Joining the World of Full-Time Work

Getting a ‘proper’ job is something that I really put off and it wasn’t until I graduated from university at the age of 21 I realised I had dodged it long enough… The time had come.

I did start to feel a bit ‘ready’ which is weird and something that I didn’t expect but after all those years in education, I just wanted to start doing. I just wanted to share some of the things I learnt from starting a 9-5 job – queue Dolly Parton.

  1. Kindness is EVERYTHING: I suppose this comes with everything in life but at work, especially at the beginning, it is so important to be kind to everyone. Even those you think are a little bit dodgy or annoying, just be nice. Ask lots of questions and remember the answers – try not to switch off when a random woman starts telling you the story about their grandchild learning to rollover for the 3rd time in 2 days. Just nod along. They really appreciate it and it helps you feel really included into the office when you can ask some more personal questions when waiting for the kettle to boil.
  2. Work on those Waitress Skills: Hot drinks are EVERYTHING in an office. Seriously I have made more hot drinks in the last 6 months that my whole 21 years previously. It’s just what gets people through the long hours, those cold mornings and just breaks up the day. You’ll eventually get into a little routine with it all and you will be able to just start holding up mugs at people on the phone soon! I’m very shaky just generally, so don’t worry about having to do multiple trips to the kitchen – it’s better than spilling it everywhere.
  3. Don’t be scared to ask: It might feel like you’re holding a Q&A with every single person you meet, but it’s worth it. Write everything down. You might feel a bit silly for a week or two but it’s a good idea to get them all out the way early. It will help you with your confidence later on.

I’m going to leave it with 3 for this post, but there might be a follow up one in the future – can you barely contain your excitement? Thought so haha!

Take care,


3 Productivity Tips

Today’s post follows on from Monday’s on coping with deadline season- in relation to essays and exams. I feel like this one can be used more generally though too because productivity is always needed throughout the years. To me, being productive just means using your time wisely and staying focused. It’s something that becomes increasingly difficult when you don’t want to do something or have the attention span that is roughly the equivalent to Dory’s short term memory loss. These are a few things that I like think help get the most out of your time and help you stay productive.

Make the most of Mornings: I find that how well mornings go really reflect on my productivity levels for the rest of the day. If I’ve snoozed 10 times before 9am then chances are I’m going to have moved onto Netflix by 3pm at least. I’ve learnt the hard way how to make this work and I’ve written this post that might help you- Basic Girls Guide to: Mornings. I find that getting rid of the ‘pre-wee scroll’ on your social media is a great way to get me out of bed and get the day going. It might seem unbearable getting up early- especially a student like myself- but it really helps get you going. This also ties into having a good night sleep, as getting into that dull but proper routine really helps you maintain your productivity.


Taking proper Breaks: I know this kind of seems counter-productive BUT stay with me here. Thinking that you are going to revise for 12 hours straight is unrealistic and you’ll end up only doing about 5 hours of actual work. Instead, giving yourself hour long breaks where you walk out of the room and do something completely unrelated really does help in the long term. Having a couple of days a week where you do half-days or none at all can actually make you more productive than just stuck at  your desk for the next 2 months.

Organisation is key: This might be an easy one but it is broad. By organisation I mean to-do lists that are realistic and manageable, make deadlines and stick to them and always prioritise your mental wellbeing. Productivity, as with everything, is about balance and you need to find out what works best for you. If you find that you’re not working well right now, find the cause and change it. That really is the bottom line. If Instagram is your downfall, then put your phone in the other room or if you hate working in the morning be prepared to work up until you go to sleep. Once you’ve found the cause of the problem, you can allow your inner-productivity to shine… it might just be hidden really, really far down.


3 Ways to Get Through Deadline Season

For those of you not in education, you will have the privilege of looking forward to the Springtime. When the sun begins to shine again, the flowers are blossoming and summer is almost here… For us stuck at school, college or university it means DEADLINE SEASON. I’m talking essays, coursework, revision and exams. This time of the year can be really draining for many students and I thought I would share my 3 ways to try and get through this tough time.

