Just Blogging?

Recently, I read a blog post that highlighted the difference between a blogger and someone who is just blogging. I thought that was a really interesting question and something I wanted to delve into deeper in today’s ramblings.

Firstly, I mainly consider myself part of the ‘just blogging’ category. I am simply a university student who enjoys writing and always has something to chat about. I don’t tell anyone in my actual, real life about my blog. I don’t share it on my personal social medias and I definitely don’t ask friends or family to read it! It’s a bit of a weird one and I don’t really know why I feel so secretive about it but I think it is the vulnerability of having people reading your writing that scares me a little bit- although I’m sure they would be supportive really. It is also quite personal to me, it is the place where I can just practice my writing and discuss things that I want to- it’s all me, me, me around here.


Whereas I think ‘Bloggers’ are very absorbed in the blogging world, they love to share their writing and fancy photographs without the fear of criticism. They are the ones that seem to ‘have it all together’. They understand their analytics and use them to their advantage, they use all the right hashtags to bring in the followers and are active across all of social media. They seem more professional with the whole brands and widening opportunities thing…BUT, is there really such a divide in the blogging world?

I think that there is a distinction between these two groups of people and maybe now I’ve raised this point you might see it more within your own blogs and the ones you read. I believe that people can be a mix of both. Maybe I am more in-between than I care to admit? I mean I do promote my blog on an Instagram page (give me a follow!), I stick to my scheduling and use the tags to reach more people. Yet, I have the intentions and the secretiveness of someone who is ‘just blogging’. Does everyone start of as just blogging and aspire to be a blogger? Or are we all bloggers who are just better at it than others?

This just seems like an interesting topic to think about and has definitely given me some food for thought. It isn’t particularly important or ground-breaking but it is just something that I thought was quite interesting to think about. What do you think: are you a blogger, just blogging or somewhere in-between?


Blogging: Favourites VS Popularity

I just wanted to have a little chat today- nothing major. I wanted to share my thoughts on one of the age old questions that seems to come up on social media all the time- should you make content you enjoy or that is going to get you views? It is probably one of the biggest dilemmas that creators face. Obviously I am a simple writer, I just write a few posts a week to about 100 followers- clearly not the same scale of problem as the actual ‘YouTubers’ or proper legit bloggers. Don’t get me wrong there doesn’t have to be a distinct difference between the two and many of my posts fit both of these- like make-up videos or favourites! It’s just that recently I faced this dilemma as I decided to change a blog post which made me delve deeper into this question- should we post our favourites posts or what is going to be popular?

It is still something I have thought about and, at times it has honestly stopped me from writing certain posts. Just because I enjoy writing about something that doesn’t mean that everyone is going to enjoy it. The answer to the problem- like most things- is to find a balance. You need to be writing things that you love and that probably should take the priority, especially for small writers like myself. Then sometimes it can be disheartening if you LOVE a post that receives the smallest interaction- it does make you question, what is the point in sharing it? I could have just written that down in a notebook.


It is probably linked quite closely to, why do you blog or create? Is it to enjoy yourself and delve into your passions or simply to gain a following and make money? For me it has always been the first one, but since I recently decided to change one of my post ideas because I knew it wouldn’t get the same reactions I started to question my own motives. I know that hitting 100 followers is not a big deal and is tiny compared to many people but for me I was buzzing! Have the numbers gone to my head? Is this what social media does to us, constantly forcing us to strive for more and more numbers? In a way that probably is true to a certain extent it just depends how much you allow that to drive your content.

I am in no way saying this is a big problem but I just thought I would share my thoughts on it, because once you are aware of it yourself you begin to see it in other peoples content. You can start to question- do these people actually love this or are they driven by money? The bottom line is that balance is key and I think that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be successful! Just try your best and don’t post anything you don’t believe in is probs what I’m sticking with for now. Let me know your thoughts on this!


5 Places I Find Blogging Inspiration

When you’re writing a blog it can be difficult to find inspiration for content. Keeping to schedule does mean that sometimes you just feel like you ‘have to’ write  a post, so it can be such a challenge to find fresh ideas. Blogging is already a very saturated market, so originality and creativity can sometimes be in short-supply. After completing my first year of blogging, there have of course been times when I have felt this ‘creative block’. That’s why I thought it would be a good idea to share a few of the places that I look for inspiration for creativity and content.

Social Media: There are SO many platforms to choose from. Lots of them are filled with people who are have similar interests to you. These people are great to follow and use their own content to inspire your own. Perhaps a certain ‘tag’ video or a tweet that could instigate a response in a blog post form. Maybe looking through certain Instagram hashtags will give you that fresh perspective that you needed. One of the great things about social media is that the possibilities are endless, there are constantly new trends. Whether you want to be part of the trend or oppose it- you can definitely find inspiration from them.

Pinterest: This is one of the BEST places for me to find inspiration. You can use it in many different ways and there are endless options. I like to use quotes that instigate lots of different ideas and a response- for example my Embracing Our Differences post. I found this cute little quote on Pinterest below and is the perfect little motivational tool, to inspire my writing. These posts can require a little more writing and chattiness, but I think having them a little more personal touch makes them memorable. Not only can you look at quotes but there are lots of DIYs and craft activities that can be fun to try too. Feel free to follow my Pinterest on the right of this page.


Travelling: Bit of a typical one- I know. BUT, hear me out. I am not necessarily talking about backpacking around Asia or going to Australia to ‘find yourself’. I just mean that on the little journeys you take- like your walk to school or train journey to work. Take time to just have a think, no distractions. Just having a little clear of your head and embracing the surroundings. You will probably be surprised how the simplest of activities can help you come up with the most exciting ideas.

Films, Books and Music: These art forms are filled with inspiration. You can go for the simple reviews or favourites including these things. The people in films and that make films are obviously extremely creative, maybe take a look into their career or their inspiration to help find your own. Books and music are obviously so unique and share stories in creative ways, what is more inspiring than creative people? They can be more traditional forms of entertainment but they can still be extremely inspiring when thinking of modern, original content.

Friends and Family: Your family don’t need to be insta-famous to give you blogging inspiration. In fact, my Grandad probably doesn’t even know what Instagram is. That doesn’t matter, the little things they do or say can be all you need to come up with a new blog post idea. It can be something small like a news story they’re sharing with you or maybe a tradition they do that you would like to share with everyone. Friends might be able to help you in a more obvious sense- like a post sharing your favourite activities to do together or your guide to the perfect sleepover. There is definitely blogging inspiration to be found from the people around you.

Hopefully this post has given you some blogging inspiration and given you ideas for where to look. I know some might seem a little obvious or mundane, but if you give the little things a chance I am sure you will be surprised. Sometimes sitting down and expecting a blog post list to just come out simply does not work- inspiration does not always come so simply. There are LOTS of posts on WordPress that share lists of blog post ideas too, but I think the best way to find inspiration is when it comes from yourself- just trust your own ideas.

Happy blogging,
