater Manchester: This was a really endearing series and if you went to a secondary school in the UK you’ll probably find it very nostalgic. It is a fly-on-the-wall documentary-style series that follows a school in Salford. If you’re not from the UK then this will be VERY insightful for you. Its a lovely cosy show that will make you want to laugh and cry.
  • Counting On: This is one of my favourite shows, pretty much EVER. It follows the Duggar family in America who have 19kids, but now it follows the older children. This series followed Joy’s wedding and was really cute- although she is not my favourite Duggar. I cannot wait for the next series. It is on TLC and I absolutely love watching this with a cuppa tea and my mum.

I hope you have enjoyed this post, seeing a few things I have been watching this season! I definitely think I will do these again because there are too many things to put in a favourites- there isn’t enough room in those! I know that winter is prime-time for good TV with there being a Christmas overload- I CANNOT WAIT. Let me know what Christmas shows you are most looking forward to this festive period. I also hope you enjoy watching any of the films or shows I have suggested!

Happy watching,


September Favourites 2017


It’s time for another favourites post- I can hear your cheers whilst I write haha! These months are going by SO quickly as it feels like I’ve only just finished my August faves! ANYWAY, I do like September now that I’m not at school because it is no longer filled with fear for the upcoming academic year… well it is a bit for uni but it is not AS bad. I think September signals the turn of the seasons towards Christmas- it is coming everyone and I CANNOT wait, I’ve already watched Elf this month and I am not even feeling the slightest bit guilty. Right back to September, here are a few of the random mix of things I’ve been loving this month:

  • Tanya Burr’s Chasing the Sun Peonies Illuminating Powder, £7.49: If you read my last haul post you’re probably thinking ‘you’ve only just bought it?!’ BUT I did buy it about a fortnight ago and have been using it pretty much every time I’ve worn make-up since. SO I think it’s worthy of being a favourite this month or at least my ‘favourite new discovery’. I haven’t used any of Tanya’s products before and VERY rarely buy any youtuber’s products BUT I thought this looked like a similar and cheaper product to Benefit’s Dandelion Twinkle. Obviously I cannot compare the two but they are both blush and highlighter combinations which was something I was intrigued to try as an alternative to a bronze glow. It is VERY pigmented and can look a little scary on swatches because it is SO sparkly pink but once on the cheeks it gives a lovely, rosy and healthy-looking glow
  • Boot’s Tea Tree and Witch Hazel Spot Wand, £4.49: I was using this product for a while earlier in the year but recently this has REALLY proven its worth. I use it twice daily as it has a two ends- one for day and the other for night. Sometimes with spot treatments it can begin to work gradual and it would take time for noticeable results BUT with this I have seen direct, quick results. When I can feel one of those angry under-the-skin spots coming I put this on in the evening and by the following morning it literally has shrunk completely and doesn’t seem like it will come through at all now! It might not be a long-term solution but would definitely give it a go if you want a more targeted treatments to prevent spots really coming through!


  • ‘History Is All You Left Me’ by Adam Silvera: I read this book whilst on holiday earlier in the month and absolutely loved it. I was initially a bit sceptical about another YA romance but this was very refreshing a gave me a new insight into relationships that are impacted by grief. Although the topic seems quite heavy the style and characters remained light which made it a lovely read and one that I would definitely recommend if you’re looking for books similar to John Green.
  • ‘Celebs Go Dating’ on E4: If you’ve read any of my other monthly favourites posts you’ll know I’m REALLY into reality television- think Love Island, Celebrity Big Brother etc! The show takes single celebrities and sets them up on LOADS of different dates to try to find ‘the one’. It’s really funny and the dating agents really help make the show, along with Rob Beckett who sarcastically comments on the entire show! It will definitely fill the reality TV shape hole until ‘I’m a Celebrity’ starts again.

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this post and it has given you some ideas for things to try out in the upcoming months. Let me know your favourite things about September below and what you’ve been enjoying this month!

Wishing you ALL the best for October,