  1. Keep things FRESH: The most boring thing about revision and writing essays is the monotony, everything feels the same. It can be unbearably DULL. So I recommend changing things up regularly, whether that be what you are studying or the way you are studying. I find that studying where I study or sometimes doing it with other people a helpful way of trying new things. Sometimes I like to go to the library or a cafe with a friend but other days I want to sit in my bed and revise with a cup of tea and silence. It just depends on how I feel and I think giving yourself a bit more freedom can make it all a bit less draining.

    Don't be so hard in yourself, you're doing your best
    Photo Credit: Greta Hollar’s Pinterest

2. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others: This is one I’ve learnt as I’ve got older but comparing your work ethic to other peoples is NEVER helpful. When you’re scrolling Instagram and other people seem like they are out all the time, or your friend brings out a colour coded revision time table- both at the different ends of the scale, but its important to just focus on your own thing. Don’t feel guilty or left out and remember that this is a temporary situation- it’s just for now. Just give it your best go, in the way that you see best for your studies and don’t focus on anyone else.

3. Plan Nice Things For Afterwards: Circle that final deadline or exam in red and get ready to do lots of lovely things from then on. Plan in a couple of days out with your family, decide on a restaurant you want to go to with your friends and save a new series of Netflix ready to go once you are done. Having all of these exciting things to look forward to really helps you when you get caught up in a slump of work.

Best of luck, you got this!


Confused Girls Guide to: University Lectures

I’ve done a couple of these ‘guide’ posts before and I LOVE writing them. I know they can be a little bit random but I’m hoping they’re relatable in some way- at least that’s what I tell myself. Today’s is based on university and being the generally confused girl I am, I thought I’d share some more academic themed tips on surviving lectures. This post is for the people that are somewhere in-between they are not the geeks of the world who strive off academia and put their hands up for every questions but they are not so disinterested that their attendance is scraping the floor and they spend the whole time on their phone… I mean I do my best not to be on my phone the WHOLE time. Hopefully you can see where I’m coming from… I’m just that confused girl in the middle who is neither here nor there and just doing there best to succeed with as little attention as possible. I’ve been doing this for most of my education and now I’ve reached my final year of university I thought it would be good to share some tips.

Right, so your laptop is EVERYTHING. Start taking it to lectures if you can and you’ll always look busy. Avoid eye contact at all costs. I would suggest typing up your notes all on one document for each module, so you can easily have a quick refresh of the last lecture whilst you’re in there. Your laptop is also great for googling the definition of long words, finding synonyms for your essays and extra reading. Your laptop will become your BFF in university and using it wisely will really help you stay on top of the game. It’s also easy to contact lecturers about work online, university staff LOVE an email. So go polite but not as formal as they lead you to believe- they often reply off their iPhone anyway! It’s a good way to build up some kind of relationship with your lecturer without having ‘the fear’ of having to interact in actual life.

Actually, use ALL technology to your advantage. Write your timetable into your phone- with the times AND room numbers. Screenshot the map of campus and your timetable. Make sure these things are accessible when your wi-fi inevitably breaks down and you’ve been stood outside the wrong room for ten minutes… it happens. I know your phone is not typically made for university lecture but it is there to HELP you, so use it well. Another good idea for using your phone at university and to help with confusion is save the number of your campus security and a taxi number. You’ll really be grateful one when you lock yourself out at 2am.


Don’t be afraid to ask questions, something you will inevitably be during your first few weeks as a fresher. BUT, you have to push through the worry and remember that all the students are confused some just hide it better than others. Email a lecturer or ask the person next to you- the question might feel silly but it’s better to know for next time! The more questions you ask now, the less confused you’ll be later.

Preparation is KEY. Something that I only really began to exercise in my second year but it made such a difference. Get those little sticky notes and use them to highlight the set texts. Use the online resources to see what you need to do for your upcoming lecture. It is dull- there is no way to dress it up. Take everything in chunks and the load will become lighter. Keep lists, never-ending lists of all the little tasks you need to do. Whether it is google a word, buy a book or write a complete essay then write it down. They don’t remind you of stuff at uni, you gotta keep on top of it for yourself as best you can to break the constant cycle of confusion.

Remember it gets easier. I mean you’ll still be confused but you’ll learn to find solutions quicker. You just have to go for it at university as best you can and laugh about it all later!


Gift Ideas: Autumn Edition

If Autumn is a busy time for birthdays with your friends and family then hopefully this post will help you out! I absolutely LOVE buying presents and gifts for people so I thought it would be a nice idea to do some ‘Autumn themed’ ideas for the upcoming months. I might start doing these seasonally because each one kind of offers different ideas in the whole gifting front- like everything cosy for Autumn! Obviously you know the recipient’s tastes best, so their favourite things and your budget are going to be big influencers in deciding what present to opt for. Keep these two things in mind when having a look through my ideas, you can always add to or change them to fit the person’s tastes to make it more personal!

First up, I wanted to talk about a couple of gift ideas for people you know that are starting university! You don’t have to get them a present but sometimes gifting someone a little something is a nice way to let them know you’re thinking of them. A lovely Letter Writing Set is a great idea and encourages them to keep in contact. It’s always fun to add in a couple of stamps and a little note with your own address on- hint, hint. I would recommend looking Paperchase or, if you wanted personalised or Disney ones, then Papier is a great website. Also wall hangings, photographs and chocolate will all go down well with new students as it will help keep their rooms comfy and their bellies full- two crucial features of student life.


Right, so onto birthdays this Autumn. One great option is the ‘perfect night-in box‘, I LOVE this one and it always goes down a hit. You can tailor this towards their favourite films, so with Halloween you might want to go for Horror, then some of their favourite snacks. You could add in some of their favourite snacks, hot chocolate and a lovely mug or go for facials, bubble bath and fluffy socks. This is a great option for going as big or small as you want! Instead you might want to go for some Autumn fashion accessories, which I know can be risky as a gift, but a big-knit scarf, plum lipstick or a cute bobble hat usually always gets used as the weather gets colder. Autumn is a great time to take up some new hobbies so you could encourage your friend with some books on a specific topic, like knitting, or if they are a Great British Bake-Off enthusiast you might find something in my 5 Gifts for Star Bakers.

Hopefully this has given you some inspiration for gifting throughout Autumn! It can be a tough time to buy because Christmas is so close, but obviously these can be used for then too. I LOVE writing these gift ideas and will definitely have a couple more coming up in the lead up to Christmas- so give this blog a follow if you’re usually the one who opts for socks and gift vouchers… EVERY year.


Shy Girls Guide to: University

September can be a scary time especially if you’re just starting university! I’m about to go into my third year at uni and, honestly, sometimes it feels just as scary as freshers! I am pretty shy and generally a worrier so uni can be SO daunting and overwhelming but if I survived it, then I believe you can too.  I’ve focused on social stuff in this post and probably a little bit towards freshers, but I think the advice is helpful starting any year of university. It’s different for everyone and that is definitely one of the key things to keep in mind. If you’re a little shy or worried then hopefully you can learn something from this little ‘guide’ and it should put your mind at ease. I’m basically just going to chat and put some pointers in bold, I didn’t really want to do this in a classic ‘list’ because there are honestly no set ‘rules’ that work for this- everyone is different.

One of the best things I did at the start of university was making my room a little safe haven. Honestly, I took the time to make sure my room felt safe and pretty, it helped SO much throughout the beginning especially. I took throws, cushions and fairy lights which all helped me settle in. Some people fail to do this and it makes it look very much like a cheap hotel or prison cell tbh, I find it much more comfortable being around a cosy environment. Having this from the beginning, not only gave me something to do during Freshers, but it meant that after lectures or days out going back to my room wasn’t daunting. Try and make it as homely as possible, maybe opting for a sweet room diffuser and photos of home- for when you’re feeling a bit down. It just felt like my little bit of home and I really loved my bedroom during first year, it was comforting and made the entire experience a little less scary.

Next up, remember: you, do you. What I mean by this is don’t feel pressure to go out every night. Don’t even feel pressure to go out for even one night if you don’t want to. You’ll find your people, even if it isn’t necessarily in the first week. Have movie or games nights with your flat, then if they want to go out that’s completely fine. There are SOOO many more things to university than going out every night, so don’t let all that get you down. Everyone has SO much advice for you at university and, if you’re a shy girl, it will be OVERWHELMING. Everyone says you’ll make your friends for life, you’ll find your husband and, one of the weirdest I was told, ‘if you go home in the first three weeks you will end up dropping out’. Seriously, people said that to me. GIRL, let me tell you I went home the Wednesday of Freshers week (against this ‘so called’ research) and now I’m about to start third year. I really wouldn’t listen to people who tell you this complete rubbish, you do what you want to make yourself happy. If I learnt anything as a shy girl at university is that you just have to put your happiness first– so if going home makes you happy, do it, you will still make it.


One thing about being shy at university is that you are constantly tested but that means you are constantly achieving. Remember to celebrate yourself and all the little things you do at university that are a success. Finding that lecture theatre, talking to the girl next to you for the first time, making dinner with someone in your flat or trying a society taster session. You can push yourself as much as you want at uni, it’s all down to you. You’ve got to find a balance for your own sanity- you can’t be pushing yourself constantly because you will drain yourself mentally but you can’t shut yourself in your room for the year either. What I use to do was say one night I would go and do something scary, like I went to a society taster session. Then the next night if I wanted to snuggle up and watch PLL, that was fine. Does that make sense? It was about striving to come out of my shell but without forcing myself to do stuff I didn’t want to do all the time.

Finally, just remember EVERYONE feels the same at some point or another. Some people simply hide it better than others. I remember thinking that everyone back home from school was having the time of their lives and had forgotten me. I thought that everyone else in my flat was living the dream. But, they weren’t. Once I realised this, I felt less alone. This is where The Art of Editing thing comes into play, what people post on social media is not an accurate representation of their entire experience. Hopefully knowing this will make you feel less isolated and you can take comfort in the fact that, like High School Musical taught us, we really are all in this together.

I really hope that this little ramble has helped you or simply given you some comfort. Whether  you’re a fresher or you start your post-grad course next week, I just hope that you remember what you’re feeling is completely understandable. Being shy simply makes all your achievements even greater. You’ll be great. Remember, there is no shame in being shy, homesick or feeling disconnected- you will get there in the end.

If all else fails just remember Christmas will be here soon- let the countdown commence.




5 Things I Learnt from Commuting

My second year of university is pretty much done… except for the final essays! Anyway the regular lectures are over with, which means the end of my commuting days for another year. I only had a 45minute train journey, but sometimes I would change to get closer to home on the way back. It isn’t the most complex journey but it’s still commuting more than living a 5minute walk away on campus. I love all the commuters who are dead serious with their headphones, but also the random ones who give you a smile or ask a question- commuting can also be cute when you recognise the same people! So I thought I’d share a few things I learnt, incase you’re thinking of commuting to uni or work.

1. Be Prepared: Literally, be ready for anything… it can be chaos out there on your own as well! I’m talking delays, cancellations, trains randomly not completing their journeys, the snow, rain or surprising tummy aches that strike from NOWHERE! Suddenly I found myself packing a spare pair of socks, a scarf, paracetamol, plasters and SO many tissues… turns out not necessary. Taking a little first aid kit is actually very practical, especially when the trains can get really hot and busy- I use to feel ROUGH. I probably went over-board but in summary, just be sensible and ready for anything that you might be faced with on your commute.

2. SNACKS are ESSENTIAL: I was surprised how hungry I got when I was a little bored on the train. The mind drifts so easily to Caramel Hot Chocolate, Bacon sandwiches or a Roast Dinner! So either stock up at home or the station, you’re rumbling tummy in the ‘silent’ carriage will thank you for it later!

3. Headphones and FULL BATTERY: I’ve already mentioned that boredom can strike at anytime… usually in the form of hunger. I mean I personally rarely got bored enough to catch-up with Uni work… but that is definitely an option! Headphones and my Apple Music subscription were my commuting ESSENTIALS. For this, I needed my phone so investing in a portable charger was a smart move. It is surprising how quickly the battery goes when you’re listening to music, scrolling instagram and playing on games…

4. Don’t Panic: So you get to the train station and see all the trains are delayed… then it starts raining… UGH. Now don’t worry you will get where you need to be eventually, all will be fine. Wait patiently, look into ALL other options. Check the TrainLine app, Twitter and other platforms for the reason behind the delays and how long they will take. If complete panic sets in then call a parent or someone and they’ll come and get you… hopefully! Just stay calm, you’ll get home.

5. People Watching is ALWAYS fun: I’ve always been VERY nosey, probably why I love reading blogs, so it is not a new lesson to me. I just LOVE people watching. Especially commuters in the morning with ALL kinds of people. You have the business people you’ll begin to recognise, the London day-trippers and the couples going on holiday with their suitcases. One thing I didn’t love about uni was just seeing people my age, the classic students, so I something I loved with commuting was seeing such a range of people. Basically, I’m SO nosey and the commutes really gave my imagination A LOT of stories to go with.. due to my love of people-watching.

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this post about commuting, maybe you’ve learnt something! There are lots of commuters who have been doing it for years, the real pros… hopefully this one little year will help me on this journey to becoming the expert London commuter. I actually really enjoyed it because you just get some alone time with complete peace to simply stare out the window whilst blaring One Direction… bliss! Living so close to London, it is something that will likely be in my future- so it’s probably a good thing that I enjoy it.

What’s your top commuting tip?


What’s in my Uni Bag

Hello, I hope you’ve had a lovely week!

Today’s post is an oldie but a goldie… or at least I think so! These are DEFINITELY up there with some of my favourite videos to watch and posts to read. I’ve never done one myself before, so I’m hoping I can live up to some of the favourites I’ve seen over the years. If you’re reading this and you go to uni then you might enjoy my Uni: Unusual Essentials or this post Tips for Bedroom Decorating! I’m about to start my second week of second year AND I commute which is probably why it might seem like I have quite a bit of stuff! I’ve not included my stationery because I’ve posted about that already which you can see here: Stationery and Superdrug Haul. Here we go:

Accessorize Quentin Shoulder Bag in Burgundy, £40: Picking my bag for the year was TOUGH probably because I over-thought about it… I just couldn’t pick the colour! I love this style though and when I saw it I knew it was perfect because it is big but not huge and has two strap options. It has a few zip pockets, then a large core with a button to keep it all together. It fits everything I need in and the colour is very Christmassy… which is my main reason for choosing it!

FullSizeRender.jpgPictured above: This is my uni bag of choice!

Cosmetics Bag: I find a little bag like this is perfect for collecting all my junk that would usually be all over the bottom of my bag. I keep my portable charger in here which I got from Amazon and the wire I need to connect it to my phone. I keep some lip balm, tissues, paracetamol, a mini body spray and hair scrunchies in there too… like a little emergency kit!

Then I keep a large water bottle in there because although I’m only in uni for 3 days a week, they are LONG days so I end up going through this pretty quickly. I would suggest taking a little emergency purse that keeps some spare change in there which you could use for bus fare or something! I take this small purse and my card holder because I use that all the time, I have mine from Ted Baker but lots of different shops are selling them now. Another essential is headphones which if you have a iPhone 7 then be careful about the ones you take- make sure they fit your phone AND laptop. Oh and a laptop could be crucial for filling  up time in-between lectures too which I take in a case from Cath Kidston but Amazon have lots of options too. Some days I take my Kindle or I just try to read a book from my course- if you want to know more about the advantages and disadvantages of a Kindle you should read this Kindle Paperwhite: Is it worth it?

I hope you enjoyed reading about the different things I take to uni with me! I take some food too but thought that wasn’t exciting enough to include and it changes daily. Hopefully it reminded you about a couple of things you might have forgotten and most of these things would apply to a work bag too.

Let me know if there is anything you think I’m missing! 


Uni: Surviving your First Year

Happy Monday,

For some of you this might have been a very daunting weekend with many students moving away from home for the first time and starting university! SO I’m going to try to give share some tips on how to get through this first year. I’m just about to start my second year so these are taken from personal experience, so they have been tried and tested! This will be the final instalment of my trilogy of uni-related posts including my Uni: Unusual Essentials and more general Uni: Advice. These tips are aimed at Freshers but obviously can still be applied to later years in your studies. Here we go:

  • Make your room homely: This will keep you busy for your first few days at uni and if you take the time to do it right then it will really help reduce homesickness later on. I mean everyone wants their room to be pinterest-worthy BUT you just really need it to feel like home. I would suggest going for LOADS of pictures of your friends, family and fave celebs, fairy lights and fluffy blankets… that is probably the best place to start. When the buzz of starting uni starts to fade and you begin missing home that’s when your room really becomes your little haven so it is definitely worth spending some time making it special.
  • Try and go for it: The key word in this is ‘try’. If you’re like me who doesn’t drink alcohol and worries about EVERYTHING then just give it a go the best you can… that’s the key advice really. I went to a couple of taster society sessions and didn’t really like them BUT the main thing was I gave it a go! I left my door open when I’d rather lock it and have a nap… and honestly these little things meant that I did make friends, had fun and I wasn’t isolated.
  • Treat yourself: If the ‘trying’ doesn’t go to plan then it is okay to binge watch a new netflix series and have a serious lie-in…after all it’s what students do best! You don’t have to be out socialising 24/7 and you’ll soon realise that everyone needs their space. SO have a bit of a pamper session or eat some Ben and Jerry’s- remember to look after yourself first and the rest will follow.
  • Stay on top of your Work: Lectures are probably the least of your worries but just keep an eye on deadlines and turn up on time then you’ll be absolutely fine! You don’t need to do ALL the extra reading in the first year and you don’t need to ace every essay… just keep everything above 40 and you’ll be wonderful! Some people get really stressed out about work but first year is just about the foundations, so just don’t stress.

I hope these very real tips help make your first year a really enjoyable experience! Obviously the main thing is to have fun, so don’t get too hung up on getting a first or having a spotless kitchen… these things happen! The first year ends up going SO quickly so try to savour every moment- the good and bad because it will all make good stories in the end.



Uni: Unusual Essentials

Happy June!

Today’s post is about some of the less traditional essentials that I have found very useful during my first year of university. These are five things that are not the typical pots, pans etc. There are lots of other more official lists online and usually your chosen university will send a list that is specifically tailored to your accommodation. Here they are:

  • Loungewear: This is pretty much the uniform of uni life. You want something a little more socially acceptable than pyjamas but not quite everyday attire. There is A LOT of lounging around at uni with Netflix pretty much being part of the curriculum. I would look in New Look, Primark or on ASOS for baggy jumpers and then either joggers or leggings- then you are good to go!
  • Notecards and Stamps: If you’re into stationery then shopping for this step is dreamy. I loved picking up different writing sets and cards then I would write to people whilst I was at uni. Not only did it give me something to do but it kept me connected with friends at other uni’s too. Another thing to remember under this category is some wrapping paper, you never know when your new friends birthdays will be and sometimes it’s good to have some on-hand just in case they’re soon after you move in.
  • Door stop: I had to borrow one off another flatmate because other people already bought them- it broke the ice! They’re handy at the beginning to make you seem welcoming and inviting- even if you’re not don’t worry by October-ish you can start shutting the door again.
  • Medical supplies: In the weeks before you leave for uni think of the medicinal things you usually ask your mum for and then put them in a little bag! This is the best way of ensuring that you will not be stranded at uni feeling ill. We’re talking things like paracetamol, plasters, flu tablets and tissues etc. just all the little things! Even if you don’t need them its likely other people at uni would have forgotten, so then you can pass them on and break the ice.
  • Your own washer upper: I’m not entirely sure what they’re called but you need your own utensil for your washing up to maximise hygiene. You can share other stuff in the kitchen like washing up liquid but I think having your own ‘cleaning wand/brush’ or something just makes it easier and less gross.

Hopefully these helped you remember some things that you might of forgotten when packing for university! This time of the year you’re just starting to think about it, once exams are out of the way, so hopefully these posts will help get you thinking/ excited!

Best wishes,
